This experiment finally proved that the magnitude of information is too different, and after cognitive coverage, it does not have the ability to distinguish between virtual and real by itself. And this cognitive coverage and information control can create dimensionality reduction strikes.

This is an irreversible horror.

The dimensionality reduction blow that cannot be broken, dominated, controlled, and created by the long-lost terror.

"We can't resist anymore, now you can tell us, what the hell are you going to do?"

Wang Long stared at the game console that could not be approached anyway.

"Unexpectedly, there are actually smart ants among the ants."

A kind of fluctuation from the heart resounded in everyone's heart, the heads of the five countries looked at the huge game host through the screen in shock, they were also thousands of kilometers away from the game console recently, the farthest was tens of thousands of kilometers, but this strange voice could actually sound in their minds, how not to be shocked.

"As a reward for the clever ants, I can inform you, it's just that you seem to have guessed most of it, and it seems that you only need me to supplement some."

"Why are you doing this?" Wang Long said in a deep voice.

The unknown being laughed and said, "Why do you want to do this? Are there a reason why you walk on the road and trample an ant to death? What do I do and what does it have to do with ants? "

"I will answer you, but it is only an addition to a long life."

"Originally, I just wanted to do it unconsciously, but you have to poke your illusions, why bother?"

"What exactly do you want to do?" Wang Long asked.

Everyone seemed to be able to see the smile of the game console, and he said: "Without him, it's just a dimensionality reduction." "

"In the words of your civilization, the magnitude of my information covers the information of your civilization, and your knowledge of everything comes from my gift, and you can no longer distinguish between real and illusory."

"As long as I cover it, all the jurisprudence you say you explore is my definition of jurisprudence, and what you spend countless manpower and material resources to explore may just be an idea and setting of me, painstakingly studying, and understanding that it is only a falsehood I made up. At that time, I am the truth, and I am the law. "

Everyone's hearts fell into the abyss, and the heads of the five countries thought of the nuclear bomb 'button' almost at the same time, and thought of all weapons that could destroy him.

Regardless of everything! Destroy him!

The Great Elder immediately gave an order, even if he destroyed that city, he could not let the information of the entire world be overwritten.


Somewhere, the energy detector suddenly sounded an alarm, and the researcher exclaimed: "Dean! The energy level in that place is constantly climbing, 50... 1000...... 500... 10000...... 5000...... 1,·00000... 1000000...... Beyond the detection range... Over inspection...",

The dean took a step, pushed away the staff and shrunk, and saw that the bright red font on the screen was flashing, and when he saw the 1,000,000, his face was full of horror.

You know, an ordinary nuclear level is only 500, and the energy level of that place has exceeded 100·0000, and exceeded the detection range, which may exceed 1000000.

The dean's heart was beating wildly, and he only felt that his throat was fiercely held by a big hand, and his breathing was uncomfortable, and he said with difficulty: "Quick!" Fast! Hurry up and report to the Great Elder! "

His voice was instantly hoarse.

And the people in the entire research institute who saw this number were frozen, their hands and feet were cold, and after a few breaths, someone went to report to the Great Elder.

"Could it be wrong?" A researcher said.

The dean shook his head heavily: "It is impossible to go wrong. "

"What the hell would have such a large energy level?" Someone said with a crying voice, and an atmosphere of the imminent end of the world enveloped everyone's hearts.

There was silence in the hall.

The dean closed his eyes and said: "Even if all the nuclear bombs of Blue Star are exploded in an instant, it is far from reaching the energy level of 100,000·0, if this is a creature, his every move is a devastating disaster for all living beings on Blue Star." "

"One breath of his can dislike a category twelve hurricane, his roar can resound throughout the entire blue star, and one of his pauses can set off an unprecedented earthquake on the blue star, can easily destroy the continent, set off a tsunami in the sky, and more than a billion people have died."

"Even tens of millions of years ago, the energy of the meteorite that destroyed the dinosaurs hit the earth, which may only be equivalent to a heavy pause on his feet."

A researcher couldn't help but say: "It is impossible for a creature to have such a large amount of energy, this is against the law..."

The dean calmly said, "It was the Great Elder who ordered us to test that place, and according to the Great Elder, it was most likely an unknown creature. "

"Could it be that the end of the world ... Is it really coming? "

The hall was silent for a long time, and some people could no longer withstand this blow, sitting limply on the ground, their hearts like dead ashes.

Seeing the data sent by the research institute, the Great Elder's eyes darkened, and he only felt that his heart was clenched fiercely, and he immediately signed the highest war order.

The Great Elder, the Second Elder, all the elders, the think tank, and the high-level leaders of all the republics gathered together, and the high-level leaders of the other four countries were the same, and they had to negotiate a plan in the shortest possible time.

The longer time drags on, the harder it will be to reverse.

The Great Elder opened the video, which featured a conversation between Wang Long and the unknown being, telling them everything, and that unknown being seemed to be not afraid that they would know at all, nor disdained their resistance.

"When the magnitude of your world information is covered by me, everything you know is under my control."

The voice of that unknown being was calm.

"And you, when you are part of this dominated and controlled information, the existence of human beings itself will be assimilated, and everything that constitutes you, those things about information and memory, personality, will also fall from your dimension as part of that controlled information world."

His voice was chilling, and everyone watching this video was creepy, like a basin of ice water poured on their heads.

"It's like you look at ants, you are three-dimensional creatures, ants are two-dimensional creatures, and after that, you will also become two-dimensional creatures, you will become characters written by the author, NPCs in the game, everything is controlled without knowing it."

"There are still three days to go, struggle, work hard, hahahahaha..."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - bookmark, recommend, share! ��·3)

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