
Di Hongkun hesitated for a while and agreed, the conditions of Ying Zheng were just a little above his bottom line, and if he asked for more, he would not agree.

Supergod World is a pure sci-fi side world, and the main branch of their technology tree is gene technology and engine technology.

Before the birth of the Shenhe civilization, the gene technology and engine technology of the supergod world were only branches of the technology tree, and they were still inconspicuous.

After tens of millions of years of development, the Shenhe civilization finally became one of the most advanced civilizations in the known universe and known civilizations 200,000 years ago.

But they are different from the civilizations of that era, and the main branch of their technology tree climbing is genetic technology and engine technology, which is completely different from other known powerful civilizations.

This is the difference in ideology, the confrontation of ideology is irreversible, the war begins, the Shenhe civilization against other powerful civilizations, but unexpectedly, the war is to present superiority at the beginning, it is the advantage of the Shenhe civilization over other powerful civilizations.

The war lasted only thousands of years, and those powerful civilizations were all exterminated by the Shenhe civilization.

Although the Shenhe civilization won, it also suffered heavy losses, hundreds of millions of people died in the war, and the anti-war tide within the civilization was surging, and in decades, the Shenhe civilization completed a drastic transformation from an aggressive civilization to an orderly civilization.

And the Shenhe civilization became the most powerful civilization, and the chief scientist Dinghei had to be mentioned.

The super gene was first proposed by Ding Gehei, chief scientist of the Shenhe civilization, who deeply felt the shortness of the life span of the Shenhe people while exploring the ultimate truth of the universe, the life span of hundreds of billions of years in the universe, the human life span of hundreds of years, the short is like a mayfly dying at the end of life, even if the genes of the cosmic human race are optimized, the lifespan of hundreds of years is the limit.

Although their weapons can easily destroy stars, they will still die hundreds of years later.

So Dinghei launched the Kiyan Project, which is to extend lifespan by altering and even creating genes, which successfully extended the life expectancy of experimenters to thousands of years.

It caused a sensation in the entire Shenhe civilization, after all, there is nothing more exciting than life.

After the program matures, it will begin to be promoted throughout the Shenhe civilization, which can greatly alleviate the growing demographic problem of the Shenhe civilization.

Shortly after the rollout, with the support of the military, a millennium project codenamed Super Soldier was officially launched under the leadership of Dinghey.

This is a millennium plan that changed the historical scientific and technological process of the Shenhe civilization and even the scientific and technological process of the universe, and was also renamed the "God-Creation Project" in later generations

The first soldiers who participated in the Kiyan Project and obtained 7 soldiers of the Kamigawa civilization became the first volunteers of the Super Soldier Program. In addition to bringing lengthy but important to the participants, the Kiyan technique greatly enhanced the participants' genetic strength, and their genes began to become more complex and more violent.

At the beginning of the experiment, drugs and thermonuclear radiation under the control of galactic computers became the main gene cultivation methods, and the engineering proximity was unusually slow.

Until one day, Kiran, an annual examiner, offered his opinion to Dinghei, and it was this suggestion that greatly changed the course of the super soldier program.

Kieran believes that there are two main reasons for the slow progress of the current plan:

First, the gene training method is too old, and there is no new technology to make up for the deficiency, so the ancient method brings out a slow speed.

Second, the evolution of genes comes from mutations in genes, requiring a galactic material computer under which every step of the process is firmly controlled, and this galactic material computer is called the Void Engine in the back.

Kieran's words touched Dinghei, and his fanatical scientific soul became restless again, and he decided to accept Kiran's suggestion.

Kieran is also a beneficiary of the Kiyan program, and in order to prevent the soldiers participating in the experiment from being harmed by the uncertainty of the program, Kieran risked his life to voluntarily become an experimental individual in this study.

With the efforts of Dinghei and Kieran, the Void Engine was born, and the first cosmic Terran to integrate super genes and Void Engine was Kiran, the first main god of the known universe.

At the moment of success, the entire Shenhe civilization crossed the cycle of civilization and began to move towards the supergod era.

The result of the experiment is that Kieran's body not only maintains the texture of human skin, but also can resist the physical impact of high-risk explosives, and the strength is far beyond anyone's imagination, and the most terrifying thing is that his mind has become more potential while being highly developed, and has terrible computing power and the possibility of further evolution.

Taking control of the Void Engine, Kieran quickly exploits the potential of the super gene, his strength grows stronger and stronger, and finally in one day, he destroys a huge planet with one blow.

Since then, the entire Shenhe civilization has listed gene technology and the void engine as the backbone of the technology tree and climbed rapidly.

Soon, the super soldiers of the Shenhe civilization were born.

In the war between the Kamigawa civilization and other powerful civilizations, the super soldiers of the Kamigawa civilization showed remarkable combat effectiveness.

The civilizations did not expect that the strength of individuals could reach this level, and a super soldier could compete with a fleet of super warships that those powerful civilizations were proud of.

Although super soldiers are still very small compared to the boundless interstellar battlefield, and one super soldier cannot resist two or more fleets, no matter how strong the collective power is, there is no sense of shock that the powerful power is mastered by individuals.

What's more, these super soldiers have a very long lifespan, and long lifespan is fatally attractive to any form of creature.

The war ended at a speed beyond expectations, and the Kamigawa civilization destroyed those powerful civilizations by relying on super soldiers, becoming the most powerful civilization in the known universe.

The main branch of the civilization technology tree of the known universe has become gene technology and engine technology.

Although the Shenhe civilization no longer exists, they still affect hundreds of millions of civilizations.

The Angel Civilization and the Flaming Sun Civilization are the biggest beneficiaries of gene technology and engine technology so far.

And the reason why Di Hongkun agreed to hand over the gene technology of the Lieyang civilization to Ying Zheng was because gene technology and engine technology were indispensable.

Super genes are violent, have no engine control, are not available at their maximum effectiveness, and may be eaten back.

And with an engine, without super genes, the same useless. _

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