The screams rang out one after another, and Aaron saw the Holy Domain Knights under his command, the Sky Knights kept dying, and he was defeated under the attack of the intruders.

His eyes erupted with anger and he roared, "Despicable and shameless intruder, the Church of Light will not let you go!" The goddess will definitely bring down divine punishment! "

His roar stopped abruptly, his head detached from his body, and blood sprayed more than ten meters high.

"MD, this guy is like a turtle, a thief hard."

Hacking Aaron to death, Peng Fei spat fiercely.

The other two also killed the remaining knights, and the two who had never killed anyone killed tens of thousands of people in a battle, and their bodies were full of anger, and they didn't feel disgusting when they looked at the corpses all over the ground.

"He just said that the goddess sent divine punishment, is there a so-called god in this world?" Long Jue dispersed the God of War and armed.

Xie Yu sneered: "What kind of god, it's just a little stronger, but..."

His expression became slightly solemn, and he looked at Aaron who was beheaded: "This guy's strength is similar to the three of us, roughly equivalent to the strength of the Heaven and Human Realm, if it weren't for Peng Fei, you equipped with the God of War Armament, it would really not be so easy to take him." "

"If there really is a god, it is definitely much stronger than him, and it is not something we can resist... For now..."

Long Jue and Peng Fei both looked at Xie Yu, wanting to see what he had planned.


Long Jue and Peng Fei became sluggish, and Xie Yu looked triumphant: "Thirty-six plans are the best plan, the strength of the Church of Light is most likely not something we can resist, don't you run and stay here waiting for them to take revenge?" "

"At present, with the strength of this world, the three of us do not have the ability to develop alone, and we will eventually have to apply for the intervention of Daqin's will."

The rule of the Great Qin world is divided into two levels, one is the de facto occupation of the Great Qin army, and the other is the devouring of the will of the Great Qin.

And the people who apply to develop the world, their task is to make trouble, disrupt the world of the original world, the more chaotic the number of days, the more chaotic the world will be, and the easier it is for the invasion and devouring of the will of Daqin.

If the three of them came to an ordinary world, then with their strength, they could completely resist the expulsion of the world will, and then make a world completely chaotic, and only need the will of Daqin to come in and finish.

However, from now on, it is inferred that this world is an extraordinary world, and the strength is not weak, with their strength, it is difficult to make the world days completely chaotic.

In this case, he could only do his best to disrupt this realm for days, and when he reached a chaotic level of fifty percent, he could apply for the intervention of Daqin's will.

Of course, in this case, the final world revenue share will be reduced from 20% to 10%.

After many chases, the three finally got rid of the pursuers and gained respite, and at the same time, they also knew what kind of world this was.

It's a magical fantasy world.

There are distinctions between those who are in war and those who are in law.

There are warriors, knights, assassins... Ordinary combat ranks, the lowest level and the highest level nine.

After level nine, enter the extraordinary sequence, and the extraordinary sequence from low to high is the earth, sky, holy domain, and god domain.

And the mages are magicians, arcane magicians, summoners, necromancers, and sacrifices from the gods.

God sacrifice is the sole legal authority of the major churches, the church of light is the sacrifice of light, the church of darkness is the sacrifice of darkness, the church of the god of war is the sacrifice of the god of war, and the ability of each church to sacrifice God is different.

The transcendent sequence after the ninth-level mage is from low to high is the Demon Mentor, the Great Demon Mentor, the Holy Demon Mentor, and the God and Demon Mentor.

This continent is also very large, at least hundreds of large and small countries, empires, kingdoms, principalities, and among them, the Holy Demon Mentor and the God and Demon Mentor are unscrupulous high-end combat power on the continent, and the strongest in the general principality is the Saint-level combat power.

It's just that after the god level, there are demigods who light the divine fire, and the demigods are the real gods

Adjacent to this world are many dimensional planes, elemental planes, hemiplanes, and the Kingdom of God above the heavenly dome, overlooking hundreds of millions of sentient beings on the continent.

"Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, dragons, titans, a dozen races... Hundreds of gods..."

Xie Yu gasped and muttered:

"This world is so big, so complicated..."


The Blue Yarn Empire, in the Temple of the Goddess of Light.

In the temple of majesty, holy light, the Pope of Light, armed with a scepter of light, dressed in a robe of light, and wearing a holy crown on his head, awaits the oracle of the goddess surrounded by a group of archbishops.

In the hall, there is a statue of the goddess of light that is 100 meters tall, exuding divine brilliance.

The archbishops sang poetry in praise of the goddess, the high-pitched voice echoed, and the divine brilliance of the goddess of light became more and more brilliant, and not much, a vast, majestic, and divine will descended on the statue.

The 'eyes' of the statue of the goddess of light rolled for a moment, and their gaze fell on the Pope of Light, and all the archbishops quickly crawled on the ground, ready to listen to the oracle.

"Whatever it takes! Find the intruders and kill them! They are still inside the Blue Yarn Empire! "

After the goddess finished speaking, she dispersed her will.

In the eyes of believers, the gods are all-knowing and all-powerful, but in fact, even the powerful gods are not omnipotent, and their divine kingdom dwells on the heavenly dome and cannot penetrate every corner of the world.

The Goddess of Light only sensed the location of the intruders, but could not track them in real time.

In fact, the gods of medium divine power with strong divine power and the gods with strong divine power can feel the appearance of invaders, and the reason why the goddess of light sent down the oracle is because the Blue Yarn Empire is the diocese of the goddess of light by default, so they will not interfere when they are idle.


The scorching sun was high and on the desolate land, a team was slowly advancing, this team had about dozens of soldiers, and in a prison car in the middle of the group was an old man with a thin body and gray hair.

Under this scorching sun, the old man almost fainted to the ground, and a cold man in the lead handed a kettle into the prison car and said lightly: "Master Fu, drink some water." "

The old man grabbed the kettle and swallowed the water, almost drinking the jug of water, before he let out a long sigh of relief: "Zuo Qianhu, kill me with a knife, it's better than going back to Beijing and suffering that humiliation." "

Zuo Qianhu was burly, and the five long knives behind his back were lined up like peacocks opening the screen, flashing with Sensen cold light, obviously a martial arts master.

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