No more than 100,000 angels live on this ring continent that is more than a hundred times wider than the solar system, and the hall of angels is located in the center of the city of angels, above the day of angels.

Holy Kesha is located in the Hall of Angels.

"According to our reading of Earth's information, the gluttonous army of the Styx galaxy is about to march into Earth on a large scale, and Rena, the acting head of Earth's Super Theological Academy, refuses our help, and Sun Wukong, who claims to be the guardian of the earth, has great malice towards us."

In the hall of angels, Hiko knelt on one knee and bowed his head to Kesha on the throne.

Keisha lay lazily on the throne, but did not lose majesty, noble, although she was a woman, but her eyebrows were rich in domineering, sighing, very pleasant, and waved her hand as white as jade: "First respect the opinion of the Earth Super Divine Academy, although Principal Kieran has merged with the void, he still pays attention to the earth." "

Yan continued: "On Earth, in addition to seeing the light of the sun, I also saw the power of the galaxy and the god of war of the nostar god, and there was an unknown existence, I tried to drive the Void Engine to read his information, but I couldn't read a single bit of information. "

"I don't dare to drive the maximum power of the Void Engine, for fear of being discovered by him..."

"He's already found you."

Keisha slowly got up, looked at Yan, and smiled slightly: "Huh? "

The next moment, a mighty aura appeared out of thin air, as if a powerful God Emperor had come to the room from the Nine Heavens, solemn, awe-inspiring, and terrifying.

"Divine Kesha, long time to admire."

The void where that voice was located rippled, a drop of blood dripped from Hiko's body, and the void seemed to manifest and bloom, turning into a man, smiling and gentle.

"It's you!"

Yan's face changed wildly, the flames surged wildly, and the angel sword appeared in his hand.

Keisha looked at Ying Zheng and showed a puzzled look: "Who are you?" Can I be sure that the known universe, the known civilization absolutely does not have such a powerful existence as you, is it an existence outside the known universe? "

Ying Zheng stretched out his hand to press down, and the angel sword in Yan's hand disappeared into the void inch by inch, and said with a smile: "It can be understood like this." "

Keisha walked towards the throne: "So what is your purpose?" "

"You guess?"

"Then let me guess!"

Kesha's eyes flashed coldly, and with a grab of her five fingers, the flames were pulled out of the void by her, and the next moment she was already above Ying Zheng's head, rumbling and suppressing down.

Yan was stunned in his heart: "Holy Kesha actually wants to use the Flame Sword, this person actually deserves her to be treated so carefully..."

Ying Zheng's face remained unchanged, his eyes were bright, and he suddenly greeted him lightly.


A sword and a palm met, and the huge angel hall shook violently, and the void shattered.

Ying Zheng's sideburns to the blown Yangsha attacked again, the blazing sun sword qi was enough to tear the stars, Ying Zheng bent his index finger, flicked lightly, without any pyrotechnic gas, Zaiyao is terrifying.


The sword qi disappeared, the divine Kesha stood above the void, and disappeared between the flames.

Ying Zheng frowned slightly, and a drop of blood oozed from his index finger.

"Worthy of the Divine Kesha."

Ying Zheng looked at Keisha on the void, and her figure blurred, turning into a drop of blood and falling.

Keisha caught the blood and closed her eyes slightly.

"Enter the treasury of divine knowledge!"

"Analyze the target!"

"The target belongs to a drop of blood of carbon-based organisms."

"An ordinary star with an energy of one-tenth ... Twentieth of an ordinary star ... One-thirtieth of an ordinary star ... One hundredth of a star... One ten-thousandth of a star... The energy disappears! "

"Analysis of target genes ... Program error... Conceptual error... Analysis of target genes... Program error... Conceptual error... Analysis of target genes... Program error... Conceptual error... Mistake! Mistake! Mistake! "

Keisha quickly stopped analyzing, and a look of shock appeared on her face: "A drop of blood from a carbon-based creature actually has such great combat power?" "

"Holy Kesha, what did you analyze?" Hiko asked.

Keisha looked at the blood on her hand that had lost its energy: "This drop of blood contains the energy of at least one-tenth of an ordinary star, and when I analyzed it, the energy decreased rapidly, and now it has become a drop of ordinary blood." "

This has surpassed her knowledge cognition, and her knowledge treasure house records all the cutting-edge science and technology of the angelic civilization, as well as the relevant data of the major civilizations in the known universe, and can easily and accurately calculate and analyze any data above the star with the support of stellar energy.

But this blood, except for the blood of carbon-based organisms and the energy contained in it, can not be deconstructed.

But this is impossible.

A drop of blood that can turn into a human and fight her can never contain this information.

"Either its technological level surpasses our angelic civilization... Either...... It's a completely different system..."

Keisha sighed slightly.

The storm is coming.


"Is this the combat power of Divine Kesha? It is roughly equivalent to the strength of the Saint King. "

Back in the Daqin world, Ying Zheng sensed the information that the doppelganger fought Kesha, and thus speculated about Kesha's approximate strength.

For now, it's still in his acceptance range.

But Daqin is not yet suitable for a large-scale foray into that world.

"Your Majesty, Wei Yanzi asks for a meeting."


Wei Yanzi walked in quickly: "Your Majesty, there are some strange people and strange phenomena in various places in Daqin today, and from the intelligence reported from various places, we can know that those strange people behave very strangely and weakly, but they seem to be immortal, or they can be resurrected after death." "

"Immortal, resurrected?"

Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

Wei Yanzi nodded slightly, his mind moved, and the light curtain appeared in front of Ying Zheng, playing a video, which showed the same person, who died six times, but every day that passed, he could be resurrected.

The first death was to rob the money in the child's hand, and was pushed down by the child, the ten-year-old child seemed to not expect this person to be so weak, and directly flew out more than ten meters and fell to death.

One day later, the child found him again, and curiously told his parents, who reported directly to the authorities, and the man was arrested less than an hour after his resurrection.

After being caught, the man seemed to feel that there was no hope of escaping and directly committed suicide.

This matter was noticed by the shadow guard, and a monitor actually found that the man was resurrected and arrested him again, this time for the sake of experimentation, directly killed him, and killed him again when he was resurrected.

The next four times he died at the hands of the shadow secret guard, and the way of death was different, but no matter how he killed him, he could be resurrected. _

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