After a few days of wading through mountains and rivers, Xie Yu finally arrived in the county, and every day Qin Fist was working hard to cultivate, but his proficiency did not increase much, and he couldn't help but think: "Could it be that the game really allows us to cultivate by ourselves?" If this is really the case, don't spend decades trying to cultivate the effect. "

After opening the personal information template and carefully reading it for a long time, Xie Yu suddenly remembered the game announcement, and after a player breaks through the Shattered Realm, he can spend money to exchange everything in the game to reality, so can money improve the realm?

Money: 99 yuan

The game also requires meals, and a few days of trekking cost a total of one yuan.

Xie Yu silently recited in his heart, and a game prompt sounded: Do you spend money to improve Qin Fist proficiency?

"What is the percentage of money that increases proficiency?"

Xie Yu asked in his heart.

"One dollar increases proficiency by one percent."

His proficiency is currently eighteen percent, and after considering it, Xie Yu spent 82 yuan to improve his proficiency.

[Qin Quan: second-grade proficiency 0%]


A warm current quickly spread out from the chest, and in an instant it spread to all four limbs, and all the internal organs were covered, Xie Yu clenched his fists slightly, his muscles and bones clicked, and he felt a strong force that he had never felt before.

"Such a power..."

Closing his eyes for a long time, Xie Yu exhaled a long breath, according to the words in the Imperial Shadow post, the third product can have a huge force of five hundred kilograms, then his second product has at least two or three hundred kilograms of strength, such a strength, there is no pressure to take a weightlifting world record.

"There is also 17 yuan, with 1 yuan to improve proficiency."

[Qin Quan: second-grade proficiency 7.5%],

"It seems that by the second grade of Qin Fist, the exchange ratio of money and proficiency has become 2:1, I don't know what the exchange ratio is when it comes to the third and fourth grades?"

Thinking of this, Xie Yu suddenly felt a little glad that the game did not have a redemption channel for the present world and the game, otherwise those big chaebols, big rich, and the starting point of tens of billions of dollars at every turn pulled them apart from the beginning.

Xie Yu was almost certain that if the exchange channel was opened, they would not skimp on wealth, after all, wealth could be exchanged for their own strength.

"I'm not the first to enter the game, I'm not the smartest person, just an ordinary person, there must already be many people who have discovered that money can be exchanged for proficiency, I don't know how much the highest martial arts realm in the game has been raised?"

Looking up at the town, a dazedness hit his heart, and suddenly, Xie Yu found that when he graduated from college and went to look for a job in a new city, he was almost exactly the same as now.

During the week's relationship, the woman told him a lot of often, such as the Qin boxing that he had learned, which was founded by the First Emperor and the Guest Secretary of the People, and was the most popular boxing method in Daqin, and everyone from young children over the age of six to old people in their seventies and eighties could do it.

And this boxing method has almost no threshold, as long as he is not a fool, he can get started after learning for a few days, so Xie Yu learned Qin boxing after practicing for a few days.

But although Xie Yu thinks that he is an ordinary person, he is also a key university graduate, in reality, he can only be willing to be ordinary, in the game, he wants to fight.

Qin Fist has no foundation and has endless potential, but it is meaningless for players, they can spend money to exchange proficiency, the same is to exchange proficiency, and it is obviously more valuable to use on Shengong.

But now there are two biggest problems.

How do I get money in the game?

Stealing and abducting?

Xie Yu still doesn't want to use up the number of deaths, from all the children over the age of eight he sees now, there is no one weaker than him, but he can't even punch Nanshan Kindergarten, how can he be kidnapped?

And after dying once, the whole body is whitewashed and comes all over again.

The second question is how to learn Shengong?

This game is very different from many games with an oriental background in the past, it seems that there is no sect, there are hundreds of families, but all the sons and hundreds of families are subject to the Great Qin Empire, and if you want to learn divine skills, the Great Qin Empire is obviously the best way.

It's a pity that any institution in Daqin is fragrant and fruitful, even if it is a small official, it is a position that squeezes his head.

A few days later, Xie Yu's money had almost been spent, but he still hadn't found a clue, quit the game, and decided to go to the forum to find a way.

"Muggle, can I say that my first death was starvation? Die of starvation. "

"It's so hard to make money! Can anyone tell me how to make money? "

"+, I have a net worth of tens of millions in reality, but I have no clue in the game, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, without capital, and I can't even start a family."

"Hehe, I want to count how many people died at the hands of little fart children? The game that claims to be 100% real can't set up the little fart so perverted, garbage game, Lao Tzu will never play anymore. "

"Upstairs there was a bad heart, after the identification, I read a lot of posts, all the people who died in the hands of children, basically they were evil hearts, watching other children's children bully, but I didn't expect that these children want to kill you is not much more difficult than killing ants, you don't mess with people, people will kill you?"

"Didn't anyone find that money can be exchanged for proficiency?"

Xie Yu thought about it and made a post.

In an instant, there were thousands of replies to his post.

"Groove! Can money be exchanged for proficiency? I seem to see the Shattered Realm waiting for me..."

"Upstairs, wake up, it's difficult to even eat in the game, and exchange money for proficiency?"

"Why don't you open the channel for recharging, don't say much, recharge a small target first."

"Caught a big dog!"

Xie Yu found that most people are still struggling to explore, the forum seems to have become a miserable forum, for the proficiency of money can be exchanged, many people are a hindsight, if it were not for Xie Yu's post, they would not know at all.

A reply was suddenly liked by thousands:

"Hehe, I was lucky, I found a ginseng in the mountains and sold it to the imperial merchant house that is said to be Tong Suo, how much do you guess? Hahahaha, 100,000 yuan! I just don't know how to use it, the landlord is a good person, don't say too much, the landlord, you send me a private message, tell me your address, give you a thousand yuan, it is a thank you. "

"Groove! Dog thief! "

"Aa _

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