His blow was like a falling star, majestic, showing invincible strength, shaking the heavens and the earth trembling, and his blow was enough to sink Yagi Island.

Yingzheng stood in place and seemed to have given up resistance.

Mercury's attack capable of destroying Yagi Island rumbled down on Yue Zheng, and terrifying sound waves burst out, and divine light splashed everywhere, like stars falling, bursting out the most violent flames.

"You're so weak... Weak pitiful..."

In the dazzling flames, Ying Zheng's leisurely voice sounded: "You are so weak that you are not even interested in telling you how to write dead words." "

Mercury's pupils shrank sharply, his face froze, the flames dispersed, and not a single hair fell off his body, and his clothes were not damaged a little.

It was as if Mercury's blow was just an attack from the outside of gold and jade, without the slightest bit of power.

"I still thought that you were so arrogant and how strong your strength was, it really disappointed Xu to the extreme..."

"I don't believe it!"

Seeing Ying Zheng's disdainful look, Mercury was furious, and bombarded again, his blow was the strongest in his life, and the divine power was like an endless abyss, but Ying Zheng only flicked his fingers, and his divine power immediately collapsed, like the collapse of a castle made of sand on the beach.

The power has not yet fully erupted, as if the flame has been extinguished, silently disappearing.


With the second blow of his fingers, Mercury's whole person flew out, blood vomited wildly, his arms were broken, and his five fingers revealed Sensen's white bones.

Bang bang!

Before he landed, countless blood flowers exploded on his body, and the bones of his whole body crackled and exploded, falling to the ground and rolling to the ground, vomiting blood endlessly.

Without earth-shattering, Ying Zheng is like a person who has just mastered martial arts to fight, without the slightest burst of power.

Only Li Cunxiao and others know that it is not that there is no slightest bit of power, but that the gap in strength between Mercury and His Majesty is too big, His Majesty wants him to be round, and if he wants him to flatten, even if he has the power to sink the mainland, he can't play it in the hands of His Majesty.

There was silence all around.

The journalists of those nations were excited a minute ago, and now their throats seem to be strangled by death, and they look at this falling to the ground like a dead dog Mercury.


Ying Zheng said lightly.

The reborn and resurrected Kun bowed and appeared in front of Ying Zheng.

Mercury, who turned into a dead dog, glared at the boss, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his heart roared: Impossible! No way! He obviously killed this person, why is he still alive?

How did he know that Kun Yi Trace Spirit was in the God Sealing List, and the true spirit would not destroy him and would not die.

"How many ways to write dead words?"

Kun pondered for a moment: "The minister remembers that before Daqin unified the world, there were twenty-three ways to write it. "

Ying Zheng nodded: "Teach him the writing of twenty-three dead characters, stroke by stroke, and write each dead word ten thousand times." "

"Your Majesty, what should I do with him after writing?" Kun asked.

Ying Zheng stepped onto the Heavenly Palace, without looking at Mercury, and his voice came from afar: "Death." "

Beating Mercury into a dead dog, his memories were read by Yingzheng without his knowledge.

It turns out that this person is not a person from this world, he comes from a completely destroyed world, they call themselves the Abyss Realm, the Abyss Realm is nine days across the sky, but the nine days are eternally cold, without a little heat, their source of heat is magma volcanoes.

Of course, the people living in the abyss are non-human creatures, and Mercury was originally a demon lord in the abyss realm, and there were hundreds of volcanoes in his domain, ruling more than ten billion demon creatures.

But one day, disaster struck, and the Abyss Realm was destroyed without warning, and it was the World Dragon and Snake that destroyed the Abyss Realm.

It is a terrifying creature that feeds on stars in its infancy and the world as an adult.

This creature lives in one world after another, and after adulthood, it lives in the long river of time and space, looking for one world to devour.

The Abyss Realm is such a world destroyed by the World Dragon Snake, and the billions of living beings in the Abyss Realm are naturally swallowed together with the world, only Mercury was lucky, and actually escaped his soul to this world, and then possessed a dying boy named Washington.

Perhaps because of possession, the will of this realm of Heavenly Dao actually did not find him.

For more than a hundred years since then, he has been regaining his strength, and it was not long ago that he had just regained his lord strength.

After Ying Zheng divided the Shattered Realm into the Law Phase Realm, the Domain Realm, and the Outer Body Incarnation Realm, while Li Cunxiao and Kun were both the strength of the Domain Realm, and the entire Great Qin, except for Ying Zheng and Donghuang Taiyi, no one had surpassed the Domain Realm.

The strength of the lord of the Abyss Realm, according to the division of Ying Zheng, is a realm higher than the strength of the outer incarnation realm.

Ying Zheng has already deduced this realm and named it the Void Breaking Realm.

In this realm, the avatar can exist alone or merge with itself, and once fused, the strength will be greatly increased.

The existence of the void-breaking realm, every move has great power, building the bridge of heaven and earth, internal and external exchanges, the spirit and spirit are connected, the mixed elements are the same, the force is truly through the heavens and the earth, and there are countless gods.

"Go on."

In the Heavenly Palace, the voice of Ying Zheng came out, and then everything returned to its original state, and the heads of the Nine Kingdoms began their previous actions again, creeping forward and kneeling into the Heavenly Palace.

In the days that followed, warlords large and small from all over the country came to Xianyang, whether sincerely or forced, to submit to the government.

Regardless of whether they were sincere or forced, they directly sent bronze armies to take over the country, and those who were not sincere or spokesmen of the great powers were all disbanded.

Under the divine sensing method of Ying Zheng, their consciousness was seen by Ying Zheng.

As for places like concessions, they were all abolished, and the entire summers were reunited.


All the high-ranking figures of the countries that have a place in this world gather, and although the heads of countries such as the White Eagle Country have been arrested, the high-level figures still exist.

This is the underground space located in the extreme north of the White Bear Country, the heads of state or high-level figures of more than a dozen countries, with solemn expressions, the former prince of the sun does not set, and the current king of the sun does not set said in a deep voice: "Gentlemen, just now there is news that the ancient land has been reunited, our spokesmen have all been relieved of military power, and you all know that the empire that unified that land two thousand years ago." "_

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