Then Kieran discovered the angelic civilization, which was 15,000 years ago.

The history of angelic civilization has actually exceeded 100,000 years, of which more than 83,000 years were the era of male angels, and angels at that time were not synonymous with light and justice.

And seventeen thousand years ago, Keisha overthrew the rule of male angels, male angels fled, and Keisha established her own angelic civilization.

By the time Kieran came to the Angel Civilization, the Angel Civilization had developed very strong in Kesha's hands, and had already ruled hundreds of thousands of civilizations near the Angel Nebula.

Kieran is the leader of the Deno civilization, he is a collaborator in the angelic civilization and Kesha, and he established the concept of "God" in the super-theological academy in the angelic civilization.

The language was also unified, and all the languages that relied on the vocalization of the throat of creatures to form syllables were unified into the Kamigawa language family.

Even the body shape began to unify through genetic modification, unifying the language and image of many civilizations in the known universe.

The body of an angel is the most beautiful form of the established universe.

And the third civilization developed by Kiran is the Flaming Sun Civilization, before Kieran came, their civilization was also very advanced, but after Kieran came, their civilization developed faster, and under the guidance of Kiran, independently developed and created a sun god that can drive stars.?

The Helios Project is a vast god-making project, in order to resonate with the supergene energy and the solar nuclear fusion effect, the Flaming Sun civilization actually consumed a total of 9 stars to finally realize its ability.

The Lieyang civilization is not a Shangwu civilization, and the original purpose of their solar god program was to respond to natural disasters caused by the sun, regulate the sun's temperature and energy, so as to achieve the purpose of stable and safe use of solar energy for the benefit of mankind.

It was not until the Deno civilization, which also belongs to the Super Divine Academy series, launched an arms race, and the Lieyang civilization felt the threat of the Deno civilization, and began to add combat capabilities to the Sun God plan, which has the ability to destroy almost any star, at least in the eyes of the Lieyang Starmen, which is enough to threaten all invading enemies.

The arms race between the Star of Devon and the Star of Promise eventually led to war, war time and space, and Di Hongkun, without the permission of the Council of Elders of the Super Theological Academy, arbitrarily decided to destroy the stars of the Deno galaxy, detonating the stars of the Deno system, and the Deno galaxy burned down under the continuous explosion of solar flares, and finally triggered a supernova explosion and affected tens of thousands of planetary civilizations around it.

In retaliation, the Nostar God of War split half of the main star of the Flaming Sun Civilization with an axe.

But it didn't help, and the Deno civilization was close to destruction.

"Ultra Theological Seminary... Presbytery..."

Ying Zheng saw the commoners behind these three civilizations.

Behind every civilization are the abilities of the super-seminary.

"If Daqin wants to enter this, this super divine academy cannot be avoided, then, what kind of existence is this Kiran?"

It's just that Rena remembers Lan's name and doesn't know anything else.

"I'm afraid that this Di Hongkun and the Lieyang Civilization are not good goods, what does the arms race and war within the Denuo Civilization concern your Lieyang Civilization? The two civilizations are separated by hundreds of millions of light years, and even if the war is affected, it will not affect the Flaming Sun civilization. "

In the view of Ying Zheng, the so-called Lieyang civilization is not Shangwu civilization or bullshit, I am afraid that Di Hongkun wants to make the ruling Lieyang civilization the boss, of course, he wants to destroy the Deno civilization that has the strength to compete with the boss.

It was Di Hongkun who took advantage of the civil war of the Denuo civilization to suddenly attack, but he didn't expect the Denuo civilization to be so tenacious, and the stars were blown up by the sneak attack of the Fierce Sun Civilization, and he actually had the ability to turn around and fight the Fierce Sun Civilization.

After thousands of years of war, although the Denuo civilization was destroyed, Di Hongkun was also seriously injured and turned into a phantom.

Di Hongkun probably didn't know a word.

Bitterly pressing the gold thread every year to make wedding clothes for others.

The battle between the Flaming Sun Civilization and the Deno Civilization destroyed the Deno Civilization, and its own strength was greatly damaged, and Di Hongkun, as the Lord God of the Flaming Sun Star, was seriously injured and turned into a phantom, and had no choice but to designate the next generation of the Lord God of the Flaming Sun.

And the angel civilization that did nothing gained the greatest benefit, opened a certain gap with the blazing sun civilization, and established the status of the highest civilization.

Of course, the latter is all speculated by Yingzheng, and in Rena's memory, the Lieyang civilization is the righteous party to stop the war at all costs.

Where there is a camp of light, there is a camp of darkness.

When the super-theological academy was established in the angelic civilization, the angelic civilization was still in the era of the three kings, when Keisha was not yet a holy Kesha, or the king of the heavenly blade, and Morgana was still the king of the apocalypse.

Cold Ice gives up the path of warrior and leader, enters the Super Theological Academy, becomes a student, learns more about the universe, and explores the future path of the universe.

Due to Leng Bing's great wisdom and the accumulation of time, she soon became a tutor of the academy.

Another mentor of the academy, Carl, has been studying the Pangea civilization hundreds of millions of years ago, and after that, he came up with the concept of ultimate fear, and Leng Bing participated in this research, and since then, academic contradictions have arisen within the super-theological academy.

It wasn't until Karl, the god of death, proposed the Void at a research report meeting, that there was a huge disagreement within the entire Super-Theological Academy. Cold Ice, who continued his research, was judged an outlier, and Carl was apparently banished even worse.

After participating in the study of ultimate fear, Leng Bing believes that Kesha's civilization direction will eventually lead to extinction, but Keisha identifies it as an evil theory.

Keisha and Cold Ice finally break and the beginning of the Battle of 10,000 Years, which is the source of the birth of the dark camp.

Leng Bing also left the angelic civilization immediately, using the highest wisdom of the super divine academy to establish a demon civilization, and through a long war, her concept of fallen freedom has spread widely in the universe.

The angelic civilization could not tolerate the actions of cold ice, and in the entire known universe, a strangling war against the demon civilization was launched.

In more than 10,000 years, a total of 4 large-scale wars broke out, of which the angel group led by Keisha lost once, and the angels suffered heavy losses.

But the entire war process, still with the defeat of the cold ice as the main line, countless civilizations fell in the war, the war of angels and demons is not limited to cosmic confrontation, or sharp soldier confrontation, in many civilizations, the confrontation of justice and evil, the confrontation between angels and demons behind it, the conflict of faith, and even the collision of nebulae, the fierce confrontation of large space fleets. _

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