Zuo Qianhu shook his head slightly when he heard this: "Lord Fu, the grievances in the imperial court are not something that I can intervene in as a martial artist, the usual right and wrong, are the truth, I just acted on orders, and I also asked Lord Fu not to embarrass me." "

"But don't worry, on the way back to Beijing, the humble position will definitely keep you safe, and when you get to the capital, how the emperor disposes of you is no longer my responsibility."

Zuo Qianhu took back the kettle, and under this scorching sun, his face was also calm, and he was not affected by the high temperature at all.

The old man closed his eyes, recovered his energy, and only after a while opened his eyes and said: "Zuo Qianhu, you can leave me alone, but Cihang Pudu confused the emperor and made the emperor make all kinds of absurd moves, making the people of Dayu have no life, don't you still understand who is the existence of the country and the people?" "

"Cihang Pudu is treating you as a knife to eradicate dissidents for him, and also ask Zuo Qianhu to think twice, turning back to the shore!"

Zuo Qianhu was silent for a moment, and sighed in his heart: "Lord Fu, the humble position only knows to follow the emperor's orders, and there is no need to say anything else." "

He was deeply favored by the emperor and only obeyed the emperor's orders, and the right and wrong in the imperial court, who was black and who was white, was not something he could see clearly.

The old man gave up persuasion, let out a long sigh, and curled up in the corner of the prison car.

The convoy moved forward, and finally left the desolate land in the evening to a wood,

"Cut down the trees to camp and rest here for the night tonight."

Zuo Qianhu glanced around and ordered.

His martial arts cultivation was profound, and it didn't matter if he didn't rest, but the old man was weak and couldn't hurry for days.

After the order was given, some soldiers stood by the old man's prison car, and some soldiers went to cut down trees to set up camp, build fires, and make food.

"Sir, a Yizhuang was found not far ahead, there was no one inside, only some coffins."

A soldier suddenly returned to report.

"Okay, then let's rest in Yizhuang tonight."

Zuo Qianhu said immediately.

This world is full of ghosts and demons, and Yizhuang is the easiest place for ghosts to stay, but for Zuo Qianhu, it is not that he is afraid of ghosts, but that ghosts have to retreat when they encounter people like him.

If he could, Zuo Qianhu would rather deal with ghosts than people.

People are more dangerous than ghosts.

The convoy entered Yizhuang, the dark and gloomy Yizhuang dispelled the feeling of cold because of the entry of the group, these soldiers are the elite trained by Zuo Qianhu personally, full of muscles and flesh, full of blood and blood, and other idle ghosts can not get close, not to mention so many soldiers together, even if it is a hundred years of powerful ghosts, when they see such a team, they have to scream and avoid it far away.

In Yizhuang, in the dark corner, whispering into Zuo Qianhu's ears, he frowned slightly, exuded a trace of qi and blood, and handed over his hand to the dark corners on all sides: "Everyone, Zuo Mou is disturbed today, but not much to stay, just rest here for one night, small meaning, no respect." "

Saying that, there were four soldiers each lighting three sticks of incense, inserted on all sides, the fragrance was engulfing, the shadowy figure intoxicated with the incense, twelve incense sticks actually burned with the naked eye, but a dozen breaths burned out, and the shadowy figure disappeared.

"Okay, help Master Fu down, you can rest here today."

"Hehe, I didn't expect that your Zuo Bully Dao also talked about the rules of the ghosts and gods like this, but in the past, you saw the ghosts and gods and killed them regardless of it."

A voice suddenly sounded, and the faces of all the soldiers changed, and the swords were unsheathed, waiting for the battle.

Zuo Ba Dao looked in the direction where the voice came from, and saw that outside Yizhuang, a bearded man walked in, carrying a sword on his sword.

"Yan Chixia, what are you doing here?"

The two are obviously old acquaintances, in the past, Yan Chixia was a spicy judge who shook the Kanto, the head hunter of a state, and the demeanor was outstanding, the two had worked together several times, and their friendship was not deep, but they admired each other more, and it was a pity to learn that Yan Chixia withdrew from the officialdom.

Yan Chixia looked leisurely, and said lightly: "Shang Shu Fu Tianqiu of the Rescue Department." "

"Yan Chixia! This is the person that the emperor wants, you want to rebel? "

Zuo Badao's face became gloomy, Yan Chixia's strength was stronger than him, if Yan Chixia insisted on robbing prisoners, they might not be able to stop it.

However, the emperor's fate is greater than the sky, even if it can't be blocked, it must be blocked.

"Hmph! Zuo stunned, don't button my head with such a big hat! "

Yan Chixia snorted coldly, ignoring the soldiers who were waiting in strict formation, and her footsteps did not stop.

"Yan Chixia! Stop! "

Zuo Ba Dao snorted coldly: "Otherwise, don't blame me for not remembering the old love!" "

Yan Chixia hated that iron could not become steel, and looked at Zuo Baodao: "In the past so many years, you are still so dead-headed!" Why do you think I should give up the opportunity to be the head catcher of Six Doors? It's because I don't want to succumb to the coercion of Cihang Pudu, but I didn't expect that you have actually become a knife of Cihang Pudu now, serving the demon monk! "

Zuo Ba Dao said sternly: "Nonsense! My Zuo Ba Dao has always served the emperor and only obeyed the emperor's orders! Never a national master's knife! Yan Chixia, since you are no longer a member of the imperial court, don't make presumptuous comments on the imperial court here! "


Yan Chixia laughed angrily:

"Zuo stunned, left stunned, only the wrong name is not the wrong nickname, when will you change the problem of dead brains? Emperor Xiao'er has been controlled by the demon monk, the demon monk let him go east, he will go east, let him go west, he dare not go south, you think you obey the order of the emperor Xiaoer, in fact, you obey the order of the demon monk! "

"The whole court knows that you are still in the dark! In fact, it's not in the dark, but I don't want to believe it, you shrunken turtle, you dare not deal with the demon monk, so you can only pretend to be stupid and tender, looking loyal and righteous, in fact, inside is dirty, is a cowardly villain..."


Zuo Ba Dao was furious:

"My Zuo family has received the favor of the emperor for generations, and has been loyal to the monarch and the country for generations, although my Zuo Baodao is only a martial artist, but I also know how loyal to the army serves the country, how can I be a cowardly villain, Yan Manzi, you insult me so much, don't blame me for not remembering the old love!"


The sword light was like a horse, the jump was like thunder, a huge, long, piercing sonic boom sounded, and a shocking sword qi ten feet long rose from the back of the left sword.

Like mercury venting the ground, the knife qi was like a wave of wind, and everything in a straight line was shattered by this devastated and decaying knife, forming a ten-zhang long knife mark ravine.

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