"Good! Good! Good! "

The Great Annihilation God King laughed angrily and punched out.

"Taikoo Annihilation! Blockbuster! "

The head of the Great Annihilation God King rooster raised high, roared up, and broke the curtain with a sound, and in the long roar, his fist moved, and a punch slammed into the immortal, and the entire monumental space was shrouded in layers of killing intent, and large chunks of space were shattered.

"Since you're crazy, I'll wake you up!"

Immortal snorted coldly: "Those who disrespect their masters are not pity to die!" "

Huan Zheng said lightly: "Leave him alive." "

Immortal bowed his head slightly: "Obey the order." "

As soon as the words fell, the immortal stepped on the void in vain, and a series of footprint-shaped footprints appeared hollowly, and his feet blasted out towards the Great Annihilation with the power of tearing the starry sky.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Immortal strength has always been better than the other four Demon God Kings, and he is also the only Demon God King of the Five Great Demon God Kings who is crushing the vacuum both in the realm and in the flesh, while the other Demon God Kings only have the flesh body that crushes the vacuum, and the realm has not completely stepped into the smashing vacuum.

They have all been sealed for more than 100,000 years, and their strength is greatly damaged, and the immortal strength is still pressing the Great Annihilation God King.

"Disrespectful to the host! It's not a pity to die! "

Immortal roared, in his heart, Yingzheng is the supreme existence, no one can insult, disrespect Yingzheng, fight crazy, the kind of momentum that can't wait to die with the Great Annihilation God King, making the Great Annihilation God King's scalp numb.

He didn't understand why the most unruly existence of the five Demon God Kings had actually become one now... Licking dogs?

Immortal with a ferocious, brutal messy momentum, fiercely crashed into the Great Annihilation God King, and in the process, directly ignored the attack launched by the Great Annihilation against him.


Immortal hit the earth with a meteorite, and slammed into the body of the Great Annihilation, it was simply like detonating a planet, and the entire monumental space shattered in vain, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye swept tens of thousands of kilometers.

The blood of the Great Annihilation God King sprayed wildly, flying out hundreds of kilometers like a missile, and before it stopped, the immortal rushed up fiercely.


The huge body of the Great Annihilation God King exploded directly, as if there was a bomb in his body, and his head, facial features, body, limbs, bones, and internal organs were all shattered and exploded.

This scene was only within a tenth of a breath, and the Great Annihilation God King turned into a lump of flesh and blood.

But he's not dead yet.

Human immortal martial arts have reached the realm of flesh and blood derivation, dust is immortal, incarnated into hundreds of millions, blood drops are reborn, almost immortal, as long as there is a drop of blood can be reborn.


After a few breaths, this mass of flesh and blood reunited and turned into a complete Great Annihilation God King, but the rooster's head turned much paler.

"What's going on!"

The Great Annihilation God King, who had regrouped, suddenly felt that his soul and his body were suddenly suppressed by an inexplicable force, dragged down, his face changed drastically, and after a while, he had calmed down, knelt down on his knees, and respectfully said: "Great Annihilation meets the master." "




With the two leading parties, Ying Zheng soon found the Desperate God King and was sealed in the Outer Heavenly World like them.

The form of the Desperate God King is more peculiar than immortality and great annihilation, the upper body is a human, the lower body is like a cow and not a cow, like a horse and not a horse, like a rhino and not a rhino, like a non-elephant, like a bear and not a bear............ It looks like an ancient dragon beast, but it is not a heavenly dragon, but the existence of a tyrannosaurus beast that runs rampant on land.

From the body of this desperate god king, there is an extremely desperate, suffocating, and life that will be cut off at any time, faintly, and there is also the sulfur from hell and death breath of the god of the underworld.

"Great Chief, Great Annihilation, are you out of trouble? Who is this human? "

When the Desperate God King saw Immortality and Great Annihilation, his face showed ecstasy: "Quick! Fast! Help me break the seal! "

Immortal and Great Annihilation did not say a word, directly shot, the Desperate God King who hit was caught off guard, another sneak attack, and another two to one, and soon beat the Desperate God King to scream, and only then did Ying Zheng let them stop.

And the desperate god king looked skeptical of life, and looked confused, but after a while, he didn't have to doubt life, but knelt on the ground and called "master".

The next goal is to hook away from the God King, who is the only female God King of the Five Demon God Kings, and the most unlucky, being locked up in the Heavenly Prison of Annihilation by the Central World.

There are also a large number of masters in this prison, and they are the absolute masters of the Central World of the Outer Heavenly Disc Star who have been fighting in all directions for many years and sealing!

Any supreme master has its value and cannot be killed directly.

Tens of billions and hundreds of billions of people in the central world, practicing martial arts, need too many resources, only to carry out plunder, plunder will invade, invasion will kill people.

Endless plunder.

Panxing invasion, plunder is based on planets, if it is any planet, the country wants to resist, the entire country, the entire planet of people are killed, extract divine souls, refine magic weapons, cruel to the extreme.

When Panhuang created the Central World, the population was far less than ten billion, and other extraterrestrial stars, such as "Duxing", "Lifu Star", "Yanyang Star" and "Dead Silent Star".............. and so on, all inhabited by powerful demon gods, powerful natives, primeval divine beasts, and often plague the human beings in the Central World.

At that time, the leaders of the Central World, leading their clansmen to fight and create a new world, all needed powerful mana, and at that time, the "election" atmosphere of the Central World had not yet taken shape, and everything was honored by the strong.

The first ten generations of leaders of the Central World were all mana that ran through heaven and earth, transcended reincarnation, broke rules, destroyed the six paths, went up to the firmament to pick the stars, and descended to the role of Huangquan Nayan Jun.

It can be said that the existence of these leaders is definitely nine thunder tribulations, and the physical body is extremely condensed, the physical body has reached the supreme powerhouse derived from flesh and blood, and there are also infinite magic weapons, infinite external incarnations, and the second yuan god.

In the generation of Central World leaders led the development of the Central World, invasion, to this generation of Central World Leaders Void Easy, the entire Outer Heaven is already the Central World alone, I don't know how many masters have been captured and imprisoned in the Dead Silent Heavenly Prison.

Dead Silence is the name of a planet called Dead Silence Star.

This planet is like being in the abyss, hell, without any stars on all sides, as if it is a lonely, lonely existence completely isolated in the deepest part of the universe.

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