Stepping on the cross a few times in anger, Feng Yuxiang picked up the telescope again and walked to the observation platform, only to see the smoke and dust rolling in the distance, the extremely rushing army could not see the end at a glance, standing on the city wall can feel the vibration of the earth, and this muffled thunderous vibration sense is becoming stronger and stronger.

Feng Yuxiang's pupils in front of the telescope shrank sharply, and he slightly estimated: "At least a bronze army of more than 500,000... From the direction of Lishan, it is still a cold weapon unit, could it be..."

Thinking of this, Feng Yuxiang's heart jumped wildly, and he carefully looked into the distance: "Chariot!" It is clearly a special branch of the military from the Spring and Autumn Warring States period to the Qin Dynasty. "

The "History" reads: "Lead 300 chariots, 3,000 tigers, and 45,000 warriors, and cut down to the east." "

It is said that King Wu of Zhou conquered Yin Shang and successfully defeated King Yin with three hundred chariots as the main force, establishing the Western Zhou Dynasty.

In ancient times, battlefield battles often relied on strength to fight, and the courage of soldiers became the key element of battlefield victory.

The emergence of the chariot combat method can be called an eternal change, and people in the past are fighting with flesh and blood, and suddenly seeing such a huge chariot will definitely be terrified.

Spring and Autumn Warring States, the standard for measuring a country's strength is not comprehensive national strength, nor territory and population, but the size of the army and the number of troops as the standard, that is, the so-called "country of a thousand multiplications" and "country of ten thousand multiplications" is the so-called number of combat vehicles.

'The six armies of the Son of Heaven, each army is a thousand times, a total of six thousand multiplications, three armies of a great country, two armies of the Celestial Empire, and one army of a small country, the more chariots, the stronger the country.

The chariot is often charged by three warriors, in a horizontal row, two people on the left and right with spears, responsible for the attack, the middle person is responsible for driving, and behind each chariot is followed by pawns ranging from 25 to 78 people.

Therefore, the strength of the country of a thousand multiplications should be 28,000-78,000 people, and the strength of the country of ten thousand multiplications should be 280,000-780,000 people.

The Spring and Autumn Warring States have five thousand-multiplication countries, seven thousand-multiplication countries, that is, the seven countries that still stood in the land of Zhuxia at the end of the last Warring States, and Han is a country of ten thousand multiplications even if it is weak.

It's just that the chariot has disappeared in the river of time since Qin.

In the Daqin world, during the Warring States period, the chariot gradually disappeared, and by the time the government came, the chariot had basically disappeared into the armies of various countries.

After the Qin State unified the world, it still retained a large number of chariot troops, but the chariot was not the only type of attacking troops.

One by one, strange thoughts appeared in Feng Yuxiang's mind: "Could it be that these two foreign devils dug up the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and dug up Qin Shi Huang and the Qin Dynasty army?" These two dog days! "

Feeling the shaking under his feet becoming more and more violent, Feng Yuxiang's face became more and more solemn, and the bronze army in the telescope became clearer and clearer, and the first thing he saw clearly was the black dragon flag, which was fiercely displayed in the strong wind.

In the front are tens of thousands of chariots, bronze chariots of meters, about two meters wide, in some places it seems that copper chips have not yet fallen, and the parts where copper chips have fallen off radiate gold under the reflection of sunlight.

There were three people on each chariot, and the blood of how many people were stained on the long ge of one person.

The entire army, except for the boom of stepping on a mine, there was no other sound, the next moment, the entire army listened to it thousands of meters outside Xi'an City, and the entire army stopped as a whole, and this terrifying order forbidden surprised Feng Yuxiang.

As the warlord leader of the Northwest Warlords, he understood that such a forbidden army was the dream of any warlord, but no warlord had such an army.

"Great handsome! The artillery regiments were ready, the artillery was all set up. "

The adjutant walked to Feng Yuxiang's ear and whispered.

"Very good!"

Feng Yuxiang's heart was a little calmer, the cannon was in hand, even if all of you were cast in bronze, it would blast you into bronze slag!

Immediately afterwards, Feng Yuxiang saw a person and a horse in the telescope leaving the military formation, missing a glance at the army on the guard in Xi'an City, opening his mouth and roaring, resounding in a radius of ten miles: "I!" It is the general of the Great Qin Empire Meng Tian! "


Feng Yuxiang only felt a rumble in his ears, and he was almost shocked by this deafening sound and fell from the observation platform, but fortunately, the adjutant next to him quickly supported him.

"MD, it was really dug up by the foreign devils, these two foreign devils seem to be fierce and less lucky, Lao Tzu wants to cut them by a thousand cuts, there is no chance..."

"Ben! In the name of Your Majesty, recover the land of summer! "

"The land of summer, the left side of the hair, the money rat's tail, the heavenly dynasty is gone! The people of the summers were actually bent to the knees and became slaves, and His Majesty was very angry. "

"From the rise of Great Qin, the countries of Zhuxia, Great Qin annihilated Xirong, the Jin State destroyed Rong Di, Qi destroyed Laiyi, the Yan State broke the Xiongnu, Han destroyed Baiyue, Chu destroyed Nanban, although the countries were destroyed at the hands of Great Qin, but there has never been such a humiliating thing."

"Wait! Living in the land of the summers, you actually allowed the white-skinned barbarians to wreak havoc on the summers and oppress the people of the summers, and would have wanted to kill such useless and bloodless people as you. "

"Ran! His Majesty has mercy on Er and others, saying that the people of Zhuxia have been oppressed for a long time, and in the final analysis, it is the scourge of the Manchu barbarians, and they have lost the bloody nature of Daqin, and they do not want to start a war in the land of Zhuxia. "

"Drop! Live! "

"Fight! Fight and wait for surrender! "

The adjutant sneered: "The army two thousand years ago also dared to shout in front of the marshal, it was really a pig's nose with garlic, didn't he know that two thousand years have passed, and the times have changed?" Big handsome, since they are all within range, bomb his mother! "

Feng Yuxiang ignored the adjutant, in the telescope he saw the bronze Meng Tian bending bow and arrow, seeing this scene, the corner of Feng Yuxiang's eyes jumped, and an incredible thought rose in his heart: "Does he think that he can shoot here with a bow and arrow across a thousand meters?" "

Although he thought so, the uneasiness in Feng Yuxiang's heart became stronger and stronger, and the next moment, Feng Yuxiang's face changed wildly, and he roared: "Lie down!" "

In an instant, the bronze Meng Tian pulled his bow and shot an arrow, and the moment he drew his bow, the vitality essence visible to the naked eye condensed, condensing into three bronze-colored arrows on his bowstring.



The arrows disappeared instantly, leaving a deafening sonic boom in the air, leaving a spatial passage with three holes that penetrated thousands of meters, and behind the three arrows dragged hundreds of meters of flame tails, like three fire dragons roaring up to the sky, rushing straight towards Xi'an City. _

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