As for the Xingxing Star Civilization, there are millions under the direct rule of the Lieyang Civilization, and giving ten to the government is like a drop in the bucket.

There is a strict distinction between the civilization levels of the supergod world.

They are star civilizations, civilization activities are limited to the planet, and the earth is a star civilization, but the earth is regarded by the super seminary, which is particularly special.

Above that is a star-level civilization, separated from the parent star, the entire star system has become their resource land, such civilizations, there are countless in the universe.

Star-level civilizations are followed by star cluster-level civilizations, with a territory range between ten star regions and one hundred thousand star regions, so the gap between star cluster level civilizations is very large.

And to the galaxy-level civilization, it is already an advanced civilization in the universe, such an advanced civilization, there are no more than a thousand known civilizations in the known universe, of which the Styx civilization of the Styx galaxy is the more powerful one in the galaxy-level civilization.

Then there is the super-star cluster level civilization, which covers several galaxies.

As for cosmic-level civilizations, known civilizations, there are only three known universes, one is an angel civilization, one is a blazing sun civilization, and the other is a demon civilization.

That's why Di Hongkun agreed to win the government so easily.

Stepping into the teleportation star gate, Ying Zheng has come to a billion light years away, which is the edge of the direct rule of the Flaming Sun Civilization, it can also be said that the Flaming Sun Civilization has the weakest rule here, but under normal circumstances, no civilization will convulse the wind to invade the direct ruling territory of the Flaming Sun Civilization.

In the direct ruling territory of the Flaming Sun Civilization, there was no civilization above the galaxy level, and even if it existed before, it was destroyed by the Flaming Sun Civilization.

From here, it is only the jurisdiction of the Flaming Sun Civilization, not directly ruled, only nominal, existing in galaxy-level civilizations and super-star cluster level civilizations, although not directly ruled, but symbolic taxes are still required.

The ruling method of the Lieyang civilization is the lord god of the blazing sun and the supreme king of the blazing sun, and the military officials under his command are also the gods of countless civilizations.

The local administrative system of the Lieyang civilization is similar to the parallel system of counties and states, and absolute rule is implemented within the direct rule range, and outside the direct rule range, there are the princes of the Lieyang civilization.

"Your Excellency, these are the ten civilizations you have chosen, all of which are civilizations in a star cluster."

Following Ying Zheng came a star cluster consul of the Flaming Sun Civilization, equivalent to the administrator of this star cluster, but in fact, he was the god of all civilizations in this star cluster.

The authority of the gods in these civilizations is supreme, and the way to transfer these ten civilizations to the government is also very rude, that is, directly issuing oracles, and no civilization dares to disobey the oracles.

"Yes, I will take over by myself, your people can be withdrawn, I don't want your people to still exist in my territory."

Ying Zheng said lightly.

"Of course."

The consul of this star cluster bowed his head slightly.

The ten war fortresses suspended in this starry sky immediately jumped into space and left here.

The reason why cosmic-level civilizations are cosmic civilizations, teleportation star gates are to ensure the effectiveness of their rule, and war fortresses are to ensure the power of their notifications.

Their means of creating war fortresses are star motherships, directly devouring a planet, dividing resources internally, and creating war fortresses.

The war fortresses of the Lieyang civilization are spread all over the territory, countless of them, when there is no war, they are disguised as barren planets, and once there is a war, the maximum power of the drive can be turned into a starry sky meat grinder.

Three Yang Star, Northern Wasteland.

The millions of troops of the Three Kingdoms Alliance Army gathered here, and the War Cavalry Regiment of the Sanyang Empire, the Wild Legion of the Northern Barbarian Empire, and the Scorching Sun Legion of the Haoyang Empire can be described as elite soldiers.

Three remnant suns hang in the west, and the dusk glow dyes the clouds with deep colors.

The remnant sun of the western slope is far from the three-sun star, so despite the direct presence of three stars, the temperature of the three-yang star is not very high.

At this time, the commander's tent was fiercely arguing, a tall man wearing heavy armor, a lion's mouth and a wide nose, a shocking scar slanted down from the corner of his eye, almost splitting his head in half.

This person was the military commander of the Northern Barbarian Empire, and his expression was extremely excited at this moment: "Defense! Defend! Or defense! It doesn't make any sense! This time the beast tide is different from before, this time there is a beast king, do not kill the beast king, even if we finish our elite, we may not be able to survive this beast tide! "

An elegant middle-aged man wiped a handful of spit on his face and said calmly: "You can't guarantee that your intelligence is true, in a hundred years, no so-called beast king has been born, maybe it's just that the scouts of your Northern Barbarian Empire are wrong." "

"In the past hundred years, we have relied on the Great Wall to spend more than a dozen beast tides, and a hundred years of experience cannot be changed because of you alone."

“MD! Why don't you believe! I believe in him! He would never swear so much if he was not sure, that the beast king could drive any beast, capture the thief first, and not kill the beast king, this beast tide will be stronger than any beast tide..."

"Well, lion madness, I also think that your method is not advisable, as Chen Rui said, our biggest reliance to resist the beast tide is the Great Wall, without the Great Wall, when encountering the beast tide, we have no chance of victory, even if there is a beast king, the so-called thief first captures the king is also a joke."

An old man next to him who had been silent slowly spoke.

"The lives of hundreds of millions of people behind us are at stake, and any decision must be cautious and cautious, we do not believe you, but we must be cautious."

Lion Mad let out a long sigh and walked out of the commander's tent without saying a word.

This planetary civilization has been born for about two thousand years, it is still in the age of cold weapons, there is only one continent, the area is slightly smaller than all the continents on the earth, and the population is close to one billion.

More than four hundred years ago, the Sanyang Empire became the first country on this continent to unify the world, experiencing the process of the first generation of Xiongjun, the second generation of Ming Jun, the third generation of Sage Monarch, and the fourth generation of Quack Monarch, and the next dozen emperors were basically mediocre monarchs, ordinary lives, mediocre life, no wisdom and no virtue, no mistakes and no merit.

However, in the last years of the Sanyang Empire, two unconscious kings were produced in a row, arrogant and lascivious, corrupting the imperial government, and the people suffered from hanging upside down, and the society was tired of it.

After the two unconscious kings, a tyrant came out, good slaughter, joy, and the Sanyang Empire became full of flames, and the Northern Barbarian Empire and the Haoyang Empire were born from that time.

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