There is no need to look at anything else, just look at this "dead silent star", many people have a burst of silence in their hearts, loneliness, insecurity in their bodies, and desperate magic thoughts rise from the depths of their hearts.

This star cannot survive ordinary people, because there is no star, eternally cold, close to absolute zero, not the kind of absolute existence, imprisoned on the dead star, directly frozen to death.

Immortal spoke, "Around the Dead Silent Star, master, in the void of 300,000 miles, there are densely packed forbidden laws, which are very terrifying. It is formed by millions of large arrays. "

Ying Zheng said strangely: "You have always been in the seal, how can you know the seal around the Dead Silence Star?" "

Immortal said truthfully: "There are many people who know where I was sealed, and some people have a delusional desire to take away the Immortal Monument and eat it by me, and their memories have the memory of the Dead Silent Star. "

"Is it possible to enter without alarming the Central World?" Win Zhengdao.

Ying Zheng does not want to move the central world at present, the entire central world is the pawn of the Immortal Emperor, the old guy of the Immortal Emperor does not know the depths and is mysterious, he does not want to play chess pieces to attract people who play chess.

Immortal nodded and said, "The master helped me refine the Immortal Monument, which contains the mysteries of most of the great arrays in this world, and can bypass the layers of forbidden laws and enter it without knowing it." "

"Heavenly Wolf Array", "Silent Annihilation Array", "Flying Smoke Array", "Lost Soul Array", "Mourning Array", "Blood Transformation Array", "Remnant Spirit Array", "Ten Extinction Array", "Nine Curves Array", "Killing Array" and many other great killing arrays, under the guidance of immortality, God unconsciously bypassed.

Cold, extremely cold, and a temperature close to absolute zero made everything extremely cold, but for Ying Zheng and the three demon god kings, it was not worth mentioning.

For them, not to mention that in absolute zero, even on stars they can walk freely.

After sparing the killing array, the Dead Heavenly Prison appeared in front of him, and everywhere were one after another, gray and cold mountains, these mountains, sitting in a radius of a hundred miles, each mountain seemed to be artificially shaped, as if a huge prison. Inside, there are many, many unknown beings.

On the gray mountain, there are stone palaces one after another, and in the stone palace, a figure looms.

These figures, reminding of perfection, tall, carry the breath of recklessness, flood and poverty, this stone palace and human figures are originally like mirages, ethereal.

"This is a Aragami puppet, the central world does not know how much manpower and material resources it will consume, and the legend is that it will be sacrificed for thousands of years! It even requires the blood sacrifices of hundreds of Martial Saint masters! Or the corpses of dozens of immortal masters, as well as many genius earth treasures, hardware souls. "

Immortal finds the memory of the Aragami puppet in his memory.

"Each Aragami puppet has a strength close to flesh and blood, and I am afraid that there are only hundreds of statues in the entire Central World, which is the strength of the Central World to suppress thousands of people."

Suddenly, a roar came from the gray mountain.

"You can't trap me!"

The monstrous power radiated out from the air in a circle, erupting into a wild roar, and there was a sound like a landslide, and the sound waves became substantial and vibrated everywhere.

Qi and blood filled the heavens and earth, washing away many of the cold qi on this "dead star", and the blood and qi heat wave in this sound wave actually had the warmth of the sun.

Qi, blood, masculine, fierce.

After passing through many large arrays, he came to a large array of heavenly gods.

This great array, one of the most mysterious large arrays in the ancient world, was used by the Immortal Emperor to imprison the five god kings.

However, this formation was also recorded in the Immortal Monument, and it did not alarm the twelve Aragami puppets guarding the town outside this large array, and Ying Zheng and his party entered it.

A graceful figure came into view, her hair was thousands of feet long, like a cyan waterfall and river.

It was the god king, she wore a wide dress, covered with royal blue silk, blue mysterious, blue pure, blue watery seemed to be the most powerful, charming, and poisonous poison in the world.

Her face is also absolutely beautiful, the strangest thing is that her hips actually grow ten tails, these ten tails, all of which are royal blue, are several miles long, flying in the air, flaming behind the woman, like a peacock opening the screen.

According to Immortal, the strength of the Gou Divine King was second only to him.

Seeing that Ying Zheng and his party appeared, Gou Cheng showed a vigilant look from the God King: "Are you out of trouble?" "

This woman's wisdom is better than the great destruction, desperate, and it can be seen at a glance that something is wrong.

Immortal, great annihilation, desperate and direct: "Gou, meet the master." "


The hook away from the god king was shocked, the ten tails behind him danced quickly, almost suspected that he had heard wrong, looked at it intently, but saw immortality, great destruction, the three demon god kings of desperation at this moment are a natural look to see this human being, as long as they do not obey, they have to work hard, and suddenly creepy.

What means could make the Three Dao Demon God Kings so obedient?

Become such an obedient dog?

The woman's thoughts turned, weighing the pros and cons, but in the end, she bowed down and made a respectful gesture: "Leave to see the master." "

Huan Zheng sighed lightly: "The person who knows the time is Junjie, you know this sentence well, but unfortunately, I don't worry." "

Gou's head shook wildly, only feeling horror descend, raised his head, but saw the divine light form a chessboard and fall.

"Hook, off, off, like a hook."

Hooking away from the God King will not be captured, and he has displayed his strongest divine power, "Hook Away from Away".

A long chant rushed out of her mouth, and it was actually a little like the ancient sons reciting articles, the power of which went straight to the Book of Genesis, and the fragments of the moral scriptures in the immortal monument.


The hook slammed into the chessboard, made a "bang" sound, bloomed like fireworks and disappeared.


The god king was shocked, and his beautiful face was full of horror and disbelief.

Just when she wanted to strike again, a palm with a fireworks breath came out and lightly touched her forehead, and her whole person froze in place, her beautiful face struggled, and she looked extremely hideous.

"Meet the master."

Her struggle is tantamount to a mantis as a car, and the ten royal blue tails behind her are retracted! Suddenly turned into a peerless beauty in a blue gauze dress.

There is no difference, others will only think that she is suffocatingly beautiful, and they will never think that this blue demon in front of him is actually the famous Taiko, famous and powerful, ruling infinite demons, ghosts and gods hooking away from the god king.

The group unknowingly entered the Dead Silent Heavenly Prison, and unknowingly came out of the Dead Silent Heavenly Prison.

"Finally found you, Immortal... Well? Dead Silence? "

A thought rushed out of the void and burst out with a majestic voice.

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