Boom, boom, boom!

In an instant, the space where Li Cunxiao was located was all ignited by artillery fire, countless shells, and bullets screamed to cover him.

With such a level of firepower, even Mt. Fuji would be cut off.

Li Cunxiao said slowly: "Interesting desperate..."

His voice was indifferent, but it sounded in the ears of everyone in a hundred miles, and in an instant, an invisible fluctuation spread out from his body in a circle, almost in a hundredth of a second, this invisible fluctuation shrouded a radius of more than ten kilometers, this era of Tokyo is not large, such a range, enough to include the entire three million people in Tokyo.

Li Cunxiao's field!

In his realm world, he is a god-like being, and can even change the specific jurisprudence and rules of a world, he can change the jurisprudence of water to hot, he can burn people, he can set the jurisprudence of fire to cold, can freeze people.

"My domain world, half of the people died immediately... Except for the Emperor..."

Li Cunxiao said to himself, his words followed, and his eyes were extinct, and the three million people shrouded in his domain, whether it was Emperor Taisho, Prime Minister Hara Kei, or Hideki Tojo, an army staff officer, or some nobles, rich merchants, and commoners, all felt a creepy horror that almost froze their souls and bodies, and in this great terror, they felt nothing but death or despair.

"I'm going to die!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Who will save me!"

But this feeling did not last even a second, Emperor Taisho, Prime Minister Hara Kei and others felt like they had run 100,000 meters, exhausted their whole body strength, their clothes were soaked with sweat, the cold wind blew, shivered, and sat on the ground with one butt.

In less than a second, Li Cunxiao's will to exterminate spread throughout the entire field.

"Just... Just... Just... It just happened... Finish...... What..."

Emperor Taisho looked at Prime Minister Hara Kei with dull eyes, and his tone was hesitant.

Hara tried to twitch his face, but he was already more mournful than his heart died, and his tone did not fluctuate: "Your Majesty the Emperor, perhaps we have made the most wrong decision, and this decision will drag our Yamato nation into the boundless abyss. "

Emperor Taisho turned his head mechanically to look around, only to see that Yoshiichi Tanaka, who had been fine in the last second, and Yuzaburo Kato had been killed, and there was no sound.

They still maintained their original posture, looking at the sky, but there was no trace of radiance in their eyes, their bodies were intact, and their souls had been destroyed.

Everywhere Emperor Taisho looked, half of the people were killed in this way, and they all maintained their posture as if they were sculptures one after another.

In the sky, the fighter who lost its pilot, the ground collided with a cloud of sparks.

This kind of dream-like, hell-like weird scene made Taisho go crazy, he wanted to cry, couldn't cry, wanted to shout, couldn't shout, just stayed like a wooden chicken, and his mind rumbled blank.

All the people of the Yagi Kingdom who saw this scene were shocked.

Silently, without any earth-shattering situation, let ordinary people die strangely, what a mysterious and unfathomable means?

Where is this God's means.

This is the magic trick.

Li Cunxiao looked at the fighters who rushed over, and saw that there seemed to be a pair of invisible big hands on the fighter, only to hear the fuselage of the fighter distorted, making a tooth-biting sound, and the hand began to deform and twist at will, and half of the lucky survivors were directly squeezed into flesh and blood.

"Amaterasu! Why don't you bless my Yamato nation..."

Emperor Taisho watched as all the fighters in the sky were twisted into steel twists, and all the cannons that were firing were also twisted into steel balls, crying, and his eyes flowed not tears but blood.

The void seemed to have a staircase, Li Cunxiao stepped down, standing ten meters above the Taisho Emperor, and an indifferent and emotionless voice sounded: "I am Li Cunxiao of the Great Qin Empire, ordered by His Majesty, to bring the puppet emperor of the Baqi Kingdom to kneel to His Majesty." "

He knew that according to the course of history, if it was about the killings set off in the summers, this island country was the most prosperous, so he naturally disliked the so-called island country very much, but it was too cheap to kill them, and this race only deserved to live forever as a slave.

Great Qin Empire?

Emperor Taisho looked at Li Cunxiao stunned, but Li Cunxiao did not ask for his opinion, but informed him, said it, and directly grabbed the others and floated away.

Leaving behind the devastated Tokyo, Mt. Fuji fell, three million people died 1.5 million, today's war, let them know that there are really gods in this world, so they pray to the gods to worship the Buddha, anyway, there are eight million gods in their mythology, worship casually.

But what they didn't know was that even if there were so-called eight million gods, it was estimated that they would be slaughtered in the face of Daqin.

Within this day, something that shook the world sounded.

Ten things that shook the world, to be exact.

First of all, what happened in the land that was once a semi-colony, and the first emperor and empire to rule that land two thousand years ago reappeared in that land.

Almost all people, forces, and countries who heard this news seemed to be listening to a joke.

Two thousand years, the bones have turned to ashes, and can they be resurrected? Is this a myth?

But then, some people began to believe, blurry black-and-white photos spread around the world at a very fast speed, showing a huge bronze army, and then Feng Yuxiang's electrification of the whole country almost confirmed this matter.

Behind most of the warlords large and small in the country, there are great powers, and when the warlords are electrified, the powerhouses are indirectly electrified.

It's just that although I began to believe in this matter, the warlords almost scoffed, what about you being an emperor of the ages? What about the Great Qin that swept through the summers?

Times have changed.

Now is the era of thermal weapons, where can the rapid development of weapons be imagined by Daqin two thousand years ago?

No matter how powerful your first emperor is, and no matter how forbidden your Great Qin army is, it is difficult for a woman to cook without rice.

Lao Tzu's cannon can raze your army to the ground ten miles and twenty miles away, cold weapon? Can it attack a target from a thousand meters away?

Two thousand years, why is it just a gap of an era?

Two thousand years ago, you were an emperor of the ages, and now although Lao Tzu is just a warlord, he can beat you into a dog.

Feng Yuxiang, this waste, there are tens of thousands of guns under his hands actually surrendered, waste one, Laozi is not waste! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - bookmark, recommend, share! ��·3)

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