After a few breaths, the Immortal God King's big eyes almost exploded, and the huge body trembled, making the surrounding body space extinguished, repaired, extinguished, repaired.

He didn't expect that someone would dare to speak to him like this.

It's like in...

The tone of voice of talking to a dog?

On the immortal monument, a stream of mysterious, simple words are like a river, circulating on the immortal monument.

According to the Immortal God King, the leader of the Outer Heavens wanted this immortal monument very much, and he came more than once, and he couldn't ask for it several times.

The immortal monument seals the immortal god king, but at the same time, the immortal god king also protects the immortal god king, if you want to take the immortal monument, you must face the immortal god king.


Little Pixiu looked at the roaring Immortal God King with great curiosity, not understanding why this big snake was so angry.

"You are a little thing, you dare to laugh at me!"

This Immortal God King is most likely to have a bad brain, and everyone seems to be laughing at him.

To put it bluntly, it is that the self-esteem is too strong, once the king of the demon god, high above, looking down on hundreds of millions, once knocked down to dust, sealed in the immortal monument.

After being free for thousands of years, he has been sealed for more than 100,000 years, and a huge part of his life has been spent in the seal, and it is understandable that his brain is broken.

Thundered! Thundered!

Ying Zheng stepped out, and the huge storm set off by the Immortal God King blew like a breeze, just blowing the little Pixiu's fluffy, snow-white hair and floating.

The sealing of the immortal monument did not block the immortal monument, and the victory government took a thousand miles, and in a few steps, he squeezed through the multiple seals and entered the interior of the immortal monument.

This is a vast and boundless square, the square is all a white jade color inlay, each piece of white jade color floor with the most esoteric words, between the lines, contains the truth.

In the center of this square, there is still a four-sided monument, but this monument is much larger than the monument suspended on the planet, more than a hundred feet high, and on the top of the monument, there is a man with a gloomy but arrogant upper body, and a demon god with a snake body on the lower body.

This demon god is about the same size as the monument on the white jade square, how tall is a hundred zhang, at this moment this demon god is trembling with anger, seeing Ying Zheng appear in the immortal monument sealing space, stunned, then the huge body trembled, free from the shackles of the monument, smiling viciously: "Boy, heaven has a way you don't go, hell has no door you come to break into!" Say, how do you want to die..."

The voice of the Immortal God King stopped abruptly, the snake's tail swam, and the fury in his eyes disappeared, replaced by ecstasy, longing, and even his huge body trembled slightly:

"Hahahaha, there is no way to be invincible, boy, become me!"

The Immortal God King's mind turned into a storm and stirred endlessly:

It has been more than 100,000 years, and my life expectancy is not far from 129,600 years. I have a hunch that my Shouyuan will be extinguished at any time and disappear between heaven and earth, and my strength, my life force, is also constantly aging, so I must find a substitute to continue my Shouyuan, my spirituality...

I found a few people, nothingness can't work, void is not easy, dream god machine is even worse, this kid, and I am incomparably suitable, as long as I can get this body, I can extend my life and restore my strength.

"Occupy your body, and then sacrifice my body, and I will be able to restore my full strength."

The Immortal God King's eyes burst with a terrifying light, his expression was grim, and before the words fell, the body of this God King moved in the void, and his powerful thoughts suddenly enveloped Ying Zheng.

Whoops! A giant fist, breaking through the void, bombarded the heart of Ying Zheng's eyebrows!

The power of this punch, Ying Zheng can feel it, if the fight is solid and explodes, the ten planets will be wiped out!


Ying Zheng's body swelled, his arms were stretched, and in an instant, his five fingers clenched into fists, and he thundered out with a punch.

With his punch, it seemed that the entire space of the Immortal Monument was endlessly expanding, and his body seemed to fill the entire space in an instant, and a domineering momentum overflowed from his body, vast as the starry sky.

In the eyes of the Immortal God King, he was not inferior to the power of the Immortal Emperor in the slightest, as if he had faced the Immortal Emperor more than 100,000 years ago.

"Impossible! The Immortal Emperor, this old guy can't still be alive! "

The Immortal God King's body trembled, and he immediately threw this thought out of his mind.

He is a god and demon raised by nature, and his lifespan can reach an era, and other creatures cannot live so long even if they cultivate into Yang Gods.


It was like countless thunders exploding in unison, and the Immortal God King retreated sharply as if he had been struck by thunder, slamming into the Immortal Monument fiercely, and the entire Immortal Monument space shook violently.

"How is it possible!"

The Immortal God King's eyelids jumped violently, even if he was sealed, suppressed for more than 100,000 years, his strength was greatly reduced, but he also had the strength to smash the vacuum, and a brat who suddenly popped out could actually beat his own blood boiling.

"If someone achieves to smash the vacuum or the Yang God, I must be able to sense that this kid is some old immortal antique? But in my memory, there is no old antique who can match him. "

In an instant, a thousand thoughts turned, and the Immortal God King sneered: "There are more than one or two old antiques who died in my hands..."

The majestic qi and blood are like a great sun wave hitting the void, and the momentum of the government is majestic like a sacred mountain, thousands of feet away, and said lightly: "Immortal God King, it has been sealed for more than 100,000 years, probably your brain is really rusty, and you need someone to help you loosen your bones." "

Ying Zheng slowly raised a finger.


With a finger, the void burst out with endless sharp qi, as if the source of the sharpest sword qi exploded, and the endless sword qi cut through the void.


Endless dense blades filled the Immortal Monument space, cutting towards the Immortal God King, and the aura of destruction made the body of the Immortal God King feel a chill.

The next moment, the Immortal God King put one hand on his chest and made a mysterious fist gesture, this posture seemed to contain ten thousand Dao techniques, thousands of martial arts, and fused into one.

"Ten thousand streams return! The origin of the elephant! "

The Immortal God King's fist moved, breaking through the air and grabbing it, and suddenly the vast chaotic qi condensed on all sides, and the void collapsed in all directions, and the vitality rushed away, and it actually solidified hundreds of millions of sword qi in the void at once, unable to move, as if it was a fly sealed in an amber umbrella, eternally imprisoned.

Although it only held him one percent of a breath, it gave him time to breathe and be able to react again.

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