There are eight hundred big countries in the world, three thousand small countries, and the vastness is boundless, if you don't follow Xuanzang, the son of destiny, I'm afraid that if you find the broken head, you may not be able to find the empty son, the pig gang, and the effort is half the effort.

And following Xuanzang's footsteps, you don't need to spend any energy, you will meet these people in the end, easily, why not?

Most importantly, the shielding of the main god space is not permanent and becomes weaker and weaker over time.

This is also the reason why many tasks in the main god space will set a time limit, and when the time comes, the task is not completed, it will be directly erased.

The reincarnators under the main god space shuttled through the heavens and realms, and many worlds were turned into a sieve by them, plus the characteristics of the main god space plundering the source power of the main god, the reputation of the main god space was similar to that of a rat crossing the street.

Although limited to the strength of the main god space, no one dares to easily move the main god space.

But how big and so many the main god realms are, many great powers are not afraid of the main god space at all, and these great powers can trace the origin across the long space distance with the help of the laws of the universe of the heavenly way, make calculations, and calculate the heavenly machine.

If the shielding effect of the main god space disappears, these powers can be deduced to the location of the main god space through the reincarnation.

No one knows how long the main god space has existed, but in the history of the existence of the main god space, this kind of thing has not happened, and it was traced back to the origin of the main god space and extrapolated to where the main god space was, and the power behind the door and the main god space fought a big battle, and the main god space was shattered.

So after that, the main god space acted more and more cautiously.

"Master, Xuanzang has arrived."

Qin Shuang suddenly said, everyone looked over, and saw a handsome little monk outside the fishing village.


Bang bang bang!

Dozens of villagers were so angry that they punched and kicked Xuanzang, and although Xuanzang was beaten and vomited blood, he still yelled and complained with virtue:

"This fish is innocent! The monster is still in the water, so don't go into the water! "

"It's just a nonsense, he must be an accomplice of the youkai, hang it up and kill him!"

A tall and thin Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe snorted coldly, his eyes flashed, and his words carried a demagogic meaning.

Blocking people's money, like killing parents, how did this Taoist priest not know that the 'monster' was just a fish that was big enough, looked hideous enough, and was vicious enough, but as long as the villagers believed it.

The villagers believed, he took the money and left, you and I will, but jumped out of a Xuanzang to sing the opposite.

"Who made you ignorant of evildoers."

The corner of the Taoist priest's mouth outlined a sneer, and his eyes were full of malice.

"Burn him! Burn him! Burn the accomplices of this youkai! "

The villagers were boiling over the sky, and they were never neat.

Outside the crowd, Xiongba and the others watched coldly, with a sarcastic meaning on Broken Wave's face: "Ignorant, deceived by people, especially if you don't know, these people, even if they are killed by the fish demon, they are looking for themselves." "

"This Xuanzang is also hopelessly stupid, such a person can't live a task in the main god space."

Xiongba stood with his hands in his hands and said lightly: "The villagers are ignorant, Xuanzang is stupid, they have nothing to do with me and so on, I hope that Xuanzang can be more miserable." The bigger the snow, the better. "

Under the demagogy of the Taoist priest, the villagers thought that the monsters in the water had been removed and jumped down, and Xuanzang was also hung high on the water, and the condescending Xuanzang could clearly see that the blade-like dorsal fin not far away appeared on the surface of the water and broke through the water.

The villagers who went into the water did not know that danger was approaching and were still playing in the water.

"Danger! Danger! "

Xuanzang roared hoarsely, but no one paid attention to him.

Broken Wave sighed sarcastically: "How sad, good man? How can a good person do so well? Good people don't live long, bad people live for thousands of years, and this is not just talk. "

As everyone knows, Broken Wave has been deeply influenced by his father Broken Shuai since he was a child, and has always been determined to restore the reputation of Broken Family and aspire to become a hero of the right path.

But after his father's disappearance, he suffered a lot, from the son of a righteous hero to a humble servant, and his heart was distorted in the day-to-day service life.

Later, he was accepted as a disciple by Xiongba and taught carefully, but his heart was determined, and the most hated thing was the so-called good people, and when he met good people, righteous people, he would be tortured and killed.



Suddenly, a large fish six or seven feet long jumped up from the water, opened its blood basin and swallowed a few villagers, and the villagers who went into the water were stunned, and immediately fled in a hurry to get ashore.


"The Great Sun is like the True Sutra."

Xiongba looked at a yellowed book placed by Xuanzang on the ground with fiery eyes, and the cover was "Three Hundred Children's Songs", which was actually the Great Ri Rulai True Sutra.

This supreme practice of this realm was placed on the ground so casually, and the pages of the book swayed with the wind.

Just now, Nie Feng, the best among them, came out to save the names of the villages and caught the fish demon, which made Xuanzang extremely grateful and admired, and it was regarded as gaining Xuanzang's friendship.

"Children, children, why are you so bad, bullying, cheating, why do you do it, learn to be a good child, love each other, care is in the heart, full of color..."

Hulusi's voice sounded, mixed with Xuanzang's forgetful but incomplete singing voice, it was simply a torture, making the corners of Xiongba and the others' mouths twitch slightly, they knew why the fish demon couldn't help but beat Xuanzang violently.

This fish demon probably thought that Xuanzang was insulting him.

Change to a bully, I'm afraid I can't help but beat him.

The villagers are all sluggish, they have also seen some demon slowers, but how can there be such a demon slower?

Not surprisingly, the fish demon who turned into a human form had red eyes and a distorted face, as if thinking of the pain of the year, and punched Xuanzang violently.

Next, Xiongba and the others did not make a move, but waited for Miss Duan to save Xuanzang.

Miss Duan is the most important figure in Xuanzang's transformation in this world, without Miss Duan's death, there will be no Xuanzang's transformation, this is the first time the two have contacted, if Xiongba and others make a move, the two will have no chance to contact.

"Whether it is a monster or a person, there is truth, goodness and beauty in the heart, and the reason why the monster eats people is just that they are filled with hatred, and we must touch them with love..."

"You must know that the bitter sea is boundless, and turning back is the shore... Love is eternal..."

Faced with Miss Duan's questioning, Xuanzang explained so, and by the way, he also handed the 'Three Hundred Children's Songs' to Miss Duan, Nie Feng and others watched, Nie Feng and others resisted the urge to take away the 'Three Hundred Children's Songs', just flipped it over and handed it to Xuanzang.

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