"Well, this side of the world has a strong humane atmosphere."

As soon as he set foot in this world, he felt an unprecedented strong humane atmosphere, which proved that the level of humane civilization in this world is very high.


Little Pixiu climbed from the crook of his arm to his shoulder and looked at the starry sky with starry eyes.

"Find out what world this is..."

He looked around, and the world he stepped out of the gate of time and space was a starry sky, with many stars densely packed, each of which was hundreds of millions of miles away.

Deep in space, looking up, all the stars are suspended together, forming a variety of strange worlds.

"Huh? Interesting existence. "

Ying Zheng had only taken a few steps and was about to enter a star hundreds of millions of miles away to understand the world, but he suddenly felt a breath, his heart moved, and he changed direction.

A great snake of the void, entrenched in the galaxy, on a planet hundreds of millions of miles away from the turbulent flow of the void.

His existence is like a huge "Dao" word in the center of the universe, showing the magic of the universe, the mystery of the Dao, the power of the Dao is huge, with the mana fluctuations on his body alone, it is enough to destroy the stars, blind the sun and the moon, move mountains and fill the sea, even if the Creator is in front of him, he only trembles, and absolutely cannot raise any mind to resist.

Such power, such coercion, is simply a manifestation of supreme power that can make any existence shame and surrender to it.

After any being sees the body of the Immortal God King, it will feel in his heart, what nine five supreme, nine nine supreme, ten thousand saints, all sons of the truth................... And so on and so forth, these are not worth mentioning.

It seems that the body of this great serpent represents the supreme "Tao".

Legend has it that the Great Sage who created the word in ancient times was the "Dao" character created by looking at the body of the immortal god king. After no one saw the Immortal God King, they would not be shocked, and they would worship from the bottom of their hearts.

Suddenly, this big snake opened its eyes, its eyes projected endless void, and fell on Ying Zheng's body, and at the same time, the body of this big snake entrenched on the stars moved, and a spatial storm suddenly swept over.

"A master of the Central World of the Outer Heavens?"

The big snake's voice vibrate, raising its huge head, looking down at Ying Zheng, like looking at a clown, naturally having a majestic momentum, and laughing:

"Your leader sent you?"

Ying Zheng frowned and looked at this big snake, a huge spatial storm rushed past him, without causing him the slightest impact, seeing this scene, the big snake's eyes moved slightly.

"Are you... Unending God King? "

Ying Zheng glanced at this big snake, the huge body entrenched on the planet, no matter how it looked, it looked like a 'Dao' body, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was the son of the Dao.

"Knowing that this seat is the Immortal God King, you dare to come to see me, boy, did the leader of the outer heavens send you to die? This seat is in a good mood today, just not hungry, go back and tell your leader, what Panhuang wants to do, is what I want to oppose, let him not be delusional, the immortal monument will not be given to him, no conditions are enough, unless he kills me..."

The Immortal God King moved his huge body: "But for him, it is no different than ascending to the sky, when the Immortal Emperor couldn't kill me, just rely on him to be a small leader of the outer heavens?" Again and again, the first two times let him escape with serious injuries, and the next time he did not have such good luck. "

Immortal God King.

Outer Heaven Leader.

The idea of winning the government turned, and he probably already knew what kind of world this was.

Ten Thousand Dragon City and Eight Hundred Mo Dao Guards were summoned from this realm.

Yangshen World!

This big snake in front of him is indeed an immortal god king, the son of the Dao, the body of a human head snake, a naturally powerful existence, and the Immortal Emperor at his peak could not kill him, and was sealed by the Immortal Emperor in the largest immortal monument of "the mother of the five elements, the source of ten thousand origins".

"I have nothing to do with the leader of the outer heavens, nor am I from the Central World." Ying Zheng swallowed slowly.

The Immortal God King was stunned and furious: "Boy! You play me! "

Huan Zheng said lightly: "You just think too much yourself." "

"Boy! You play me! Do you know what kind of being you are angry with! "

The Immortal God King was furious, and a space storm that was enough to destroy the planet swept the galaxy.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

The Immortal God King roared, as if he wanted to break free of some kind of bondage, but every time he tried to break free, dense runes like iron chains would appear around him, and these thousands of miles of iron chain runes bound him to death on the planet.

And the source of these chains is from a towering monument above the planet, standing quietly above the void, sinking and floating.

This inscription that sealed the Immortal God King was an endless monument, which seemed to be only a dozen meters in size, but it actually contained a huge space.

The Immortal Monument is the magic weapon of the Immortal Emperor, and the Immortal Emperor wants to rely on it to cross the other shore! Refining is enough to drive with the Ship of Creation, the Eternal Realm, and the king of supreme artifacts!

According to legend, the Immortal Emperor is the ancient holy emperor, the teacher of the Pan Emperor, the old antique among the old antiques, the strength is unmatched, and he is the strongest existence in the Yang God.

This legendary holy emperor sealed the king of the five demon gods, refined the five great monuments, and sealed all the five god kings.

The five god kings were all strong people who smashed the vacuum, but they were all sealed and suppressed by the Immortal Emperor.

In the eyes of the Immortal God King, the Immortal Emperor could not destroy himself, so he sealed himself and slowly refined it.

But in fact, the Immortal Emperor just wanted to smelt the power of the five god kings into the five great monuments, and then merge the five great monuments into one to form a complete immortal monument and become the king of the third artifact.

But in the end, halfway through the smelting, the Immortal Emperor didn't know why he gave up and discarded the five monuments, and each of the five monuments had a demon god king.

"I'm going to kill you! I'll kill you! "

I saw that Ying Zheng seemed to ignore him, just carefully looked at the monument, and the Immortal God King was extremely angry, but the more excited he was, the tighter the chains on the immortal monument became, and even strangled into his flesh.

Ying Zheng was a little speechless: "Can you be quiet?" You're noisy, you know? "

He wondered if the Immortal God King had been locked up for more than 100,000 years, and he knew that he couldn't hurt Ying Zheng if he was sealed, but he still kept roaring.

It looks like a leashed dog is incompetent and furious.

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