"What kind of profession did the landlord say?"

"It's nothing, it's just a doctorate in robotics engineering from Jiaotong University."

"Cow batch, cow batch..."

"Worship the big guy..."

This floor didn't know where it was crooked, Xie Yu shook his head slightly and continued to look down.

"Real is real, but Nima is too real and perverted, I especially want to grab some money from a ten-year-old child to spend, but was pushed by the child casually, flew out more than ten meters and fell directly to death, dare you believe it?"

"Hehe, you just found out that this game world is all perverted, I personally saw two thirteen or fourteen-year-old children in a school palace jousting, cutting out at least ten feet of sword light, scared to pee on the spot, but I pee and pee and get used to it, because I found that the school palace is full of perverts, one by one in the competition is earth-shattering, and I can feel the strong wind from dozens of meters away, just afraid that a finger can kill me in seconds."

The corners of Xie Yu's mouth twitched, and he felt more and more that the game was too malicious to these players, so at first glance, they were scumbags whose combat effectiveness was not as good as five.

"Ahem, there is a big guy above to test the wisdom of NPCs, I tested the force value of NPCs in the game, we players can beat up to five-year-old children, because all children will not start to practice martial arts until they are six years old, even those four- and five-year-old children, each of them has at least a hundred pounds of strength..."

"Don't say it, it's tears if you say too much."

"In fact, you can think of it from another angle, the more perverted the NPCs in the game, it means that the more powerful the ability we can bring out after a player breaks through the Shattered Realm in the future."

Suddenly, Xie Yu found that a post was pinned, a post by a person with a game ID of Imperial Shadow.

"After I entered the game, I inquired about the background of the game through various aspects, and the background was a unified empire called Daqin."

"Almost two years ago, the background of the game was still the division of the world, the seven kingdoms were juxtaposed, the Great Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, unified the summers, and the king of Qin called himself the emperor and the first emperor."

"The First Emperor of Great Qin is exclusive, there are left and right prime ministers under him, there are eight ministers, and the administrative system implements the county system."

"The Shattered Realm mentioned in the game announcement is the realm of martial arts, yes, there is no magic, no fighting spirit, no supernatural ability, no cultivation, only martial arts in the game."

"The realm of martial arts is divided into nine grades (the lowest of the first product and the highest of the ninth grade), followed by the innate, grandmaster realm, grandmaster realm, heaven and human realm, and broken realm."

"I roughly estimated that the strength of the third grade has a strength of no less than five hundred kilograms."

"By the way, the Grandmaster Realm can fly."

"That's probably it, and it may be updated later."

A huge number of people poured into this post, frantically posting their own below.

"I'm stupid, the third product has a power of no less than five hundred gongs, what about innate? Grand Master? What about the Shattered Realm? Destroy mountains and rivers? "

"I declare that I am going to learn martial arts! Bring back the strength of my realm and be a superman in underwear! "

"Also Superman? At that time, they will not be ordinary people, who are you super? "


Xie Yu turned off the computer, lay down again in the nutrition warehouse, closed his eyes and entered the game world, and the place he chose to be born in a mountain village.

This mountain village is not big, there are only about hundreds of families at a glance, but there is no poverty in the ancient mountain village that Xie Yu imagined, every family lives in a spacious and bright house, every villager is rosy-faced, healthy, obviously three meals a day are full of food and drink.

Passing by a house, Xie Yu saw a woman about forty years old easily pick up a millstone and put it in another place, the corner of his eyes jumped violently, the millstone he roughly estimated, at least thousands of kilograms, but the woman held it as easily as if he was holding a watermelon.

"Young man, you are..."

The woman glanced at Xie Yu at the door in surprise, it was very strange, now the Daqin family does not say how rich, at least there is no problem with eating, drinking, and warming, they and this ordinary existence, no one is reduced to wearing this kind of coarse cloth clothes now.

Xie Yu's face turned red: "Big sister, can you ask for a bowl of water to drink?" "

The woman did not doubt him, let him come in and pour him a glass of water, the two chatted casually, Xie Yu made up a history, both parents died, no relatives, but let the women have some pity for him.

Speaking of deep feelings, Xie Yu couldn't help but shed a few tears, in fact, his origin is not a fabrication, in reality, he is indeed the death of both parents, he opened up in the orphanage, as for the so-called relatives, none of them have come to see him, the same as not.

The women's families were generally clear to him, they were ordinary peasants, except that their son had gone to join the army.

The woman was relatively simple, probably thinking that Xie Yu was pitiful, so she let him live at home and help with some farm work, and after a few days, the woman handed over to Qin Fist, which everyone else knows.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for obtaining Qin Fist]

A game prompt sounded in his mind, and Xie Yu glanced at the personal information template.

【Exercise: Qin Fist】

[Qin Quan: Yipin proficiency 0%]

Xie Yu suddenly understood something: "This game should probably be played like this, if you want to steal chickens and dogs, and treat the game NPCs as fools as before, I'm afraid that you are a fool, you treat people as people, people will treat you as people." "

In the past few days, Xie Yu found that what those posts said was correct, there was no difference between the NPs in the game and the wisdom of people, and suddenly, Xie Yu almost thought that this was the real world.

After another day, Xie Yu practiced Qin Fist every day, but his proficiency increased by ten percent, which was no different from turtle climbing.

So Xie Yu said goodbye to the woman, saying that he was going to the city to find some work to do, but the woman did not say anything and gave him a hundred yuan.

Walking out of the village, Xie Yu looked at the hundred yuan in his hand, a trace of reluctance rose in his heart, and said to himself with a bitter smile: "I didn't expect that I actually experienced the taste of family affection in the game." "

His grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents died early, and he became an orphan after the death of his parents at the age of six, and now for twenty years, he doesn't know what family affection is like, these days, he actually experienced.

Ordinary people's food and drink a day is only one yuan, a hundred yuan is a lot, this is also the woman's son is a soldier, the salary is very high, making the woman's family one of the richest families in the village, ordinary people may not be willing to give him so much money.

"Is this really a game world?"

Xie Yu pondered in his heart. _,

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