But after a few hours, they couldn't laugh and could only stare at the black-and-white photo in their hands and the message that had been delivered to their ears within two hours.

First, two-thirds of the fleet of the Yagi Kingdom was destroyed by a man who called himself Li Cunxiao of the Great Qin Empire, and the news of the total destruction of Mt. Fuji and the air force of the Yagi Kingdom came out, half of the more than three million people in the entire Tokyo were killed, and the Emperor of the Yagi Kingdom was captured.

And all this came from the hands of one person, that is, the person who was known as Li Cunxiao of the Great Qin Empire.

Before the people with a heart could question it, a message and photo shocked them.

After the Yagi Kingdom, the fleet of the Sun Never Set Kingdom was all destroyed, the air force was all destroyed, the high-level was almost dead, and the news that Queen Elizabeth II was captured was all from the hands of Wang Yi of the Great Qin Empire.

Immediately followed by the news that most of Dezhiguo's army was killed and wounded, the air force was completely destroyed, and Wilhelm II and the party leader and head of state were captured, it was Chen Qingzhi of the Great Qin Empire who did all this.

Without giving them any time to react, the president of the White Eagle, the president of the French country, the king of Belgium, the emperor of Hungary, the leader of the Italian party Mussolini, and the white bear Stalin were all captured, and the Yagi country, the sun never set, and the Tokushi country, their army strength was all suffered heavy losses.

The emperors, kings, and heads of their own country were taken away, and naturally they had to resist with all their might, but the results were similar without exception, and they could not stop the group of people who called themselves the Great Qin Empire, who were driven straight in by them, and watched them capture the emperor, king, and head of state.

For a time, the whole world was in an uproar, with the power of one person against a country, it is still the degree of crushing, such a power, is it really something that people can have?

And these people all belong to the Great Qin Empire two thousand years ago, so how terrifying should this Great Qin Empire be?

There are also people who see that all the countries that have been retaliated against are all countries that have huge interests in that land and have wantonly oppressed that land in the previous decades.

The whole world is panicking.

Not only the great powers, but all countries did not dare to approach this ancient land.

Some people have a keen sense that the world will change drastically, and an unprecedented hegemon may rule the world.

And now, no warlord would suspect that Feng Yuxiang had telegraphed the whole country.

Within ten days, a decision must be made whether to bow its head to the Great Qin Empire or be destroyed in ten days.

The great powers can't fight against the people sent by the Great Qin Empire with the strength of one country, let alone just occupy one place?

Ancient love on the riverside, red lights and drunkenness, ten miles of ocean fireworks, clouds meeting the beach.

The magic capital is the most prosperous city in this ancient land, ten miles of scenes, bright and green, and it is also one of the most complex places.

"After two thousand years, the Great Qin Empire ruled by the First Emperor of the Ages, Qin Shi Huang, has reappeared in the world, how should we choose? Is it to welcome the arrival of the Great Qin Empire or to reject the rule of the Great Qin Empire? ——— Declaration

"What an exciting thing it is for Li Cunxiao of the Great Qin Empire to cross the East China Sea, destroy the Yagi fleet, flatten Mount Fuji, kill the Yagi people, and capture the Yagi Emperor! I, Zhuxia, have been bullied for decades, and finally want to stand up? This ancient emperor two thousand years ago can lead us to the top of the world again? ———National Salvation Daily"

"Do we really need the empire of two thousand years ago? No matter how powerful Daqin is, it is still a decaying, feudal power, what we need is the power of progress, the power of the republic, what we need is the rebirth of this land, not the decay of resurrection from the old! - Xinmin Pao"

"Hurry! Quick! The sun never sets, Dezhi, Baqi, White Eagle, Fasi, Billy, Hungary, Illy, White Bear The kings, emperors, presidents, and heads of state of the nine kingdoms were all captured by the Great Qin Empire, and the great powers bullied me for decades, seized my wealth, occupied my land, and finally received retribution! - "Duo Sheng"

"New news! New news! After confirmation, the first emperor of the Great Qin Empire ordered Feng Yuxiang to electrify the whole country, the leader of the Anhui warlords, Duan Qirui, the direct warlord leaders Cao Kun and Wu Peifu, and the leaders of the Feng-line warlords Zhang Zuolin and Zhang Zongchang. "

"Yan Xishan, the warlord of Jin Province, Chen Jiongming, the warlord of Guangdong Province, Ma Bufang and Ma Buqing, the warlords of Qingzhou Province, Ma Hongkui and Ma Hongbin, the warlord of Ning Province, Sheng Shicai, the warlord of Xinzhou, Sun Chuanfang, the warlord of Zhejiang Province, and Li Zongren, the warlord of Gui Province, have all received electricity. Is it to become part of the Great Qin Empire? Or resistance? - "Truth or Truth"

Not only Modu, Jinmen, Beiping, Yingtian, and Xiangjiang, whether they are well-known local newspapers or national newspapers, are reporting news related to the Great Qin Empire.

Countless well-known people have published their opinions in newspapers.

On this day, if there were no reports related to the Great Qin Empire in the newspapers, people would not look at them.

However, no matter what views the people of the summers have on the return of the Great Qin Empire and the possible unification of the summers again, whether they are against or in favor, they are all raising their eyebrows.

"A doomsday emperor is rising on that land, the great empire that never sets has been tragically waterlooted, the navy has been wiped out, the top political axe has been killed and wounded, the queen has been captured, and the sun has not set after all, can not resist the end? - The Times"

"Is it a god or a demon? For the White Eagle Country it is a demon, for them it is a god, the president has been captured, our army has no resistance at all, our weapons are like toys in front of that god-like man, where should we go in the face of that empire two thousand years ago? —The New York Times"

"One man against the country? Is this reality, or is it a myth? You may scoff, but this is indeed the reality, the great Franco-Spanish empire, whose enemy is only one, yes, only one, has captured the president before the eyes of our huge army - Le Figaro"

"Two thousand years ago, our ancestor Xiongnu were forced to move west because of the strength of the Han Empire on that land, and now, they have to face the Qin Empire, which is stronger than the Han Empire? - The Times"

The domestic rejoicing, but the foreign powers were terrified, and all kinds of circumstances showed that the empire of two thousand years ago was too powerful for them to resist.

The world shook, but at this time, the heads of state of the nine countries, kings, emperors, and presidents had all come outside Xianyang City. _

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