White Eagle Country, Yellowstone Park, a group of people came here, this group of people are all high-ranking people in the White Eagle Country.

A vice president, a head of the Senate, a president of the House of Representatives plus the secretary of the state of martial arts, except for the president who was arrested, these four people are the most powerful people in the White Eagle Country.

"You're coming?"

A faint sound seemed to pour directly into the minds of the four people from the clouds, and then, in their field of vision, the entire Yellowstone Park fell into boundless darkness, to be precise, it was not in boundless darkness, but the light of the entire Yellowstone Park was all condensed in one place, and then the light quickly condensed into a figure.

That figure seemed to be illusory, majestic, solemn, exuding a brilliant brilliance, condensed but not emitted, the entire Yellowstone Park was dark, only his figure exuded some brilliance, but that brilliance only surrounded him.

The facial features of this figure seem to be shaped by the creator god himself, handsome and not like a person, the body and limbs seem to follow the most perfect curves, beautiful and full of boundless power.

Seeing this figure, the four of them bowed their heads in unison and saluted respectfully: "President Washington." "

This person turned out to be the first president of the White Eagle Country, and he was actually alive and well when he should have died one hundred and twenty-two years ago.

The figure looked indifferent: "Washington is just my pseudonym, my name is Mercury." "

The four looked at each other and said in unison: "President Mercury." "

Mercury glanced at the four people, five fingers and one finger, an invisible fluctuation immediately enveloped the four people, his eyes immediately scattered, and he seemed to lose consciousness.

Mercury closed his eyes slightly, closing his eyes to feel the memories of the four:

"Victory ... Qin Shi Huang... The Great Qin Empire... The empire that had been buried for two thousand years actually descended on that land again? Interesting, interesting..."

"One man against the country? Although this world is very backward, it can ignore these weapons, and its strength is not weak..."

In an instant, Mercury finished reading the memories of the four people, withdrew his arm, and the four people who were reading the memories woke up like a dream, their eyes suddenly opened, and their eyes looked at Mercury in horror.

Just now, they felt an invincible will savagely invade their minds, their souls were so weak and helpless compared to that will, they could only be weakly squeezed aside and watch that will read their memories.

Mercury smiled, but the depths of his eyes were indifferent and ruthless for thousands of years: "I just read a little of your memory, rest assured, it will not damage your body and soul." "

Saying lightly, no longer paying attention to the panic of the four, he flicked his fingers and said to himself with interest:

"I didn't expect that there are still things in this world, ignoring all your weapons, the strength of these people is probably close to the lord, I don't know the so-called main strength of the government?"

"Although the White Eagle Country is a country that I built casually and is my toy, how can my toys be stretched out by others?"

The vice president forced down his fear of Mercury and hurriedly said: "President Mercury, now the whole world is panicking, they took away our president's reason to make the president bow down to that devil, how can the president of the great White Eagle country kneel to a devil, it will be our shame." "

"To let an empire that has been buried for two thousand years rule the world again, this is not only a shame for the White Eagle Country, but a shame for all countries in the world."

"Therefore, for the sake of the great White Eagle Country, please also make sure to strike and kill this devil."

Saying that, the vice president knelt on the ground, the head of the Senate, the president of the House of Representatives, and the secretary of state also knelt on the ground, for now, only the mysterious Washington ... President Mercury is their only hope.

The rulers of each generation of the White Eagle Country, only a few people know that the first president of the White Eagle Country did not die, and the first president of this White Eagle Country is as legendary as the gods and demons.

Mercury said slowly: "I am very interested in this re-coming Great Qin Empire, even if I don't have your request, I plan to take a look... My toys, no one can move except me, the so-called emperor of the ages dares to move, so he will break his hand, no, it is not enough to break his hand, he will break his legs and kneel in front of me. "


Sian...... It was now Xianyang, and outside Xianyang City, the king of the Sun Never Sets Country, the Emperor of the Yagi Kingdom, the Emperor of Austria-Hungary and other heads of state of the nine countries all fell to their knees in humiliation and crept forward.

What is even more humiliating is that they are like monkeys being watched, in addition to the local people in Xianyang pointing like monkeys, there are newspapers everywhere, and even journalists from all over the world, don't think about it, it won't be long before the "glorious deeds" of the nine of them will spread throughout the world, and at that time, it will not only be their shame, but also the shame of their country.

No one dared to save them, and there were already people who tried to save them before, and they died before they could do it.

Climbing from outside Xianyang City to the front of the Heavenly Palace, they climbed for most of the day, their palms and knees had all been worn out, revealing the white bones of Sensen, but no one had any mercy on them.

At this moment, the eastern sky dome was like a shooting star, and it arrived in Xianyang in the blink of an eye.


"What man!"

The momentum of the comer was extremely huge, and the heavenly dome seemed to be split in two by him, Li Cunxiao and the others froze, looking at the comer, their muscles tightened, and in an instant, they could burst out the greatest power.

Being able to make them so vigilant shows the strength of the comer.

The figure stopped, the light dissipated, and Li Cunxiao's pupils shrank sharply, it was a person with a perfect body, limbs, and facial features, and his eyes seemed to contain the illusion of stars.

Where he stood, the void was slightly distorted, as if he might disappear into the void at any time, and it seemed that he had just descended from fantasy to reality, both illusory and real.

Precisely Mercury.

Person! Very strong!

Although I don't know who Mercury is, whether it is Li Cunxiao, who is the strongest, or Huo Qubing, Dugu Seeking Defeat, Wang Chu, Meng Xiao, Chen Qingzhi and others, they all feel the oppression on his body like a sacred mountain pouring, and this pressure is even more than the feeling when facing the government.

When Ying Zheng faced them, he was constricted, and this person unscrupulously released his momentum in the face of them. _

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