"One hundred thousand, according to the real purchasing power, even if there is no ten million, there are eight million, this luck, I obeyed."

So, is this game also a game of luck? Every time Lao Tzu comes to the promotion match, he encounters a pit, and his luck is too bad, which big guy helps me play the promotion match? "

"That garbage luck game you still play? Play Hammer, uninstalled earlier, and now wait for the open beta of this game. "

Seeing this reply, Xie Yu was overjoyed, and quickly sent him a private message, and in his anxiety, the man actually replied:

"Brother, I looked at the address, the distance is not too far, you stay where you are, I came to you."

Xie Yu was ecstatic, couldn't help but whisper a low roar in a person's room, calmed down, he remembered a novel he read ten years ago, in which the protagonist's mantra was: I am really a genius, with such strength today, everything is by my own efforts... Blue! Give me a plus!

Of course, the protagonist does not add points with money, but the nature of goldfinger is similar, the difference is that everyone in the game has a goldfinger, compared to it, the difficulty of obtaining money is lower.

After replenishing the nutrient solution, Xie Yu went to look at his post again, hoping to see a useful reply to him, but found that a post in the forum was pinned again.

"Are you still crying? Let's see how miserable other places outside the Republic are, the footbasin people, the Asan and the Europeans are simply miserable and can't look directly. "

The replies to this post have exceeded one million, half of the people are people outside the republic crying miserably, in the accusation, the first thing Xie Yu saw was an accusation with hundreds of words of replies and likes:

"Is this a game jointly developed by countries or a game developed by the Republic? Why do people in the game give the Republic so much advantage? Am I actually a slave when I enter? If you don't know, I thought it was a game developed by the Republic alone. "

"I was a Gaul, one of the first players to enter the game, and when I went in, I found out that my identity was actually a slave, which I thought was a feature of the game at first, and it took me a few days to realize how difficult it was to change the status of a slave."

"That Great Qin Empire with the ancient background of the Republic has actually conquered the Obaro continent in the game, degrading the vast majority of people on the Obaro continent to slaves, what is a slave, hundreds of years ago, we were such people who sold the black continent, how miserable the life of slaves is, you can imagine for yourself."

"What's more vicious is that Obarro's native religion seems to have been transformed, becoming the same as the three religions, believing in blessings in the next life and suffering in this life, oh my God, I can hardly imagine that many people in the Obaro continent are actually convinced? Become resigned. "

"But I am a fighter for freedom, I am a fighter for democracy, how can I be submissive, and after a few days, I began to resist, I began to preach the idea of freedom and democracy, so I died at the hands of the Inquisition."

"The first time, the second time, until the eighth time, I died at the hands of the Inquisition every time, and I can't understand why the Inquisition suppressed its own people on behalf of the Great Qin Empire?"

"I want countries to change the status quo of the game, otherwise the game will not be playable."

Seeing this Gaul's bloody accusation, Xie Yu's heart was much more balanced, and he could almost imagine this miserable scene of the Gaul in the game.

As a displaced man, he struggled, not to mention a slave.

What is a slave?

Those who have lost their freedom, who are arbitrarily driven by their masters, do things for them, even life and death are involuntary, and the master only needs to pay money to kill the slave.

But Xie Yu not only did not have sympathy, but also raised a hint of schadenfreude.

"Agreed! Countries must force the Republic to change the status quo of the game! I am a foot basin person, and I am also a slave after entering, everything is involuntarily, not to mention improving the realm of martial arts, and it is difficult to even survive. "

"Agreed! I am a three-person Ah San, and all the Ah San, who choose to go to the subcontinent, are also slaves, which is really unfair! Why are the players of the Republic a wanderer, and we are slaves? "

"Hehe, did our people from the Black Continent say anything? Although we are not slaves, we are not much worse than slaves, the black continent in the game is actually a primitive society, can you imagine people who eat flesh and blood raw? "

Reading these replies, Xie Yu was shocked, the Great Qin Empire in this game is much stronger than he imagined, such a huge empire has never existed in any era on Blue Star, and the entire game world seems to be shrouded by the Great Qin Empire, and there is a figure of the Great Qin Empire everywhere.

This matter finally attracted the attention of all countries, and at the joint meeting, hundreds of heads of state gathered, and the Gallic heads of state took the lead in attacking, pointing directly at the Great Elders of the Republic:

"This matter, we must give an explanation, why is the background in the game so unfair? I have reason to suspect that as the country leading game development, you are the one who set this unfairness! "

The head of the foot basin sneered: "You were the first to obtain the game mastermind, you must have discovered what we did not find, today you must explain everything clearly!" "

The head of the beautiful country shouted: "No one knows this game better than me!" I am afraid that you have long discovered that games can communicate with reality, so you set up this unfair game environment, when the game and reality interoperability function is enabled, you can have an absolute advantage. "

The Great Elder of the Republic was an old man who was not angry and self-threatening, and in the face of the attacks of many leaders, his face was calm, and finally he slowly said: "Whether you believe it or not, the current game master brain is no longer under our control, and even we can't even get close to the game master brain." "

"If you don't believe me, or if you want to change the background and content of the game, you can change it, and the Republic can fully open the game main brain base."

Only then did the heads of the countries calm down, and they all scoffed at the words of the Great Elder of the Republic, but since they had already forced the Great Elder to give in, they did not dare to press too much.

After all, this is the Great Elder of one of the two poles of the world on this planet.

In the game, Xie Yu waited for the lucky person according to the agreed location, but did not find that there was another person behind him silently.

Huan Zheng's eyes flickered slightly, staring at Xie Yu, seeing him inside and out.

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