The gazes of countless summers fell on Mercury, and their eyes were shocked and horrified.

Each of these eight is the existence of a one-person enemy country, but they can't defeat this person together, and they haven't even caused him the slightest harm, could it be that Zhu Xia is about to stand at the top of the world and fall to the bottom?

Feng Yuxiang was also aware of the grim situation in front of him, and his face was extremely ugly.

Now he is bound to Daqin, both prosperous and damaged, and if Daqin loses, it will be his death.

Can the First Emperor defeat this man?

Hundreds of thousands of people did not dare to say a word, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, even if they were ordinary people, they could feel Mercury's invincibility.

"Lord Mercury is mighty!"

"Lord Mercury is mighty!"

The reporters of the countries were immediately excited, their expressions were frenzied, ignoring the angry eyes of countless people, and issued hoarse shouts.

At the same time, in the depths of the starry sky, Ying Zheng stood here, staring at the four small swords that were only one finger long in his hand, snapping his fingers, the four small swords flew out, and the next moment, a cyan light penetrated the starry river, spilling hundreds of millions, the sharp qi was pervasive, and a cyan sword light fell in a posture like a heavenly god, piercing an uninhabited planet.

This sacred mountain-like monumental sword pierced the planet, and the blade was exposed from below the planet.


It's the Immortal Sword!

One after another, the breath of hundreds of millions of broken is endlessly stirring.

The next moment, another red glow tore through the void and was directly inserted into another star, and the red light spilled into the Milky Way.

This is a red giant sword, permeating this terrifying and ancient aura.

There are also two big characters on it.

"Trap Immortal!"

Rumble! Rumble!

Two more immortal swords fell, one was the white Immortal Sword, and the other was the black Immortal Sword.


The four swords are located in the southeast, southwest, and northwest, and the sword qi crisscrosses and crisscrosses, covering the small half of the galaxy, and the sword intent is thin enough to tear any existence in the galaxy.

Four Immortal Swords!

The combination of four swords can arrange the first killing formation of the heavens, the Immortal Sword Array, its sharpness and power are unstoppable, and it is said that the Lord of the Tongtian Sect of the Feng Shen World once used this object to defeat the four saints, which shows the horror of the Immortal Sword Array.

These four swords were just drawn by Ying Zheng, and the four swords of the Immortals can tear the planet apart with a single sword qi at will, so he can't wait to come to the depths of the galaxy where there are no creatures to experiment.

Ying Zheng casually fingered.


The sword qi hole pierced through hundreds of planets and tore half of them. The machine is endless, shaking the world.


The blue and red hundred black sword qi was intertwined, and the vast void was empty, and everything in the Immortal Sword Array was destroyed, turning into a terrifying destructive force, as if this place had been dissolved and wanted to re-establish heaven and earth.

The killing intent was so fierce that it was like the gate of purgatory opened, the fierce gods and ghosts all rushed out, the rolling sword qi pierced the sky and the earth, and countless planets were torn apart.

Seeing this scene, Chief Huan exhaled: "It is worthy of being the four swords of the Immortals, and it is worthy of being an imperial weapon." "

[The Four Swords of the Immortals: Immortal, Immortal, Immortal, Immortal, Immortal Killing, Immortal]

[From the Heaven Covering World, forged by Lingbao Tianzun]

Although this Immortal Four Sword is not a real Immortal Four Sword, it is also extremely terrifying.

The sword qi rolls, the galaxy collapses, the big star falls, there is nothing to stop under the Immortal Sword Array, the sword qi is all over the sky, and there is no boundary.

"Huh? Kun died? Is there anyone in this world who can kill Kun? "

When the news of Kun's resurrection in the God Sealing List came, Huan Zheng raised his eyebrows, five fingers, and the four swords of the Immortal suddenly shrank and disappeared into the galaxy.


Mercury hadn't taken a few steps, suddenly seemed to notice something, looked at the sky dome, his eyes flickered, and smiled gently: "Is it finally here?" "

Before a word fell, a strong and domineering momentum rushed like a tsunami, as if it wanted to cut through the heavens, cover the sky, and shake the mighty power of the ancient and the present.


Mercury's smile immediately disappeared, and his face became a little more solemn: "Interesting, interesting, it seems that this so-called Qin Shi Huang is not weak, I don't know how many tricks can I have with me?" "

At this time, an unknown voice sounded: "You killed Kun?" "

Mercury's eyes narrowed slightly, this sound was like a falling cloud, like the sound of heaven's way, everywhere, like a heavenly bell, once rung, the distant bell transmitted to all parts of the world.

Ten miles, a hundred miles, thousands of miles, thousands of miles.

In an instant, this sound was transmitted to the entire summer, like a scorching sun, where the sound was transmitted, sweeping away all the snow and haze, a peaceful breath quietly spread to everyone's hearts, and the hearts of all those who were terrified suddenly calmed down.


The sky suddenly thundered, and the will of the Heavenly Dao seemed to be afraid of the owner of this voice.

The void rippled out, invading the surroundings, and then turned into a void portal.

Then, Yue Zheng stepped out of the Void Gate.

Mercury looked at Yingzheng, his figure was tall, his breath was as high as the sky, as wide as a river of stars, and his eyes were deep and condensed, as if there was reincarnation immersed in it.

Mercury's face was slightly solemn, and there was also a joy in his eyes: "Interesting, did you live for two thousand years or died and resurrected two thousand years ago?" If I live for two thousand years, can I live two thousand years if I get this secret? "

After all, his lifespan is only one thousand years, and if he can live for two thousand years, it is also a great temptation for him.

Ying Zheng glanced at the seriously injured Li Cunxiao and the others, his gaze fell on Mercury, and he said expressionlessly: "It's you... Looking for Xuan? "

"In this world for more than a hundred years, there is finally an interesting opponent." Mercury said slowly.

Huan Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said lightly: "Do you know how to write dead characters?" "

"Dead word?"

Mercury laughed, and then said with a sly smile: "Maybe I can tell you how to write dead words!" "

"There are always people in the world who don't know how to write dead words." Ying Zheng let out a long sigh.

"Then I'll tell you."


Mercury was shocked, the turbulent breath shook the void, a strong and unparalleled breath filled the heavens and the earth, the domineering and violent breath stirred the heaven and earth changed color, under the arrogance, Mercury pointed directly at the government:

"I'd rather see how you tell me how to write dead words!"

His breath was steaming, more and more terrifying, and with a long roar, he shook the heavens and the earth, and struck out. _

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