The anti-gravity stabilizer and ecological maintenance device are equipped on the continent, so that the blazing sun star becomes this look.

The star of the blazing sun is also more than ten thousand times the sun and is above the blazing sun continent, so the blazing sun continent has no night, only day.

However, night and day with the technology of the blazing sun civilization can be considered regulated, which is not too big a problem.

The Lord God of the Flaming Sun is not only the main god of all civilizations under the rule of the Flaming Sun, but also the main god of the Flaming Sun Civilization.

Of course, the gods and the people of the blazing sun did not live on the same earth, but lived in the blazing sun heavenly court.

This is a huge complex of buildings suspended in the center of the Lieyang Continent, which is more than hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, equivalent to the area of a small continent, and surrounded by clouds, this huge heavenly palace is like a fairyland in the clouds.

Following Rena to this heavenly palace, Ying Zheng's face was slightly strange, it was clearly a pure scientific and technological civilization, but on the surface, it looked like a very mysterious civilization.

Looking around, the jade buildings and golden halls on the Heavenly Palace, Qionglou Yuyu loomed in the clouds and mist that he thought he had created.

The entire Heavenly Palace was shrouded in a layer of sky that was invisible to the naked eye, even if the main firepower Star Destroyer Cannon equipped by the starship was hit on it, I am afraid it was a small spark.

Of course, there is no shortage of guards on the Heavenly Palace, but all the guards are wearing armor and holding cold weapons, but under the appearance of cold weapons, it is the essence of science fiction weapons with a very high level of science and technology.

With Rena, it is naturally unimpeded, all the way to the main hall of the Heavenly Palace.

In the mist, in that magnificent palace, countless gods like mythical arches guarded one person.

I saw that above the main hall, two columns of Wenchen martial generals of the Fierce Sun Civilization were standing, and those who could go to the main hall were at least the existence of three generations of super soldiers, and the aura was huge enough to shake the stars.

In the innermost part of the main hall, at the top, stands the imperial throne, and there is no one above the imperial throne, but below the imperial throne, there is a man sitting with a big horse golden knife.

The man was dressed in gray armor, his face hidden in his helmet, revealing only a pair of dark eyes.

It was Pan Zhen.

The regent-like existence of the Lieyang civilization.

As soon as Ying Zheng entered, thousands of civilized Wen Chen martial generals of the Fierce Sun Civilization turned around in unison and stared straight at Ying Zheng.

Even if thousands of ordinary people look at one person in unison, it can bring great pressure to people, not to mention the existence of at least three generations of super soldiers, in thousands of civilizations, they are real gods, revered by hundreds of millions of living beings.

Ying Zheng's face was indifferent, his eyes suddenly brightened, and his grand will waved, blowing the clouds and mist of the entire hall rolling and stirring.


Almost instantly, all the Wen Chen martial generals who looked directly at Ying Zheng felt a thick and incomparable murderous intent.

Pan Zhen's dark eyes, which seemed to have no sorrow or joy above, moved slightly, his brows were upturned, and he felt a forest crisis.

In the light, Pan Zhen seemed to feel a sword of Optimus directly piercing their eyebrows, and the Sword of Optimus was stained with endless blood, and the blade was dark red, containing endless killing intent.

Everyone in the hall of Sensen's murderous excitement stood up, their eyebrows were tingling, and the clouds and mist in the hall were frightened and disappeared like creatures, leaving an extremely cold void

"This person, what a killing intent!"

Pan Zhen took a slight breath, and the killing intent displayed by this movement of his mind made his scalp numb.

Pan Zhen, who was the strongest, felt this, while the Wen Chen martial general below felt the deepest, only feeling that his eyebrows had been pierced, and the tip of the sword stained with endless blood had been pierced.




Some people even feel that their heads are completely pierced and that they are on the verge of death.

And their flesh and skin, muscles, internal organs, and souls all seemed to be shattered by this blood-stained Optimus Giant Sword.

"Lieyang Civilization, are you going to give me a dismount?"

Huan Zheng spoke lightly, his voice was flat, Sensen's killing intent disappeared, and all the Wen Chen martial generals let out a long sigh of relief, and couldn't help but touch their eyebrows.

"Your Excellency misunderstood, I didn't mean to wait, this is a custom of our civilization to show respect for our distinguished guests."

Pan Zhen suddenly got up, laughed, and looked hearty and hospitable.

His original intention naturally wanted to give Ying Zheng a dismount, but unfortunately Xia Mawei did not work, but was given a dismount by Ying Zheng, and his heart moved, and he snorted and exposed this matter.

"The hospitality customs of the Lieyang civilization are really unprecedented."

Ying Zheng lowered his eyes slightly and smiled indifferently.

"What about the people on the imperial throne?"

"Please come with me, Your Majesty is inconvenient to go out to meet guests."

"Lead the way."

Ying Zheng was not the Di Hongkun he saw on the Flaming Sun Continent, but he met Di Hongkun in the center of a star that was close to extinction.

The star turned out to be in the prime of life, and Di Hongkun drove the star's flare activity, accelerating the star's demise, and eventually making the star in the prime evolve into a star that is about to be extinguished.

"Your Excellency forgive me for meeting in this way, the war back then made me seriously injured and turned into a phantom, the Fierce Sun Civilization could not recover my injuries, and I could only treat my injuries with the help of the power of the stellar core, which originally took at least 10,000 years to recover, but Your Excellency gave me hope of healing."

Di Hongkun turned into a phantom body, like a human-shaped flame, the tongue of fire could not stop beating, only the blurry outline, and even the facial features could not be revealed.

"I don't know what Your Excellency calls it yet."

"Win Zheng."

Di Hongkun chuckled: "Your Excellency's name is the same as the name of an ancient emperor on Earth. "

Ying Zheng was straight to the point: "You are very clear about the importance of this technique to your Flaming Sun Civilization, what are you going to exchange it for?" "

"What do you need?"

Di Hongkun asked rhetorically.

"All the technology of the Flaming Sun Civilization and the ten star civilizations."


Di Hongkun flatly refused: "I can promise ten star civilizations, but all the technology of the Lieyang civilization is not good, this is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Lieyang civilization for 100,000 years, and it is impossible to hand it over to you like this." "

All technology is not only the crystallization of their wisdom, but also contains their flaws, and it is impossible to hand over to an unknown existence.

"Then I'll take a step back, all the genetic technology."

Di Hongkun's reaction was expected by Ying Zheng, and the negotiation was to make the lion open his mouth.

For example, if you say that this room is too dark, you must open a window here, and everyone must not allow it.

But if you advocate tearing down the roof, they will come and reconcile and be willing to open the windows.

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