"It's a pity that the position is different, His Majesty's order must not be violated, otherwise you can meet him."

Li Cunxiao sighed.

Sword Saint and GOD are both people who are dedicated to the Dao, and anything except Martial Dao is a grass mustard for them.

Such people, there are in every world, if nothing else, can climb to the peak of the world.

Good and evil aside, they are pure.

"I've waited for decades, and finally I have waited for such a master! Come and fight me! "

Li Cunxiao was silent for a moment: "You make a move." "


The sword was in the air, a knife came out, the volcano erupted suddenly, and everything that had been expected for decades was condensed in this knife.

In the next instant, the sword saint spanned a distance of several miles, and in front of him, a sword light hundreds of feet long slashed towards Li Cunxiao with a brutal and violent and fierce posture that cut everything sharply, with a killing intent condensed into substance.

The space buzzed and vibrate, and where the knife qi swept by, the space shattered like glass, and the next moment, the broken space was immediately repaired.

"Is this the Sword Saint?"

"It was once said that a sword saint could level a mountain, and I believed it."

All those who looked at the sky saw the sword of the sword saint, and they were dazzled for a while, and they were fascinated,

"If I can learn the Sword Saint Hundred One, why worry that I can't make meritorious achievements."

"With the Sword Saint here, there is no need to worry about everything, that person is definitely not the opponent of the Sword Saint."

Faced with this fierce and fierce sword, Li Cunxiao shook his head and smiled: "That's it, let you die in the way of a pure martial artist." "


Li Cunxiao stepped on his feet.


The firmament swayed, the clouds stirred, and the sky became clear.

And with Li Cunxiao's feet as the center, ripples of space quickly stirred in all directions.


In such a movement, Yu Wang Qiao was like an angry dragon coming out of the abyss, roaring into the sky, and rushed directly into the rolling knife light.


The space seemed to stand still for a moment, and the ripples of the extermination cruel sword light and the domineering angry dragon colliding together seemed to solidify.


The shock wave burst out, and a mushroom cloud like a mountain rose up, shrouding the two of them in it.


The next moment, a figure fell like a meteor in the horrified eyes of countless people, falling in the palace, smashing a large area of buildings to pieces.

Suddenly, someone panicked, "Mt. Fuji... Collapsed!

Some people faintly saw the 80-kilometer Mount Shi collapse, huge peaks and boulders tumbling down, and the shaking could be felt even in Tokyo.

Mt. Fuji is the spirit of Yagi Country, and at this moment, the collapse of Mt. Fuji is far less shocking than everything he gave them.

Knowing that at this time, the phantom of the angry dragon turned into by Yuwang Gong slowly dissipated, but they could still see that this angry dragon stretched for tens of kilometers, and Li Cunxiao was in Tokyo, and he actually destroyed Mount Fuji 80 kilometers away with one blow.


The Sword Saint in the ruins soared into the air, looked at Li Cunxiao, and said softly: "Thank you, Your Excellency, for leaving me with half a column of incense." "

He now understood that Li Cunxiao was a comparable opponent, clearly far stronger than him, and one finger could crush his existence.

"It's just a pity."

The sword saint sighed in his heart, at that moment, he seemed to feel the door of another realm, but feeling did not mean that he could touch, he could cross, and it seemed that there was still a line left.

He may never know that that is the limit set by the will of this realm of Heavenly Dao, and no one can cross it.

This line is the gap set by the will of Heaven's Dao.

Li Cunxiao glanced at him and said lightly: "You go." "

He did leave the life of the Sword Saint, allowing him to see the scenery in front of the martial arts and have time to reminisce.

The sword saint is just a martial arts heavenly and human realm, and Li Cunxiao has reached the realm of the realm, the two are also separated by the shattered realm, the law phase realm, and go all out, the world can beat the sword saint with no hair left, if it is not for the hand, the sword saint will not be able to leave the whole corpse.

The sword saint took a deep look at Li Cunxiao, and his body was like a castle on the beach, turning into flying ash and disappearing into the sky.

Tokyo froze from top to bottom, some shivered in fear, some knelt down in fear and shouted the gods, some lost their minds in fear, roared at the sky, and wanted to fight with Li Cunxiao.

Even with the army assembled by the Yagi Kingdom, at this moment, the morale of most people plummeted and they were terrified.

The proud fleet of Yagi Country was destroyed by this god-like man, and their holy place, Mt. Fuji, was destroyed by this god-like man eighty kilometers away.

Such a celestial god, what do they take as enemies?

War fanatic Yoshiichi Tanaka turned his head dumbfounded, looked at Emperor Taisho, and said abruptly: "Your Majesty the Emperor, what should we do?" "

Emperor Taisho closed his eyes: "We have no way to turn back, order, either he dies or I die!" "

The order was given, and the fighter group began to act.

"Immediately enter the designated battle position!"





"For the Yagi Empire!"

"Long live the Yagi Empire!"

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Long live the Yamato nation!"

Li Cunxiao stepped on the void, looked at the dense black shadows that came from like dark clouds, and laughed lowly: "Strange and weak iron bird." "

Hundreds of fighters rushed away like dark clouds, and then quickly dispersed, trying to surround Li Cunxiao and bombard him to death.

Fighter jets first appeared on the battlefield seven years ago, and were mainly responsible for auxiliary tasks such as reconnaissance, transportation, and correction of artillery.

In wartime, when pilots of opposing sides meet, they often use a variety of weapons to attack each other, such as pistols, stones, etc., in an attempt to kill the pilots of the opposing side.

In the years that followed, the machine gun synchronizing device appeared, which allowed the bullet of the machine gun to fire in the gap between the rotating propellers, and the pilot did not have to worry about the danger of the bullet hitting the propeller.

So the fighters of this era are not very firepower, they are only able to occupy airspace, and they are very flexible, and only they can cope with the flying enemy.

The army's most powerful weapon, tanks, has no way to face the enemy in the sky, only a few weapons can attack the enemy in the sky, and as for the navy, it can't control the enemy on land.


The over-range cannons equipped in Tokyo rumbled and fired, and these over-range running ranges exceeded ten kilometers, and could even reach 100 kilometers, and in an instant, hundreds of shells poured out. _

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