Although there was no war in the small mountain village, it was necessary to have food to survive, so the small mountain village formed a hunting team, all of which were strong men and some experienced hunters, and going out to hunt was the main means of feeding the villagers.

With the ability of a small mountain village, you can only hunt wild beasts, but there are not only wild beasts outside, but also barbarian beasts and demon beasts, all of which are beyond the mundane existence, so they are very dangerous.

Uncle Chen sighed and handed the long knife on his back to Huan Zheng: "Take it for self-defense." "

The young man took the long knife and said with a smile: "Thank you Uncle Chen." "

The young man took the little girl's hand and walked out of the mountain village, and Uncle Chen looked at the back of the two departing and shook his head, feeling that it was unlikely that the two could come back safely.

Even a hunter who is ordered by experience must be careful and careful when leading a team out to hunt, not to mention two children.

However, he is not related to the teenager and the little girl, and he can persuade a few words and give his knife to the young man, which is already very attentive.

Outside the small mountain village, a majestic and magnificent mountain range rises from the ground, and the peaks are more than 10,000 feet high, like a sword reaching the sky, piercing the heavenly dome.


A beast roar came from the depths of the mountain range, and a huge silver fierce beast with a mountain peak stood on the top of the mountain, raising its head to the sky and roaring, swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon.

Xiao Yan's face turned pale, and he subconsciously squeezed the young man's hand.

Ying Zheng also had cold hairs upside down, his eyelids jumped, and he pulled Xiao Yan into the periphery of the mountain range.

Hunters in mountain villages only hunt on the periphery of the mountain range, generally on the outskirts of the mountain range, and only ordinary beasts live.


A violent wind blew through, blowing the big trees in the mountains to whistle, Ying Zheng looked up, but it was a fierce bird that spread its wings and did not know how many meters flew by, covering the sky, at first glance, it was like a dark cloud covering the sky.

The young man Huan Zheng hurriedly pulled Xiao Yan to lie down, and it took more than a dozen breaths before he slowly got up.


Before he could fully get up, a black fierce bird glided past the sky dome, although it was far from as big as before, but its wings were also tens of meters, and its sharp eyes scanned the earth, as if it was preying.

The fierce bird saw the two, but swept by.

For it, the two of them can't even plug their teeth between their teeth.


The fierce bird seemed to have discovered something, rushed to a certain place at great speed, like a black meteor, bursting out black flames, I don't know how far away, the fire light made people's hearts palpitate, and the long sky was a little brighter.


The earthquake shook, and a wave of heat came in.

"Brother. "

Xiao Yan was so frightened that he threw himself into the arms of the young man.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid... There's an older brother here..."

The young man gently patted her back and comforted her softly.

Leaving the mountain village with Xiao Yan was also a last resort.

The survival of the people in the village itself is very difficult, and these days, some people have some objections to the two living in the village, after all, the two share the food that is not much in the village.

Although the young man Yingzheng was too far away from the body and lost ninety-nine percent of his memory, his mental maturity was beyond this age, and the people in the village had helped them after all, and he didn't want to tear his face in the end.

Since this is the case, it is better to take the initiative to leave the mountain village, and he has no intention of going back when he leaves.

"What kind of world is this? "

The young man said silently in his heart, the distance from the body was too far, and after at least millions of years of baptism, he almost lost more than ninety percent of his memory.


A tragic neighing sound sounded, and the young man looked for prestige, only to see that the black fierce bird rose rapidly.


A silver tiger-like ferocious beast jumped up from the mountain range hundreds of meters high, opened its blood basin and bit the neck of the ferocious bird, falling in the wailing and fierce struggle of the ferocious bird.

"This mountain range is too dangerous. "

The black fierce bird just now was awe-inspiring, looking like a predator, and it was killed as food in a blink of an eye.

The two stayed in place for a long time, and when all the movement stopped, they were leaving the place, and the sound of dead leaves and branches being stepped on in the jungle sounded, and the young man Yingzheng's heart was awe-inspiring, and he whispered: "Xiao Yan, don't move, don't make a sound." "

Saying that, he draped the dog skin on her.

However, a blue-colored wolf appeared in the vision of the young Yingzheng, with a body length of at least three meters and four meters, fangs like small daggers, flashing cold light, and a little blood and flesh crumbs hanging on his teeth.


The cyan wolf saw the young man, staring at him with animalistic eyes, bowed his body, and let out a low roar.

The young man Yingzheng clenched the knife in his hand, his muscles tensed, his muscles clicked, and he held his breath.

Not far behind him, Xiao Yan cast a gap under the slightest shroud of shit and looked at this side, his small fists clenched tightly.


This green wolf roared, turned into a cyan streamer, bent its limbs slightly, jumped out, and pounced on the young man with a strong fishy wind.


The young man jumped and avoided the green wolf's attack.


The green wolf's claws slapped fiercely on the tree behind the young man Yue Zhengyuan himself, causing the tree hugged by the three people to tremble violently, the leaves tumbled down, and the sharp claws left several deep marks on the tree.


The green wolf didn't stop for a moment, turned around and jumped towards Ying Zheng, opening a large mouth of blood that was enough to swallow a person, and the fangs of the dagger were shining with a cold light.

The young man was calm and avoided it again.

"I only have one chance to shoot and I have to be careful and careful. "


The roar of the green wolf was shaking people's hearts, and the moment this time it pounced, the thick tail swept across, and the wheel moved like a whip, and the air of the whipping exploded.

This time, the young man dodged very embarrassed, rolling on the ground a few times before avoiding the attack of the green wolf.

Seven or eight consecutive attacks were dodged by the young man, and the green wolf began to be a little irritable.


The young man rolled over, and the long knife slammed obliquely in the violent tearing sound of the air, from bottom to top, fiercely prodding the side of the green wolf.

Laugh at!

Blood spurted and intestines fell.

The young man did not stop for a moment, quickly ran wildly, and took the green wolf around in circles.

The beast on the verge of death is the most dangerous, this green wolf wailed, speed, strength became weaker and weaker, blood left all over the ground, gradually lying on the ground without moving, closed his eyes.


The young man Huan Zheng gasped sharply, and Xiao Yan lifted the animal skin and looked at the green wolf carefully: "Brother, is it dead?"

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