The man just looked at them with a faint light, and they seemed to see in his eyes the birth and death of a world, opening up, and evolving the infinite power of the universe.

The woman's face is absolutely beautiful, and the beauty is breathtaking.

This man and woman they have all seen before.

Kazuhiko Katsumasa.

One once easily suppressed Monkey King, and the other is Angel Yan, Kesha's left-wing guard.

"How could it be you? And angels? "

Sun Wukong looked at Ying Zheng stunned, the existence that could easily suppress him at the beginning became more and more terrifying, black hair and shawl, indifferent breath, slender body but containing terrifying power, standing there, his eyes were as unfathomable as the starry sky.

In those eyes, he seemed to see a supreme heavenly emperor sitting on a divine throne, countless living beings submitting, endless beings worshipping and kowtowing.

He felt that it would be easier for Yingzheng to suppress him.

Huan Zheng smiled lightly: "Why, you seem surprised to see us?" "

"Could it be that this war wheel belongs to your angelic civilization?" Rena stared at Hiko tightly.

Yan shook his head slightly: "The angel civilization does not have much interest in the earth, and the war wheel belongs to the husband-kun. "


Rena was shocked in her heart, Yingzheng has always been an extremely mysterious and powerful existence in her heart, and now her three generations of divine body development are getting stronger and stronger, but as soon as she sees Yingzheng, every cell in the divine body is emitting dangerous warnings, which is an extremely dangerous signal.

With the gradual contact with the matter of the Flaming Sun Civilization, she also probably knew the relationship between the Flaming Sun Civilization and the Angel Civilization, and on the surface, it was also a powerful civilization of justice and order.

However, among the major civilizations, it is tacitly assumed that the angelic civilization is the boss of the righteous order, and although the Flaming Sun civilization is strong, it is only the second oldest of the righteous order.

Not only Di Hongku, Pan Zhen, and the high-level of the Lieyang civilization are not willing to be the second oldest, although they have been the second eldest for tens of thousands of years, they don't want to be the second eldest forever.

A civilization that doesn't want to be the boss is not a good civilization, and the Lieyang civilization wants to pull the angel civilization off the horse all the time and be the boss itself.

At the beginning, Di Hongkun firmly believed that Ying Zheng had the strength of four generations of divine bodies, and if Ying Zheng joined the Angel Civilization, then it would be much more difficult for the Lieyang Civilization to become the boss.

"Rena, you seem to be worried about your husband joining the Angel Civilization?" Hiko looked at Rena with a smile.

Rena was silent.

Huan Zheng waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, Ge Xiaolun, Sun Wukong, inform the high-level of the earth, three days later, Daqin will come, and the earth has only one choice, surrender." "

Sun Wukong's eyebrows widened, his eyes suddenly burned like a great sun, and his breath burst out: "Earth! It can only be the earth of earthlings! Definitely will not surrender to any Raushiko! "

Ying Zheng wrote lightly: "Don't be angry, what do you take to protect the earth?" "

Sun Wukong said coldly: "Just because I am fighting to defeat Buddha Sun Wukong?" "

Ying Zheng wrote lightly: "Do you really think that you can turn things upside down on your own? Whimsical, self-sufficient, gluttonous civilization invaded the earth in a big way, what protection do you take? If it weren't for my Daqin's foolishness, the earth would have been reduced to a battlefield long ago. "

Ge Xiaolun hurriedly said: "The universe is so big, the earth is not even a drop in the ocean compared to the universe, why do you have to surrender the earth?" "

"Under the whole world, it is not the royal land, and the shore of the land is not the royal courtier, the words you should have heard, as far as your eyes can see, are all Daqin."


Sun Wu's air burst out, like a lion roaring that had been violated on his territory:

"Then fight, let me see how much stronger you are than you were back then."


The dark gold rod appeared in Sun Wukong's hand, stepped out, and the stick in his palm shattered the void.

Huan Zheng shook his head gently: "It's just a reckless man." "

Saying that, with a flick of his fingers, a series of gods spawned out, sealing Sun Wukong directly in place.

"What kind of power is this!"

Sun Wukong was shocked in his heart, the shock in his heart was unimaginable, he couldn't imagine why Ying Zheng could suppress so easily, suppressing himself more than ten years ago and making a few moves, now he just suppressed himself with an understatement.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! I am Dou Victory over Buddha Wukong! "

Under the suppression of the mysterious and vast gods, Sun Wukong roared violently, but the next moment, in the stunned eyes of Rena and Ge Xiaolun, Sun Wukong quickly became smaller, flew into the palm of Yingzheng, and was squeezed by him.

It's like an ant.

Huan Zheng looked down at the pinched Sun Wukong with a grim expression: "I am now, can I easily pinch to death?" You, what to turn things upside down? "

A three-generation divine body that was almost 100% developed to 100% was squeezed in his hands without even the slightest resistance power.

Even though she had long known that Ying Zheng was mysterious and unpredictable, with the strength of four generations of divine bodies, she could easily suppress three generations of divine bodies, but when she really saw this scene, Rena was still shocked beyond belief.

Ge Xiaolun's heart was shocked and sad.

Sun Wukong is already the most powerful existence on the earth, destroying the vanguard fleet of gluttonous civilization, if there is no Sun Wukong, the protective deity, I am afraid that the male soldier company will die, until now, no one in the male soldier company is his opponent.

"Please also accept the mercy, Sun Wukong, he is just impulsive, I will definitely bring your words back."

Ge Xiaolun quickly opened his mouth to intercede.

"Only give you three days, I don't want to cause indifferent killing."

With a slight wave of his hand, the three of them had disappeared in place and returned to the earth.

"It turns out that he is the emperor of Daqin."

Ge Xiaolun, who returned to Earth, looked at the war wheel that could only see a small dot, and was depressed.

At this time, inside the war wheel, Yan's face suddenly changed wildly: "Holy Kesha! "

Kesha, you're finally dead.

Ying Zheng lowered his eyes, judging from Kesha's fate trajectory, death is inevitable, but death is temporary, one day she will reorganize, but the time required for restructuring is hundreds of millions of years,

On this day, he has been waiting for a long time, Keisha is not dead, how can Yan sit on the throne of the angelic civilization?

Although only the acting king, Kesha's designated real angel king is Ani Cid, but one day, Aini Cid will die quietly.

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