More than 10,000 years of war, tens of thousands of civilizations turned into cosmic dust, this is the brutality and cruelty behind the war of good and evil, light and dark.

The destruction of tens of thousands of civilizations, the destruction of trillions of living beings.

In addition to the light camp and the dark camp, there is also a Styx camp, which is from the hand of Karl, the god of death, and does not participate in the war between the two camps.

Karl leaves the Ultra Theological Academy and travels to the Dark Nebula, passing the Styx civilization, when they were still in the era of tribal wars. It took Karl about 3,000 years to guide them to the interstellar age, so the Styx civilization became the loyal army of Karl's dark forces.

The strength of the Styx civilization is not comparable to the angel civilization, nor is it comparable to the blazing sun civilization, but the history of the Styx civilization far exceeds these two civilizations, full of tens of millions of years, which is similar to the destroyed Shenhe civilization.

That is to say, the Styx civilization took tens of millions of years to develop to the era of tribal wars, and under the guidance of Karl, it took three thousand years to develop to the interstellar age.

The flying machine that captured Thorton not long ago was from the Styx civilization, and Karl named the creatures of the Styx civilization gluttony.

Because the Styx civilization has the strongest desire for war, they will conquer all the civilizations they see, just like gluttony, the desire is endless.

Earth is their next target.

"It is worthy of death, and truly regards life as a mustard."

Ying Zheng frowned slightly, in Rena's memory, Karl did experiments, at the cost of all the lives of several life planets, and this was just for some void matter captured after the experiment, using void matter to create void warriors.

"According to the division of time, the first is the Pangu civilization that has been destroyed hundreds of millions of years ago, then the Shenhe civilization that has developed tens of millions of years and was destroyed tens of thousands of years ago, and then the Denuo civilization, the angel civilization, and the Lieyang civilization that have been destroyed."

"The Shenhe civilization is undoubtedly more powerful than the angel civilization and the blazing sun civilization, but the Shenhe civilization has been destroyed, so the known universe, among the known civilizations, the angelic civilization is the most powerful civilization."

There wasn't much hidden in Rena's memory, something deeper, more secretive, not in his memory.

"Rena, this is your reward for helping me."

With a flick of her fingers, a ray of light shot directly into Rena's mind, and Rena's face changed, thinking that Yingzheng was going to strike at her, but then something in her mind made her face soften.

"The True Sutra of the Great Sun of Radiation"

Rena silently said in her heart, she knows the history of the earth very well, and some martial arts novels on the earth have such a thing as "Rulai Divine Palm", but she knows very well that the earth, the blazing sun, and the angels do not have a strong system that can be strengthened by cultivating on their own.

All the roots that make them strong.

But what the hell is the Radiant Great Sun Rulai True Sutra?

What scientific and technological exercises can be practiced?

Rena's face was extremely strange.

The Radiation Day is a framework of the objective law of radiation energy, which contains many ways of using radiation energy and scientific theories, which are similar to the radiation science of scientific cognition.

Nuclear energy is a powerful energy source, in the universe, it is also an extremely common, powerful force, such as the existence of such a great shore as stars, but also rely on burning nuclear energy to release power.

Nuclear energy is also divided into two types, one is the atomic energy represented by fission power and fusion power, and the other is the ability to emit out and constitute the essence of the entire universe - radiation.

This divine palm has infinite power, and when you cultivate the radiation power of a star with one palm, you will be a great sun!

And the "Radiant Great Sun Rulai True Sutra" is to transform the body into a radiation source, after the fission and fusion period, gradually bring itself closer to the direction of the star, and finally become a humanoid star, cultivating the supreme realm of the "Radiant Great Sun Rulai True Sutra".

Can put alpha, beta, gamma and neutron rays, lethal power, can carry terrible power, many radiation rays released, force can destroy the sky and the earth, the extreme, can destroy stars, not to say that it is a small range of creatures, if it can reach the series of large gamma ray bursts, it is to destroy the galaxy, but also just idle.

Gradually, Rena's face was solemn, vaguely, she glimpsed a magnificent and broad prospect from the "Radiant Great Sun Rulai True Sutra", if she could be able to describe the final realm described in the "Radiant Great Sun Rulai True Sutra", it was far more than ten thousand times more powerful than his sun's light.

As one of the three major god-making projects, if the sun's light is discovered to the extreme, her strength can easily destroy a star system.

And the Radiant Great Sun Rulai True Sutra is cultivated to the extreme, enough to destroy a galaxy.

"But is there really such a thing in the universe that only exists in fiction?"

In the known universe, there are hundreds of millions of known civilizations, but the source of the powerful existence of these hundreds of millions of civilizations is all technology.

The three major god-making projects, the light of the sun, the power of the galaxy, and the god of war of the nostar god, in the final analysis, they have the corresponding genes and powerful weapons.

For example, the genes of the Galactic Force have an indestructible divine body, anti-void ability, and can urge the Void Engine Great Sword.

The Nostar God of War has the power to kill gods, and can urge the god-killing giant axe.

And the light of the sun can drive the power of the sun.

The reason why the divine Kesha is powerful is because she has the divine body, and every atom of the divine body not only reserves powerful energy, but also records all the data of Kesha, as long as one atom exists, it can be resurrected under the transformation of the same energy.

In addition, Divine Kesha also has its own celestial computer, that is, the treasure house of knowledge, which records all the cutting-edge science and technology of the angelic civilization, as well as the relevant data of the major civilizations in the known universe, and is a very large database, with stellar-level energy support, it can easily and accurately calculate and analyze any data above the star.

And the king-level arsenal, also known as the god-killing arsenal, is also an indispensable thing, and the god-killing arsenal contains the cutting-edge scientific and technological weapons of the entire angelic civilization.

It can be said that the strength of the Holy Kesha is based on the strength of the angelic civilization, and if the angelic civilization is no longer strong, then the strength of the Holy Kesha will stagnate.

Based on the tens of thousands of civilizations directly ruled by the angelic civilization, the treasure house of knowledge and god-killing weapons that Divine Kesha can always update and evolve.

That is to say, whether it is her, Kesha, or Di Hongkun, their strength cannot rely on themselves, relying on civilization, and the level of civilization and technology determines their strength.

Personal cultivation makes him have the power to surpass the stars, which obviously violates the laws of development of the known universe and known civilizations. _

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