With this sword, even if the Ghost King is here, he will be scattered by his slashed soul, showing the extremely high sword attainment of Zuo Ba Dao.

"Your knife is getting harder and harder, but your brain is getting stiffer."

Yan Chixia shook her head, and pointed into a sword, sharp and sharp, accompanied by the bloom of sword intent, swallowing out a ten-zhang long sword qi.


The speed at which the two collided was too fast, and the void spread out fine ripples.


The sword in Zuo Ba's hand flew out, and before he could draw the sword again, he looked at the sword qi swallowed on his neck with disbelief.

How can it be!

Zuo Ba's sword heart was shocked, although Yan Chixia's strength was stronger than him in the past, it was impossible to be so much stronger than him, and it was not to the point of taking him down in just a few moves.


"Let go of Senno-sama!"

The soldiers all gathered around.

"How did your strength improve so much?"

The corner of Yan Chixia's mouth hooked a smile: "I just got some adventures after I quit the officialdom, don't talk nonsense, I can't let go of Fu Tianqiu!" "


The soldiers all looked at the left hegemonic knife.

"Leave me alone! Take down Fu Tianqiu! Zuo Ba Dao snorted coldly.


Yan Chixia exhaled a long breath, and was hurt by Zuo Ba's brain-dead liver, stomach, and everywhere: "Zuo Zhenzi, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" "

"Hmph! Zuo Ba Dao has a clear conscience, Yan Manzi, if you want to kill, you will kill, at least I will not let you rob Lord Fu if I live!" "

Yan Chixia's forehead was bruised, and she looked at the way Zuo Ba Dao was holding her neck, knowing that this person had put life and death on the line.

His previous words were just to stimulate the Zuo Bully Dao, but he didn't expect that the Zuo Bully Knife would not eat this set, and he would move the knife without saying a word.

The two had a good friendship, and Yan Chixia didn't want to really kill Zuo Bao, and her left hand quickly sealed:

"Heaven and earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law!"


The thunder landed, and in an instant, dozens of lightning bolts slashed at all the soldiers, not fatal, but they chopped their bodies stiffly, and the swords fell to the ground, losing the ability to resist.

"Yan Manzi! Too much deception! "

Zuo Ba Dao saw dozens of soldiers being subdued in an instant, gritting his teeth, but he was also subdued and could not move, so he could only watch Yan Chixia want to take Fu Tianqiu away.

Before walking out of Yizhuang, Yan Chixia turned around and walked over, looking at Zuo Baodao, who gritted her teeth and glared angrily, and said:

"Zuo Zhenzi, do you want to know the true face of Cihang Pudu, if you want to, follow me."

Saying that, Yan Chixia untied the prohibition on Zuo Ba's knife, Zuo Baodao snorted coldly, gave orders to his subordinates to wait for him, took back the long knife that was beaten away, and followed Yan Chixia.

The journey of hundreds of miles was less than half an hour under the feet of the two, and in a short time, the two came to the foot of a mountain outside the capital, and there was already a group waiting for Yan Chixia at the foot of the mountain.


The two women greeted and hugged Fu Tianqiu.

"Yan Chixia, Cihang Pudu is probably on the verge of metamorphosis, if he swallows a few more ministers, he can completely transform into a dragon."

The man who spoke was named Zhiqiu Yiye, and the two and Yan Chixia rescued many ministers who were framed by Cihang Pudu these days, causing Cihang Pudu to send people to chase and kill many times, but the strength of the two was not weak, so that the people sent by Cihang Pudu had no return.

"What do you mean?"

Zuo Baodao frowned.

"As long as Dayu is an official of the imperial court, more or less contains dragon qi, the higher the grade of the official, the more dragon qi, Cihang Pudu is a centipede essence, if he swallows enough dragon qi, he can transform into a dragon, and then he can be completely unscrupulous." Chiaki Kazuba explained.

"Nonsense! Ridiculous! "

Zuo Ba Dao said coldly: "According to your words, the emperor's dragon qi is the strongest, why didn't he devour the emperor, what kind of drama are you acting!" "

"It's heaven's an eye-opener that you're alive to this day."

Yan Chixia shook her head slightly: "It is because the emperor Xiao'er has the strongest dragon qi, he does not dare to swallow, he dares to make a move, without our hands, he himself will be eaten back and die, so he only dares to control the emperor Xiao'er and frame the minister." "

"Lord Fu, now the imperial government is in chaos, except for the emperor, only you have the highest prestige, and now I ask you to return to the capital immediately and preside over the imperial government." Yan Chixia said to Fu Tianqiu.

Fu Tianqiu nodded.

The group divided into two ways, Fu Tianqiu rushed to the capital under the protection of his two daughters, Yan Chixia, Zhiqiu Yiye, and Zuo Ba Dao rushed to the mountain.

Soon, a temple occupying the mountainside appeared in the field of view of the three, covering an area of more than 100 acres, with strong incense and golden fluorescence in the night.

But at this time, this golden fluorescent light did not have the slightest sense of solemnity in the eyes of the three people, but had an extremely gloomy feeling, as if in this temple, there was a peerless demon hidden.

"This is the Cihang Hall?"

Zuo Baodao suspected that he was wrong, it was not that he had not come to the Cihang Hall, but the past Cihang Hall was solemn and solemn, and people couldn't help but fall to the ground.

And now, the demon qi of this Cihang Hall rose up into the sky, opening its teeth and dancing its claws.

Could it be that what Yan Chixia said was true?

"Sure enough, this old demon has reached the edge of metamorphosis, and he can't hide his demon qi anymore!"

Yan Chixia said coldly, the three of them rushed into the temple, as soon as they rushed in, more than a dozen monks rushed up to stop it, each of them seemed to be a demon in human skin in Zuo Baodao, and they didn't want to pull out the knife and chop to death, and sure enough, they all revealed the prototype, all of them were monsters.

Have I always killed Zhongliang by mistake?

Zuo Ba Dao looked at the monster that showed the prototype, almost crazy.

Among these monks, several of whom he knew, who used to look like monks of the Taoist Path, turned out to be demons.

Suddenly, Zuo Ba Dao Ruo frantically rushed into the main hall of Cihang and roared, "National Master, you come out... This...... This..."

Zuo Ba Dao looked at the scene in the hall, and his face changed wildly:

"Master Chen!"

"Master Hu!"

"What's going on!"

Yan Chixia's eyes were faint: "They all have only a layer of skin left." "

Zuo Baodao walked behind a minister sitting cross-legged and looked, only to see that the minister's body was hollow, his flesh and blood disappeared, and he was filled with demon qi, making the human skin full.

"Demon monk! You come out! I'll kill you! "

Zuo Ba Dao looked at them one by one, and found that all the ministers had been devoured flesh and blood, and immediately pulled out the knife and went crazy, and the knife qi was rampant, splitting all the skins of these people.

Suddenly, a Sanskrit sound sounded, and the three of them suddenly heard the sound, and found a mountain of bones behind the Cihang Hall, which was a hill of skulls piled up, and on the hill an old monk sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, his hands folded, and he turned the Buddha beads.

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