The Endless God King's hands were sealed, and the huge immortal monument behind him turned into 480 million talismans, striking towards Ying Zheng.

"When the Immortal Emperor used the power of the five elements to build five monuments, but my strength was too great, so he sealed this monument of mine, the largest, with the mother of the five elements on it, the source of ten thousand sources, for more than 100,000 years, this seat has not surrendered this monument, but it has also been able to drive its power."

"Boy! Die! Your body is mine! "


In an instant, the attacks of the two have collided hundreds of times, only to hear the sound of the space in the monument tearing countless times, and with each collision, the body of the Immortal God King trembled violently, and the government wantonly wielded his magical powers, his eyes were calm, and he walked leisurely as if he was walking.

The 480 million talismans were re-transformed into an immortal monument by the victorious government.

"If you drag it on, it's me who dies!"

The fierce aura in the eyes of the Immortal God King flashed, he moved slightly, his body twisted, and the body of the lower body of the dragon snake swung its tail in the void, and the hundred and ten-zhang long tail walked with the word "zhi".

At the same time, his long tail, the scales of the dragon snake that made the color of chaos, also stood up, and the scales on the tail were piece by piece, and Huo Huo was actually separated from his body! Fly out.

Each scale on his tail is the size of a disc, and the texture on it is rich, with mountains and rivers, grass and earth, and marine trees.

Ying Zheng punched out, which did not seem to contain any martial arts, but produced extraordinary power.


The ripples visible to the naked eye stirred in all directions, and the void sounded in vain with the sound of thousands of silk drapes tearing.

Boom, boom!

A huge space storm sweeps everything.

The monumental space shook again, as if a major earthquake had occurred, and the rune chains that suppressed the Immortal God King actually began to disintegrate! The immortal monument is also shaken, and it seems to have a power that cannot be suppressed.

"Hahaha, I can break free of the seal!"

The Immortal God King was overjoyed in his heart, and before he could rejoice, a sharp pain came from his tail, and one of his tails was actually broken! Detached from his body, he jumped like a snake in the void!


The space of the Immortal Monument was completely shattered, and the body in the Immortal God King Monument swelled into the size of a star in the blink of an eye, merging with his entrenched body on the planet.

And the tail he broken, constantly squirming, came out grand, sharp, rumbling like the sound of heavenly thunder and heavenly drums, it seems that the ancient heavenly god is angry, and wants to send down divine punishment to punish mortals who offend the god king.

This broken tail also expanded with the fragmentation of space, thousands of miles long, shuttling through the void, shattering, strangling all kinds of space into a ball of smashes.

"That's it."

Ying Zheng sighed softly.


His eyes condensed, his vertical finger swiped from top to bottom, and then from left to right, only to see the vacuum in the starry sky rippled hundreds of millions of ripples, wrinkled, the entire starry sky was like a pool of lake water, under the two strokes of the government, the two finger marks burst out brilliant, covering the divine light of the star.

"Vertical and horizontal into a chessboard, vertical for fate, horizontal for cause and effect, you are a pawn, how to get out of the chessboard."

At a glance, words follow the word.

The light of the starry sky is dim, and the figure of Ying Zheng is no more than the size of an ordinary person, but it is full of the light of heaven and earth, standing in the starry sky, which is bigger than anything.

Time seems to have slowed down ten thousand times.


Straight and long line marks spread and expand in the starry sky or can only be strangely fast, and obvious line marks appear everywhere they go, in the void.

Ying Zheng's action at this moment was extremely calm, did not shake the stars, did not shake the earth, but saw that in the starry sky, one after another lines bloomed with divine light, and the divine light was intertwined, turning into a large chessboard.

This chessboard stretches thousands of miles, east and west, endless, all-encompassing.

The sky is the chessboard star for the son, who dares to play!

Win Zheng dares to go down!

The Immortal God King became a pawn in the chessboard.

In an instant, the Immortal God King found himself in the chessboard intertwined with divine light, and when he looked up, he saw a pair of indifferent eyes looking down at him, as if he had become an ant.

The Immortal God King let out a long roar:

"Flesh and blood derivation. To itself! Great thousand shattered, a reincarnation. "

From his mouth sang a thick, syllable of the demon god from the beginning of the ancient Hongmeng heaven and earth, which contained fate, order, hope, glory, sacredness, etc., all full of vitality.

Although it is the leader of the ancient demon god, there is not a single magic sound in this chant, all of them are sacred, noble, thriving, and ten thousand kinds of heavenly frost competition free notes.

"The great world, the providence of this era, was originally a race for freedom, people, dragons, beasts, birds, and fish all have their own survival, their own reproduction and development, and their own civilization."

"However, the Immortal Emperor and the Pan Emperor changed their lives against the heavens, causing humanity to flourish, thus exterminating the reproduction of all other living civilizations, and I am the embodiment of the Dao and master the balance of living beings. Today's rebirth is to suppress humane civilization and support thousands of living beings to compete for freedom! This is the orthodoxy of the universe of heaven and earth, the true ruler. "

He paused word by word, as if he was proclaiming his will, and every time he said one more word, his will became stronger, the notes vibrate, and the thunder of his huge body was endless.

His thousand-mile-long tail exploded, and flowers like flowers appeared on the broken flesh and blood, and among the flowers, all kinds of demon god kings were born, including the Du King, the Sin King, the Luo King, the Dove King, the Fang King, the Xiu King, the Evil King, the Gang King, the Hideous King, the Fierce King, the Blood King, the Bone King, the Evil King, the Tu King, the Centipede King, and the Centipede King.

Feeling the biggest crisis ever, the Immortal God King directly sacrificed his flesh and blood.

This is the Blood Sacrifice of Kings! With his own flesh and blood, he evolved the ancient god kings, and then burned them one by one and sacrificed them.

The great world, from birth to the present, I don't know how many billions of years, how many epochs have been experienced, many of which are led by demon gods, tens of billions of years, I don't know how many god kings were born, all fell in the river of time, now the immortal god king is to use his own flesh and blood, evolve these demon gods, again countless epochs of vicissitudes, and then blood sacrifice burning, the strongest blow.

"Into my chessboard, that is, as a chess piece, fate, cause and effect are all in my hands, can the chess piece turn the sky?"

Ying Zheng's expression was flat, and his fingers made a chess move, moving slightly.

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