"Mr. Wang, is this the research result of your Republic or..."


Wang Long shook his head: "The research leaders of various countries have signed it, and they have confirmed this information that is infinitely close to the truth, and this truth is the brain in the cylinder." "

"What is the brain in the vat?" The Great Elder asked.

Wang Long took a deep breath and explained to them.

The so-called brain in the vat, is to assume that a person has been operated on, his brain is cut off from the body, and put into a tank containing the nutrient solution to maintain brain survival.

The nerve endings of the brain are connected to a computer that is programmed to transmit information to the brain to keep him under the illusion that everything is completely normal.

For him, it seems that people, objects, and the sky still exist, and his own movement and body sensations can be input. This brain can also be fed or intercepted memories (intercepting memories of brain surgery and then feeding into various environments, daily life that he may experience).

He can even be entered into a code that 'feels' that he himself is reading an interesting and ridiculous passage here.

The most basic question about this hypothesis is: "How do you guarantee that you are not in this predicament?" "

This is the brain in the cylinder experiment, which shows that intelligent beings, or human beings, have no ability to discern more than two orders of magnitude of information that they already have, and that their science, their research, and all their perception of the world are bound by something.

In that brain in the cylinder experiment, the experimenter can arbitrarily change all the cognition and common sense of the experimenter.

An unbearable experimenter could not bear that the 'people' of the world in the tank were arbitrarily manipulated, so he sent a little warning to the world in the cylinder through his own authority, prompting.

The humans of the world in the tank found the warning and wanted to resist, but in the process, another experimenter found the wrong program and modified the program.

The world's top scientists in the world, all the countries, gathered the world's manpower and material resources, struggled, struggled, and finally easily defeated by the most ordinary experimenter, and this experimenter only modified the program, so that all the struggles and efforts of the world in the cylinder are ineffective.

The resistance of the world in the cylinder is so powerless compared to the experimenter, who is the god of the world in the cylinder, with unlimited and endless power, and can arbitrarily modify everything in the world in the cylinder.

The resistance of humans in the tank, like the NPCs in the game, the characters in the novel, is meaningless to creating their existence.

In the end, the experiment stopped and the 100,000 heads were destroyed.

Of course, the game is not to cruelly drop 100,000 heads from the living, but to recruit 100,000 terminally ill or dying people and pay them to use their heads.

This is the brain world in the cylinder experiment, there are only 100,000 real consciousnesses, and billions of people in the world are real people in the eyes of those 100,000 consciousnesses, in fact, the perception implanted by the experimenters.

The experiment itself was not cruel, but the results were cruel, so the brain-in-a-vatland experiment was stopped.

Although there are small-scale brain-in-vain experiments, they are private and unknown.

And Wang Long is the person in charge of that large-scale brain in a cylinder experiment.

The heads of the five major states were pale, and the great elders who had always been not angry and self-threatening, and the great elders who were not angry and angry were also shocked at this moment, and they were still struggling to find the flaws:

"You're saying that we're probably in some kind of environment similar to the brain in the jar, how is it possible?" Tens of billions of people around the world..."

Being able to be the head of state is a very intelligent person, although Wang Long only said it once, they understood.

The Great Elder's questioning was so pale and powerless, he probably knew it himself.

In that large-scale brain-in-vain experiment, there were billions of people in the world in the tank, and in the eyes of those 100,000 real consciousnesses, those billions of people were also real people.

"Great Elder, how can you be sure that you are not the brain in the jar?"

The brain in the tank receives exactly the same signals as the brain in the skull, and this is the only way he communicates with the environment, and from the perspective of the brain, it is completely unable to determine whether it is the brain in the skull or the brain in the tank.

If it's the former, then it's the right idea, he does walk down the street or row.

If it's the latter, it's wrong, it's not walking or boating, it's just receiving the same electrical signal.

A brain cannot know whether it is in the skull or in the vat, so everything in this world may be false and illusory.

So what is real?

"It's still speculation."

The beautiful head of the country said, even if he likes to say that he knows best, he does not dare to say that he understands very well.

Wang Long shook his head slightly: "We can be sure that when the meteorite fell from the sky, we fell into some kind of environment similar to the brain in the tank. "

He paused and said in a deep voice: "Game, is it really something we researched?" A meteorite has nothing to do with games, why did we think of joining forces to make a game? These two seem to be incompatible. "

"We thought we were making the game, but now from all the reports, all the people involved in making the game have vague memories of the details of the game. It is almost certain that everything about this game has nothing to do with us. "

"Destroy it!" The head of the Gallic state said sharply.

"Now my thoughts, my words, are really my thoughts? And not instilled in me by some unknown being? "

Wang Long's words made them creepy, and they only felt that everything became unreal.

The experimental team of the brain in the cylinder finally came to the conclusion that dimensionality reduction exists.

The human consciousness of the brain world in the jar is a lower latitude existence than the real world.

The real world has finally created a two-dimensional world, not a world of faces, but a virtual world that is fully controlled, a virtual world that is recognized and controlled, existence is modified, cannot be perceived, cannot be chased, and even physical laws can be the same as the real world.

Everything about them is meaningless.

The truth they chase is actually just the law of the game controlled by humans, and their struggle with free will, trying to prove the meaning of existence, is just some kind of information instilled by existence.

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