Before World War I, the strongest national strength was the country that never sets, and at that time, their name of never setting was worthy of the name.

In World War I, the White Eagle Country made a lot of war wealth, and its comprehensive national strength has surpassed that of the old powers, the Sun Never Sets Country, the Dezhi Country, and the Laws and Regions of France, but the White Eagle Country has not yet established a hegemonic position like the sun never sets.

In terms of prestige, it is still the strongest country that never sets, and this meeting is also proposed by the country that never sets.

"The situation is not optimistic, from the intelligence we analyzed, this Great Qin Empire and the Great Qing Empire are two completely different countries, and the Great Qin Empire is extremely aggressive and vindictive, because of our previous invasion of that land, the emperor of Daqin arrested our head of state, prostrate and bow down, making us a laughing stock of the world."

The sun never set out of the corner of the king's eyes, one of the nine had his father, and seeing the picture of his father kneeling in humiliation, he couldn't wait to raise an army and start a war.

"It can be expected that after the Great Qin Empire rules this land, it will definitely not stop their invasion, and maybe it won't be long before we are facing not a person from the Great Qin Empire, but their army."

"How can we resist their army and even defeat them?"

The conference room was silent, all frowning.

After a long time, the new emperor of Dezhiguo spoke: "Can we gather the transcendent beings of the whole world to fight against the behemoth in the east, and fight the transcendent with the transcendent?" "

The second-in-command under Mussolini shook his head and said: "I went to the Vatican and met with the Pope, the entire Holy See, there are no more than five transcendent beings who can ignore most of the thermal weapons, but even such transcendent beings cannot face the artillery attack of the Nagato, the most powerful battleship in the world." "

"Hundreds of years or even thousands of years ago, the reason why it can be divinely granted is because the Holy See has the most powerful and most transcendent beings, and now, although the Holy See has been transcendent for a long time because of the existence of transcendent beings, it can only be a symbol, why, it is because except for a few transcendents, most of the transcendent people have no ability to resist in the face of our army."

"Even if they train hard for ten years, twenty years, ten soldiers who have trained for a month can shoot them into a hornet's nest in one volley."

"According to the Pope, those nine transcendent beings are existences that have surpassed the limits of the world, and it is difficult for our existing weapons to cause harm to them."

The new head of the French and Spanish kingdom whispered, "Then can we learn this extraordinary power?" Will we live 2,000 years after learning? "

There was a hint of fanaticism in everyone's eyes.

Transcendent power, thousand-year-old power, who wouldn't want to have?

Suddenly, a person walked in and handed a stack of papers to the vice president of the White Eagle Country, and the vice president looked at the data on the paper and said:

"This is data modeled after that transcendent in Yagi Country."

"His name is Li Cunxiao, but according to the history of that land, he does not belong to the Great Qin Empire, but to the era after a thousand years of the Great Qin Empire."

"He is wearing a black armor, and according to analysis, this black armor can resist..."

The vice president of the White Eagle Country frowned slightly and looked back at the data handed to him. Are you sure you're not mistaken? "

The white man with glasses determined, "I'm pretty sure, we're not mistaken." "

The vice president of the White Eagle Kingdom continued: By easily fending off the attack of the Dezhi siege howitzer, it can withstand the strafing of Maqin unscathed. "


Everyone stood up in unison, looking at the black armor on the photo, with an unconcealable look of shock and fiery heat on their faces: "A pair of armor in the cold weapon era, actually has such a powerful defensive power?" "

"If their analysis is correct, I'm sure it's true."

The Vice President of the White Eagle Kingdom nodded, and then continued:

"The sea area where the Nagato is located is nineteen hundred kilometers from Tokyo in the Yagi Country."

"From the time when the telegram of the destruction of the Nagato was sent to the time when Li Cunxiao appeared in Tokyo, it was only ten minutes, and from here it can be deduced that his speed is at least ten times the speed of sound."

"The fleet of the Sun Never Set Country was destroyed in the hands of Wang Chui, and according to the historical records of that land, he was the general of the Great Qin Empire, equivalent to the existence of our general and marshal."

"And when the sun never sets and the fleet is destroyed, the time when the telegram was sent was only after Wang Chui's appearance in the sun never set in London... Half a minute... The distance is five hundred and sixty kilometers... From here, it can be deduced that his speed exceeds fifty times the speed of sound..."


"From here, it can be inferred that the speed of this named Kun exceeds a hundred times the speed of sound..."

"The speed shown by these nine people ranges from ten times the speed of sound to a hundred times the speed of sound, and although Li Cunxiao only showed ten times the speed of sound, it is estimated that his total speed may also exceed a hundred times the speed of sound."

"And our fastest fighters are only 100 meters per second, and even their shadows cannot be seen."

"And this Li Cunxiao's in Tokyo can attack Mt. Fuji nearly a hundred kilometers away, and the attack distance exceeds the range of all our weapons, Mt. Fuji exceeds 3,700 meters, covering an area of about 1,200 square kilometers, and now, Mt. Fuji no longer exists."

"His power, we simply cannot estimate."

"The conclusion is that we can't hurt a single hair of him anyway."

Suddenly, the vice president asked in a low voice, "What if that... If you study it, can it threaten them? "

The white man with glasses thought for a moment and shook his head: "Even if that thing is researched, according to calculations, it will not hurt them, even if he is in the center of the explosion, with their speed, the shock wave of that thing's explosion cannot catch up." "

The white man with glasses certainly knew what the vice president was asking.

They have been working on it for several years, naming it a nuclear bomb weapon.

Once researched, it will be the most powerful weapon in the world.

But according to the data, the nuclear bomb could not hurt him.

Everyone's faces darkened, and the new emperor of Yagi Kingdom smiled bitterly: "Such an enemy, what can we resist..."

The Emperor of the White Bear Country let out a long breath: "Perhaps, we should accept our fate and embrace them?" So that we can have fewer deaths? "

The new emperor of Austria-Hungary seemed to have made up his mind and suddenly stood up: "Gentlemen, since we cannot pose a threat to them, and the enemy can destroy us at any time, there is no point in swearing to resist to the death." "


Everyone looked at him.

The Emperor of Austria-Hungary glorified his eyes: "There is no better choice, is there?" The emperor of the Great Qin Empire was not a benevolent emperor, he even had the name of a tyrant, and the history of that land recorded that anyone who resisted him was killed completely, and I and Austria-Hungary did not want to disappear into this world. "_

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