Ying Zheng took a look at his Ten Thousand Realms Talisman Space and found that the Shadow Secret Guard, Black Ice Platform, Luo Net, and bad people had all reported more than one letter, and the things reported were all the same.

The beginning of the matter all pointed to five days ago, and five days ago, immortals appeared in various parts of Daqin.

"Shu knows, you inform all the counties in Daqin, don't pay much attention to these undead, of course, if these undead violate the laws of Daqin, they will be dealt with!"

Huan Zheng looked at Wei Yanzi, and then gave instructions and ordered the four major violent institutions to closely monitor these undead.

Fortunately, there are not many undead people who appear in Daqin at present, only a few hundred thousand, and one by one they are weak, even the children who are now ten years old in Daqin are not as good, and it is no longer easy to monitor.

After Wei Yanzi left, Huan Zheng's mind moved, the territory of Daqin appeared in front of him, Huan Zheng was a little casual, Handan County expanded rapidly in the light curtain, followed by the outline of a city, and finally the houses and people in the city were clearly visible, locking a group of special people.

On a certain street, dozens of pillars of light fell from the sky, and a group of people appeared out of thin air, both men and women wearing the same clothes, coarse cloth clothes and pants, and their ages were mostly concentrated in their teens and thirties, and only a few people in their forties and fifties.

Although it was on the street, the people of Daqin turned a blind eye to them, or a certain force contained in the pillar of light distorted the perception of pedestrians, making them not surprised by this group of people in "strange costumes" who suddenly appeared, as if this group of people was originally on the street, not suddenly appeared.

Ying Zheng watched this scene silently, and suddenly connected the arrival of these people with some things in his previous life.

It seems that everyone in Daqin is treated as NPCs?

"Who is behind being able to silently invade the Daqin World under the supervision of me and the will of the Daqin World, and invest in these 'players'?"

"Whew... The air in the game is so good, and the blue star wants to smell such fresh air is afraid that it is the same as dreaming. "

"Gee, when I was in school, I wrote 100% real online games in the novel, but I didn't expect that I can really contact 100% real online games when I am thirty years old now, but then again, how should I play this game? Came in without a hint? "

"I have seen the forum, and said that it is necessary to meditate on the personal information template in my heart, and the template will come out."

Name: Evil Fire

Identity: Handan County, Handan County, Handan City

Forces: None

Realm: None

Money: None

Number of deaths remaining: 10 (if you do not have enough deaths, you will not be able to log in to the game)

Clothes: coarse cloth

Pants: Coarse pants

Shoes: straw shoes

Weapons: None


Name: Twilight

Identity: Handan County, Handan County, Handan City

Forces: None


Boundary: None

Money: None

Number of deaths remaining: 10 (if you do not have enough deaths, you will not be able to log in to the game)

Clothes: coarse cloth

Pants: Coarse pants

Shoes: straw shoes

Weapons: None

These dozen people silently read the personal information template, and looked at each other behind them.

"Nothing, no hint, this is still playing with a hammer?"

Everyone complained.

"So what do we do now?"

【Game Announcement! 】 】

Just then, a game announcement sounded in the minds of all players.

[Closed beta players reach 500,000, activate special announcements, close the game channel]

[When the first player breaks through the Shattered Realm, the final function will be opened]

[The game and reality are interconnected, everything players gain in the game will be exchanged for money to reality, including but not limited to realms, weapons, elixirs, exercises, pets, humans]

【Players, please work hard】

"Groove! Groove! Groove! Am I dreaming, quick, pinch me, am I dreaming? "

After the game announcement, half a million players froze for a few seconds at the same time, and after a few seconds, all players had different ideas, some excited, some crazy, some unbelieving.

"Isn't the place where I live a republic? When did Blue Star Republic games become so developed? "

"Are you mistaken, this is not a game of the Republic, this is a game led by the Republic and jointly developed by various countries, but I tend to think that this is true, this is a game at the national level, and it will not be used against us, right?"

"Hahahaha, level 1000 Dark Demon Dragon King, level 1000 Dark Temple Goddess, level 999 unicorn, I'm here, if I can take these pets out, won't I send it?"

"Huh? Have you read this novel too? This seems to be a novel from more than ten or twenty years ago, and I remember that this "Starting from the Source" was written for more than ten years, from my junior high school to my marriage. "

"But does anyone know what the Shattered Realm is?"

After a long time, all the players calmed down, knowing that this might be the greatest adventure of their lives.

This game is completely dominated by the Republic and led by various countries, and it is absolutely impossible to make such an international joke.

But how to play this game, everyone scratched their heads, some people quit to read the game forum, and in just a few days there were hundreds of thousands of posts, including some useful information.

Xie Yu was one of the players who didn't know how to play, so he immediately quit the game, opened the computer and entered the forum, and found some useful tips in hundreds of thousands of forums.

"This game has no level, only realm, the realm basically represents strength, and there is no so-called monster fighting upgrade..."

"I was the first player to enter, and after seven deaths, I probably knew that this game is basically equivalent to another world, and we players are no different from people who travel to this world except for personal information templates, and they must follow the rules of that world together, otherwise they will die."

This post was refined, more than 100,000 recovered below, Xie Yu read it one by one, basically everyone agreed, most of them were people from the Republic, and many people in other countries of Blue Star also recovered below.

"I also found that it is worthy of being a 100% real game, and the NPCs in it are very intelligent, unlike the previous game that claimed to be 90% real, claiming that NPCs have a high degree of intelligence, in fact, it is just a few hundred to tens of thousands of words, and the NPCs of this game, after my test, are indeed NPCs with high intelligence, and the wisdom is not even inferior to us."

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