Three months passed in the blink of an eye, and in these three months, the wind and clouds changed, and the biggest change was that the land of the summers was once again unified, and the era of the originally chaotic warlords who were chaotic and whose lives were like grass and mustard seemed to be very far away from the people at once.

And the great powers are also silent, they originally had common interests, but the interests were destroyed by the rising behemoth in the East, and they did not dare to cry out for any grievances, they could only hide in the corner and tremble.

The struggle for interests between them has also stopped, and there is no interest in any fighting, because once the behemoths of the East attack, no matter what interests will disappear.

Dongfang has been the leading big brother for nearly two thousand years, and lost the position of the leading big brother a hundred years ago and became a little brother with bags, and it seems that overnight, the little brother with bags rose in vain, killed the leading big brother, killed all the two, three, four, five, and six brothers, and sat in the position of the leading big brother.

Now the common enemies of these two, three, four, five, six and seven brothers are all behemoths in the East, but they dare not show their hostility.

Magic capital, outside a casino, a man and a woman looked at the flow of people in the casino, and the woman sighed: "Since more than twenty years ago, in order to compete, I saw my son being beaten to death, incognito for so many years, I didn't expect to go out again, for the sake of a few tenants, my heart is still too soft!" "

Saying that, the woman suddenly turned her head to look at the man: "Husband, why don't you persuade me!" If you persuade me, I may not come out of this head! As soon as this head comes out, I don't know how much trouble is coming again! "

"It's all my fault."

The man is tall and thin, looking very lean, but at this moment he has a low eyebrow and a pleasant eyebrow, an expression that is all my fault, and I recognize it all.

He knew in his heart that his wife was a typical knife-mouthed tofu heart, and his buildings were all poor people, and the rent was often in arrears for three and a half years, and although his wife often urged them, she never threw them out.

Those tenants who were killed by the killers invited by the axe gang can also have little relationship between their husband and wife, at most it is only the relationship between the tenant and the chartered public renter, but the wife still wants to avenge them.

"Let's go."

The chartered woman lit a cigarette and was about to walk into the casino with her legs raised, when suddenly, a roar sounded in the casino: "You want to catch me Fire Cloud Evil God!" Wish for the moon! "

With a boom, all the glass of the casino of Noda was directly shattered in this roaring sound.

"Ultimate Killing King Fire Cloud Evil God!"

The husband and wife looked at each other, and their figures had rushed into the casino, and the gamblers in the casino all fled in a panic.


The two people were introduced into the eyes of a middle-aged man with only a little hair in his hair, dressed as the most typical ordinary man, a white camisole and a pair of slippers on his feet, but at this time, this man exuded a tyrannical aura, and there seemed to be thousands of unjust souls wailing and roaring around his body.

"It seems that this is the ultimate king Fire Cloud Evil God back then." Charter Fair Road.


The Fire Cloud Evil God stepped on his feet, and with one palm, the entire casino was rumbling, and it seemed that there was an earth dragon turning over.

The turbulent air flow roared, accompanied by a curtain of broken stones that shook up all around, shrouding the fire cloud evil gods in it.

"It is worthy of being the Fire Cloud Evil God!"

The charter lady put down the big clock in her hand, and the palm of the Fire Cloud Evil God burst out, and her heart jerked up, and there was an irresistible feeling.

Opposite the Fire Cloud Evil God was a bronze soldier, the soldier's eyes were slightly closed, and the next moment, the endless rushing sword light burst out at the moment the palm print burst out.

The sword light roared like thunder.

Brilliant as the sun, the sword light that burst like a volcano cut through the space in an instant, and the sharp knife qi tore through the space, emitting a heart-rending roar.

A knife cut off a hundred zhang, a hundred zhang saw that the knife light was crisscrossing, and the couple watching only felt a tingling pain in their eyes, and it seemed that after looking at such a glance, their eyes were about to be stabbed.


"My eyes!"

"Save me!"

The husband and wife with the strength of the grandmaster are still like this, and the little minions of the axe gang are even more unbearable, some eyes directly leave blood and tears, and some eyes directly burst open, emitting a harsh howl.


The couple only felt that their eyes were stinging and their temples were cold, as if an invisible blade was pointing directly at their temples, and it seemed that the next moment it would pierce their temples.

Shocked, the two retreated one after another, and in an instant they withdrew more than ten zhang, only then did they feel much better, and then opened their eyes, but only heard a scream that could almost resound through the sky.

Bang bang!

The big body of the Fire Cloud Evil God rose up on the ground, flying out dozens of zhang like a cannonball, and still in the air, there was already a crackling sound of bones and bones exploding around his body.


The fire cloud evil god in the air suddenly turned his body strangely, stood firmly on the ground with his feet, and looked at the bronze soldier with a maniacal smile: "A knife with a false appearance, I'm not good yet..."

Before the words fell, the whole person of the Fire Cloud Evil God suddenly trembled a few times, and a "ho-ho" sound came out of his throat, and his hands covered his throat, but he couldn't cover the gradually expanding blood line and splattered blood on his throat.


Blood splattered out from the fingers of the Fire Cloud Evil God, his body slammed to the end like a jade pillar, his head slammed out of his body, and he rolled to the side without a blind eye.

The bronze soldier put his long knife into its sheath and said lightly: "Daqin Wuqi, I am ordered to capture the axe gang leader, master, ten great knifemen, others, etc., get out of the way!" "

"Fire Cloud Evil God..."

Looking at the dead heads outside the two zhang, the husband and wife trembled in their hearts, and their hands and feet were cold.

The two were grandmaster masters before they lived in seclusion, and for more than 20 years, the two have reached the peak of grandmasters, confident that the husband and wife can join forces and even the grandmaster can fight, but just now I saw the power of the fire cloud evil god, and I knew that this ultimate killing king who has been famous for many years is worthy of the name, he is a grandmaster of the accumulation years, and the two may not be able to fight together.

It stands to reason that this ultimate murderous king who had a grudge many years ago died, and he should be happy, but at this moment, he did not have the slightest joy and confidence, replaced by fear.

At this moment, my scalp is even more numb.

Because there is more than one bronze soldier, there are four, and one of them directly locks the two with his breath, so that they dare not act rashly. _

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