"I don't know. "

The young man shook his head, picked up a fist-sized stone and slammed it on the head of the green wolf, and it suddenly jumped in the direction of the young man's henzheng, but he was sneaked for a long time by the young man walking a dog, the blood was almost gone, and his limbs fell as soon as he left the ground.

"Good beast, I knew you were playing dead. "

The young man scolded with a smile, and then picked up a few more stones, and for a long time the green wolf did not move, before he stepped forward and carried the green wolf out of the jungle.

The two entered the periphery of the mountain range only a hundred meters, and soon left the mountain range.

Coming to the side of a stream outside the mountain village, the two divided their work and cooperated, with the young man picking up stones and building a simple stove, while the young man Huan Zheng skinned the green wolf, cleaned the blood, and cut the green wolf's meat into pieces with a knife.

"Xiao Yan, come here. "

Xiao Yanzheng had already set up the stove, was collecting firewood, heard the words and walked over, only to see the young man Yingzheng holding a ghostly face mask in his hand, Xiao Yanzheng took the ghostly face mask, after wearing it, his eyes narrowed into a crescent, spitting out his little tongue at the young Yingzheng, smiling very happily.

There were still hundreds of pounds of processed green wolf meat, and most of them went into the stomach of the young man.

"The amount of food is getting bigger. "

The young man was slightly distressed.

The two left the place, surprised to find that the fighting outside had stopped, and entered a small town, where the people were discussing:

"I heard that with the suppression of the Feather God Dynasty, no country dares to start a war again. "

"More than a dozen countries have been fighting for decades, countless families have been broken and killed, wives and families have been scattered, and the head of the beating has not yielded results, but I hope that the Feather God Dynasty will be suppressed forever." "

"No matter what kind of god dynasty he is, we little people just want to live some peaceful days and eat enough. "

"Feather God Dynasty?"

The young man Yingzheng frowned and pondered, these days, his memories have recovered some, but only some sporadic memories.

"Shh, there's a big guy coming. "

Suddenly, all the people began to be silent and did not dare to discuss.

More than a dozen mounts came from the town, all of them were extremely strange barbarian beasts, each with scales and horns.

The mount in the center was the most extraordinary, covered with golden scales, shining brightly, as if there was a golden flame burning.

It looks like a golden divine calf, but there are two more horns on the skull, forked and born, surrounded by golden rays, very divine and powerful.

Its four hooves did not step on the ground, and it was more than three inches high from the ground, completely stepping into the air, you can imagine the strength and terrifying of this strange beast.

At the top of the golden god sat a young man about twenty years old, the man was very handsome, even handsome and charming, if he were not dressed as a man, I was afraid that he would think that he was a woman, but his face was very bleak, coughing from time to time, and seemed to have a dark illness.

Behind him there were two horses.

On the left is a cyan beast, shaped like a lion and tiger, the cyan beast hair is very long, very clean, like jade crystalline, clear light flowing, brilliant light, and on its head is born a jade horn, actually blooming five-color divine light.

This five-colored beast was also stepping into the air, not really stepping on the ground, the god was extraordinary, and on it sat a man about thirty years old, with a tough face and a majestic body like a mountain, hearing the man's cough, showing a trace of worry: "Young Lord, your injury." "

The man's face was calm: "For the great cause of the God Dynasty, what is this injury." "

On the other side, there is a silver shining beast, shaped like a sacred deer, covered with silver scales, and a vertical eye in the center of the forehead, with a holy brilliance shining throughout, stepping into the sky, delicate and clean.

On top sat a young girl, her skin was like condensation, her eyes were like autumn water mist, and her red lips were dotted, very beautiful, but she gave people an unattainable feeling, with a hint of pride.

The dozen or so horses behind these three people are also extraordinary, all of them are very rare xenomorphs, or scaled armor, or the whole body is like jade, all have a shining light, the people on the mounts range from twenty to forty years old, both men and women have a killing aura, and a powerful fighting intent condenses around them.

"Hey, let's go. "

The young man was about to leave, and the handsome man's gaze fell on the young man, and he said softly: "That young man, you come here." "

The young man was awe-inspiring in his heart, as if he didn't realize it, and before he took a few steps, he saw a shadow shrouded him, looked up, and saw a tower-like man indifferently blocking his way: "Young man, we don't see you young." "

"See me?"

The young man Yingzheng's eyes were blank, and he pointed to himself.

The handsome man had already arrived at the young man's side, grabbed his wrist and began to examine his body, and after a while, chuckled: "It seems that we are lucky, this young man is an ancient holy body." "

"What, that legendary physique?" the tower-like man had a shocked look in his eyes.

The girl came over and was amazed when she heard this: "Does this world really have the kind of physique that is legendary?"

"Take away!" the handsome man ordered, returning to the golden god roar.

"Where are you taking me?"

Young Huan Zheng's heart sank, and he asked in a deep voice.

"Just go. "

The tower-like man is like gold.

"Where are you going to take my brother!" Xiao Yan's young heart also sensed that something was wrong, and stepped forward to grab the man's hand.

The young man knew that he was not capable of resisting this group of people, and tried to squeeze out a smile: "Oh, my brother will come back when he goes, you wait for my brother obediently." "

"Don't... No...... Brother...... I want to be with you..."

Xiao Yan's eyes were full of tears, crying, trying to drag away the man's hand to grab the young man, but it was like a grasshopper shaking a tree, and the man's hand did not move at all.

"Let's go. "

The handsome man's face was flat, and he spoke lightly, as if he was a god looking down on the sky nine days away, without any emotional fluctuations.

The man grabbed the young man and returned to his mount, turning to leave the town.

"Brother... Brother..."

He chased him out of town, losing his tattered shoes, his feet frayed and bloody.

The young man looked back at Xiao Yan, his eyes were red, and shouted loudly: "Chan, wait for my brother to come back." "


Xiao Yan's throat was hoarse, and the young man Yingzheng was taken away from the town and gradually drifted away, she was desperate, wailing and crying, which made the people of the town feel heartbroken, no matter who could feel her grief.

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