"Or... Alarm? "

Xie Yu took out his mobile phone and quickly darkened the police call, but hesitated, thought for a long time, and put down the mobile phone.

What happened today is too weird, too mysterious.

The NPCs in the game came to reality along the network cable, who believes this?

It is estimated that as long as the police are called, the person who receives the police may think that he is a neuropathy.

Xie Yu grabbed his head hard, and a lot of hair was pulled down, but he couldn't think of any good way.

"Maybe the sand sculptures on the Internet can find a way."

Xie Yu raised a glimmer of hope in his heart, immediately sat in front of the computer, opened the game forum, forced the call, and posted a post:

"Help, the characters in the game came to reality along the network cable, and now they are playing games in the game warehouse at home, this is an extremely dangerous character, killed me four times in the game, it is estimated that killing me in reality is no different from killing an ant, what should I do?" Online and more! Urgent! "

After sending it out, Xie Yu immediately added: "What I said is true, deceive the whole family!" "

Soon, someone replied: "Fishing sticker, after the appraisal, everyone disperse, look at the embarrassment of the landlord." "

"Landlord, your method of deceiving and replying is not bad, I will also learn to brush the level when I turn back."

"Hehe, landlord, since it is a character in the game, then go to the game company, by the way, there is no game company, you better go to Guo Jia (dog head)."

"Play games with him, call him a brother and a brother, learn everything he knows, and then stab him to death with a backhand."

"Or, worship him as a teacher, worship the teacher and ask for a few pieces of equipment, and you still don't get up in the game?"

Xie Yu looked at it one by one, and gradually despaired, sure enough, they were all sand sculpture netizens, no one thought that he was telling the truth, and the replies were all very sand sculptures.

Xie Yu looked at the game warehouse blankly, and did not dare to escape, and the ability of Ying Zheng to find him no matter how he could find it in the game left a great shadow in his heart.


The game warehouse opened, and Ying Zheng walked out.

"Big guy, how do you feel? Fun isn't it? Xie Yu quickly stood up, his face full of smiles.

Ying Zheng said directly: "Do you know where the main brain base of the game is?" "

Xie Yu was stunned, this jump is too big, how could he know this kind of thing.

As soon as he looked at him, he knew that he didn't know, reached out and pulled her away, opened the forum, skillfully typed out a line, and set a high reward:

"Does anyone know where the game mastermind base is? Pure curiosity. "

Xie Yu's eyes widened, stunned, the game characters are so skilled at playing computers?

Anyway, it's not my own account, the bounty is very high, and more people reply this time.

"Hey, landlord, are you posting so fast? Again? "

"Gee, the landlord Niu approved, one plan for life, in order to solve the game characters, he actually wanted to destroy the game master brain (dog head)."

Ying Zheng glanced at it with a smile, and when he saw that reply, his face turned pale with fright, and his whole body trembled like a sieve.

"Actually, the person who posted before has been killed by me, and now I am the game character he said, the game character is replying to you, surprise or not, surprise or not?" Ying Zheng replied.

"It's over, the game character replied to me (grimace)."

"Brother, you are such a ghost."

Everyone who saw this post laughed, and some replied: "Landlord, you have come to cheat the reply again." "

The landlord just said: "I didn't cheat the reply, how can you stain people's innocence out of thin air." "

"What innocence, I just saw the post you lied to reply to a few minutes ago."

The landlord blushed, the green tendons on his forehead bloomed, and he kept arguing, followed by words such as "game characters" and "game masterminds", which caused everyone to laugh, and the outside of the forum was filled with happy air.

But this happy air did not infect Xie Yu in the slightest, he watched the characters drilled out of the game skillfully use the computer, and replied to the post with interest, this absurd feeling wrapped around him like a nightmare, making him feel like he was dreaming until now.

Under the high reward, although most of them were sand sculpture replies, Ying Zheng still saw a useful reply:

"My cousin is a staff member who develops games, with an annual salary of millions, I was envious at the beginning, his work address is XXXX, I don't know the specific address."

Several replies are locked in the same city, basically determining the location of the game's mastermind.

"Big guy, you're leaving?"

For a few hours, Xie Yu seemed to be twenty years older, and his eyes were dull as he watched Huan Zheng get up.

He was scared enough these few hours.

Huan Zheng patted Xie Yu's shoulder: "Practicing Qin Fist more is good for you." "

"The exercises in the game, how is the reality..."

Xie Yu's voice stopped abruptly, and he suddenly looked up at Huan Zheng, his eyes fiery: "Big guy, do you mean that Qin Fist can also be cultivated in reality?" "

"You still think it's a game world?"

Ying Zheng's figure disappeared into Xie Yu's eyes, and his voice came from afar, appearing illusory: "I know best the exercises I founded. "

"First Emperor? The emperor of the Great Qin Empire? "

Xie Yu was shocked.


XXXX, there is a hidden large base tens of meters deep underground, and there is a huge complex inside, where more than 10,000 people study and live.

Originally, this underground base republic dominated, most of the people were people of the republic, a small number of people were researchers from various countries, and now, the republic opened the base to the country, and thousands of researchers came in at once, a hive-like base, coming and going, facing the ten-meter-high game master brain research.

The world's top quantum computer, hundreds of researchers are operating, the screen flashes one after another, as the program characters on it flash, the leading researcher's face becomes more and more pale, he lowered his head and looked at the four big words on the paper.

Brain in a Jar!

"Connect me to the Great Elder and the heads of state."

The leading researcher let out a long sigh.

Soon, five heads of state appeared on the screen.

"Great Elder, Heads of State, a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear?" He spoke.

The Great Elder frowned and said, "Academician Wang, let's talk about the bad news first. "

Wang Long said: "The bad news is that so far, we still can't get close to the game mastermind, the good news is that we may have learned some information, and according to Pangu's calculations, this information is infinitely close to the truth, and its truth degree is 99% true." "_,

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