This is almost unimaginable in Rena's opinion, the known universe, among the known civilizations, Di Hongkun is one of the most powerful existences, not inferior to Keisha in its heyday, although he was seriously injured, but the injured male lion is still a male lion.

Who is this person?

This is Rena's biggest question.

Huan Zheng flicked his fingers, smiled faintly, and sat down, and Thorton, the big crocodile, immediately climbed behind and became a crocodile stool: "Don't be afraid, I have no grievances with you, I just want to understand some things, you as the main god of the Flaming Sun Star, what I want to know, you should know, such as the information of the major forces in the universe." "

Rena felt the suffocating and trembling aura on Ying Zheng's body dissipate, knowing that this person had given him a dismount, and let out a long sigh of relief: "Your Excellency such a powerful existence, if you want to know something, it is not a good idea to find me, although I am the main god of the Flaming Sun Star, but I am only twenty-three years old, and I have not yet taken over the governance of the Flaming Sun Star, some things you want to know, I may not know." "

"But I can give you all the information I know."

Rena spread out her palm, and a purple ball of light appeared in her hand.

Ying Zheng five fingers, the purple light mass integrated into his palm, and the memory of Rena appeared in her mind, of course, the purple light group was the relevant memory that Rena peeled off, not all her memories.

The angelic civilization is indeed the highest civilization among the known civilizations in the universe so far, and the angelic civilization is under the theocratic system, that is, the current highest system of the universe.

What is a theocratic civilization?

Every civilization will experience countless disasters, from meteorite landing, to volcanic eruptions, to war plagues, and then ushered in nuclear technology, nuclear war, biochemical warfare, human decline, planetary fall, solar depletion, supernova explosion and so on.

There will eventually be a civilization that can last until the end, and they live in the remains of stars, cosmic nebulae.

When in the final form of civilization, the number of higher life is already very rare, and the resources are highly concentrated, so that in the end, the one with the most concentrated resources is elected as the supreme deacon of civilization, that is, when he is called God; This God, then, should be the most authoritative, just, and objective being, that is, God's will.

For this god was elected by the highest wisdom of civilization.

To understand simply, a country of 100 million people needs a parliamentary group of 1,000 people, but a country of only 1,000 people may only need dozens of leaders, or even only one leader. But these 1,000 people possess the highest wisdom of the universe, so the leader they choose must be the owner of the highest wisdom.

In fact, he only needs to judge the merits of 1,000 people.

However, perhaps there were still other lower civilizations under his rule, and the knowledge and understanding of the lower civilizations by the highest wisdom must surpass anyone in the lower civilizations. Then this wisest man is God, and God's judgment will be the most just and logical for the development of civilization.

This is the theocracy of Holy Kesha, where God can judge and decide anything to a lower civilization if that God is interested.

And Kesha has her own philosophy, the idea of civilization, that is, justice triumphs over evil, and angels punish demons.

Kesha uses this idea as a guideline, spreading it to all civilizations in the universe and using it as a spiritual guide for the progress of civilization, but does not directly intervene in the management of civilization, and the beauty and holiness of angels are often the driving force behind the crazy faith of lower civilizations.

But it does not mean that the angelic civilization rules everything, because the number of angels is too small, hanging in the center of a certain galaxy nebula city, there are no more than 100,000 angels in the angel city, and there are less than 10,000 angel warriors with more than two generations of super genes.

Every angel may be a hundred, a thousand civilized gods.

The angels of this world are different from the angels of the world after Ascension, and the angels of the world after Ascension are puppets created by the Lord God of Light, and although they all have their own minds, they are still puppets, and they do not distinguish between men and women.

But the angels of this world are truly independent beings, with their own thoughts, preferences, loves and hatreds, and there are male angels and female angels.

Since 17,000 years ago, after Kesha ruled the angelic civilization, she began to spread the concept of justice and light.

In the cognition of the victorious government, the light and justice that the angelic civilization believes is not pure light justice, but this civilization is indeed the source of ideas, and indeed yearns for light and justice.

For example, a person is very kind and yearns for light and justice, but for various reasons, it may be because of ability, it may be because of external forces, and the final result is not bright and righteous.

In Rena's database, the known universe recognized by angels, the righteous camp of known civilizations occupies hundreds of billions of star systems, trillions of planets, and among them, there are hundreds of millions of civilizations.

Some civilizations have occupied one star system, some civilizations have occupied several star systems, and the earth civilization has not even occupied a star system.

And the nominal leaders of these civilizations are all Holy Kesha, the ruler of the angelic civilization.

Ying Zheng's eyelids jumped slightly: "Trillions of planets, if there are a billion people on each planet... Daqin is lacking people very much... Being able to rule hundreds of millions of civilizations, although only nominally, this Kesha is also a ruthless character. "

There is also a powerful light civilization and angel civilization is equal, the Flaming Sun Civilization, in fact, the Angel Civilization does not think that the Flaming Sun Civilization and them are equal, but the Angel Civilization will only slightly put away their pride when facing the Flaming Sun Civilization.

After all, the Flaming Sun Civilization is indeed a powerful civilization that is not much inferior to the Angel Civilization.

The reason why the Flaming Sun Civilization and the Angel Civilization dominate among these hundreds of millions of civilizations is that the great reason comes from Kiran.

The angel civilization is the second civilization developed by Kiran, and the first civilization developed by Kiran is the Deno civilization.

Twenty-five thousand years ago, Kiran discovered the Deno civilization.

The Deno civilization is located in the Deno galaxy, named after the Deno civilization.

Deno system, one sun, two planetary civilizations.

When the people of Dexing look up, they can often see the lights of the Nordic civilization at night.

One of them is called Devon Star and the other is called Promise Star.

The two civilizations are closely related to each other, but the progress of civilization is slow, until one day, Kieran came to this star field.

Kieran opened up this star field, and the people here have an unprecedented sense of identification with Kiran's doctrine. Kieran established the Kamigawa Academy, or Super Theological Academy, here.

Kiran was in the Deno civilization for 10,000 years, and the Deno civilization soon entered the era of god-making and became the ultimate form of the main biological civilization.

Super God Form Forward!

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