Broken Wave finally couldn't help but say: "Xuanzang, don't go through the suffering of others, don't persuade others to be kind, do you know what this fish demon has experienced?" "

Xuanzang was stunned when he heard this, and for a long time, he slowly lowered his head, clasped his hands together, and chanted the Buddha's trumpet: "Amitabha Buddha, I really don't know." "

"You don't know! Of course you don't know! You only know what shit to use to sensitize youkai..."

The doll turned into a fish demon on Miss Duan's waist vibrated violently, and the fish demon's roar sounded:

"I did good deeds all my life, only because I saved a child by the river, I was mistaken for a human trafficker, beat me to death, threw me into the river, and let the fish and wild beasts eat the flesh and blood..."

"My parents, my wife and children, could not bear the malicious eyes of the people around them, and fled the country, and my mother and wife were raped and killed by bandits, and their bodies were thrown into the wilderness."

"My father and son were caught in the thief's den as slaves, my father was old and weak, could not bear the humiliation, and committed suicide, my son, who was only three years old, lived alone in the thief's den, and was finally mistaken for an accomplice of the mountain thief by a so-called righteous person, and killed together!"

A hideous face faintly appeared on the fish demon doll, and every word was like cold ice, eroding Xuanzang's heart and bones, crying blood and roaring:

"What's wrong with me!"

"My parents are at fault!"

"What's wrong with my wife and children!"

"What's wrong with me doing good!"

"You tell me! Why am I suffering like this! "

"Truth, goodness, beauty, truth, goodness, beauty, can I ignore these sufferings? Can truthfulness, goodness and beauty bring my parents, wife and children to life? Truth, goodness and beauty for eighteen generations of your ancestors! "

Xuanzang left two lines of tears in his eyes, and just chanted again: "Amitabha Buddha." "

Nie Feng shook his head slightly, he now slightly understands what Broken Wave is doing, he has never felt anything, you have not experienced the suffering that others have experienced, just persuade others to let go, like a shit.

Miss Duan slapped the fish demon doll heavily and said viciously: "Shut up!" "

Saying that, she looked at Xuanzang again and mocked: "Little monk, exorcists are not something that people like you can do, I can find hundreds of children's songs with three hundred songs, and I want to exorcise demons with three hundred children's songs, then isn't everyone an exorcist?" It's better to go back to your temple honestly and eat fasting Buddha, otherwise one day you will be buried in the belly of the demon. "

Xiongba's group has a strange face, 300 children's songs? That's the Great Sun Rulai True Sutra, placed in the main god space is a book that can make people break their heads, you can find hundreds of books, you can find as much as I want!

Xuanzang was silent, the first exorcism trip had failed, and he began to doubt the exorcism method passed on to him by his master.


"Coordinate estimation, distance estimation! Calculate energy consumption! "

"Population wormhole construction!"


In the core area of the Divine Machine, a group of strange creatures were conducting research and deduction, and Ying Zheng walked in with just a glance and ignored it, and Ying Zheng did not care, so that he could stand aside and watch the research being carried out by this group of research madmen.

In the past ten years, the number of people in the Divine Machine Division has increased tenfold, and all kinds of geniuses from different worlds and creatures have gathered here.

The current head of the Divine Machinery Division is the gray wolf, he is simply a genius among geniuses, and many important weapons in Daqin today were invented by the gray wolf.

There are also research maniacs from the fantasy world, research maniacs from the fantasy world, research maniacs from the martial arts world, research madmen from the scientific world... All of them are the most genius beings in their respective worlds.

Needless to say, the gray wolf is simply an all-rounder.

Dr. Doom Doom has created a series of equipment based only on the magic and technology he knows, relying on mortal bodies to be on an equal footing with Thanos.

And Mr. Fantastic is proficient in almost all fields of science and technology, including time travel, space travel, biochemistry, robotics, computers, communications, synthetic polymers, mutations, transportation, holography, power generation, spectrum analysis, and now his research direction has another big item, super metaphysics.

Mo Xuan, the premier refining master in the world of 40,000 years of cultivation, has extremely terrifying computing power, and what is now calculating the data is the super Xuan computer he created by combining the biochemical computer of 40,000 years of cultivation and the future master.

Derek Douglas, from the world of arcane thrones, known as the emperor of arcane, is the creator, founder and perfectionist of the arcane constellation world, arcane and modern magic systems, the founder of arcane calculus, and one of the pioneers and perfectionists of electromagnetic magic.

He believed that knowledge equals power. The so-called gods are just powerful arcane masters.


Today's Divine Mechanics, almost all of them are such top demon geniuses, although they are good at different points, but in the same way, IQ is an incredible existence in the eyes of ordinary people, and they all have the most fanatical research enthusiasm for 'truth' and 'unknown'.

They all prided themselves on being seekers of truth.

Genius, there are always preferential treatment.

Ying Zheng just walked around, and back in Xianyang Palace, a little guy with a pink carving was chasing a sword with a monkey, having fun.

A few internal attendants in the back waited strictly, closely following the little fellow, for fear that this most honorable prince of Daqin would fall.

Concubine Yan stood on the side with a smile in her eyes, extremely gentle, which made Ying Zheng a little jealous.

When Xiao Fusu saw Huan Zheng, a sweet smile immediately appeared on his face, and he rushed towards Huan Zheng with a babbling voice, opening his chubby little hands.

Huan Zheng squatted down, held this soft little guy in his arms, and kissed him fiercely.

The monkey immediately jumped to Huan Zheng's side, and followed suit, and the sword, the sword body shook, fell into Xiao Fusu's arms.

This monkey is the creature born in the divine stone, and the sword is the Panhuang creature sword.

"Father, unlock my seal, I want to fly."

Xiao Fusu said pitifully in the arms of Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng made a face: "No!" Unlocking your seal is probably going to be demolished by you! "

Although Xiao Fusu was born knowing and opening his mind, after all, he was a child's heart and extremely naughty, and he was born only half a month ago, and at least a dozen palaces in Xianyang Palace were destroyed by him.

As soon as he was born, he was a cultivator of the Aido Dao, and even if he revealed a little bit of strength while playing, it was incredible, so Ying Zheng sealed his strength.


Xiaofu Sujiao snorted, turned over, buried her head in Ying Zheng's arms, and sulked.

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