"Check the fire deployment!"

"All fleets have entered a first-level deployment state with full firepower!"

"Thirteen hundred fleets have entered the route!"

"Send me the identification code! So as not to get hurt by mistake in the fight! "

A male angel pondered for a moment, walked behind an extremely enchanting male angel, and respectfully asked, "President Su, what is the name of the identification code of this gluttonous fleet?" "

Su Marie licked her scarlet lips, revealed an evil smile, and said word by word: "Strong kiss Hexi!" "

The male angel nodded and immediately passed on: "The identification code of the gluttonous fleet is Strong-kissed Hexi!" Horse go on! "

Hua Ye next to him smiled and said, "Hey! I said Su Marie, why have you still missed Hexi after so many years? Also forcibly snouted Hexi? Meat hemp, really special meat hemp! "

Su Marie shrugged her shoulders: "Wang, there is no rut, there is really no rut, I am a person, nostalgia, feelings, all feelings." "

"Feelings are a fart! Isn't what you can't get the best? "

Hua Ye sneered, and reached into the arms of a female angel who was half-covered and half-leaked, revealing a large area of snow-white skin, and said, Hua Ye laughed lewdly in a low voice:

"In other words, you and I have a really good vision, I actually took a fancy to Hexi, but unfortunately I didn't succeed, back then Hexi was the first beauty of the female angel, and now Hexi is under the city of angels, the existence above all souls, it must be a lot more exciting to play."

Su Marie sighed slightly: "What is Hexi, playing Keisha is the most exciting, but it's a pity, there is no hundreds of millions of years, she doesn't want to converge, I don't have the confidence to live for hundreds of millions of years." "

He suddenly looked at Ruoning, who suddenly appeared in the flagship of the Heavenly Palace, and said with a mocking smile:

"Hey, Ruoning arrived, just killed a wing guard, quite bullish, just a little embarrassed."

Ruoning said indifferently: "I heard that you were slashed by the power of the galaxy, but it is not bad to find gluttony to make cannon fodder." "

"Wang, it's here." A male angel reported.

Hua Ye nodded: "Okay, you two, restraint and restraint, fight first, destroy the City of Angels, capture Hexi, I don't care if you two want to fight to death..."

Hua Ye swiped his palm slightly, and a light curtain revealed the cosmic scene in front of the fleet, and he was stunned:

"That's called? To a fart, what about the City of Angels? "

Ruoning was also stunned: "It doesn't make sense, the periphery of the Angel City in my memory, each big worm bridge landing point, now the landing point is designed immediately, not a person who knows everything, there is no way to remember all the paths, fast, proofread the coordinates!" "

"After proofreading, the coordinates are first, here is the nineteen-star domain outside the city of angels."

Su Mari frowned, and her gaze fell on Ruoning: "Is there any problem?" "

Ruoning ignored him: "Proofread again!" "

"Proofread the coordinates again, one nine star domain, detected strong stellar energy fluctuations in the star field..."

Ruoning's face changed wildly: "Quick!" Immediately let all fleets retreat, immediately notify the gluttonous fleet, immediately retreat! "


The commander of the gluttonous fleet appeared in the light curtain, anxious: "I am the commander of the gluttonous fleet, I don't know what attack I have suffered, I can't identify it, and I ask the help of the Tiangong King!" "

Hua Ye looked at Ruoning: "Is there a way?" "

Ruoning frowned and shook his head: "There is no way, I can only retreat as soon as possible, I know what kind of attack this is." "

"We cross the galaxy to do wormhole jumps, space does not change, our coordinates are changing, and they are mobile space, if my expectations are correct, there is at least a million stars in the space that is moved."

Although a powerful civilization like the Lieyang civilization can already fully apply stellar energy, no matter what civilization, it is very cautious about stars, millions of stars gathered in a star field, enough to raise the temperature of most of the star domain to tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of degrees, can melt the vast majority of warships, and the three generations of divine bodies below will be evaporated.

Hua Ye's face was gloomy: "Could it be that we can only retreat?" "

Ruoning glanced at him: "Don't you understand the strategic retreat?" How much energy does it take to move millions of stars in space? How long do you think it will last? It's almost half of the gluttonous fleet destroyed..."

Hua Ye breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, there is a gluttonous fleet to play the forward, otherwise the loss will be the fleet of this king, which is the family base that I have accumulated with great difficulty in these ten thousand years." "

Ruoning muttered, "I didn't expect that after ten thousand years, the nine defenses of the City of Angels have actually evolved so much. "

"Nine defenses, how to say?"

Ruoning said lightly: "There are different defenses for different levels of civilizations, such as this defense, it is nothing to the Flaming Sun Civilization, among the known civilizations in the universe, no one has a study of stars comparable to the Lieyang Civilization, but except for the Flaming Sun Civilization, this defense is almost fatal to any civilization." "

Hua Ye grabbed Ruoning's waist, buried it in her neck, and took a deep breath: "It's good to have you." "

If it weren't for Ruoning, Kesha's former left-wing guard, who knew the various defense systems of the City of Angels, they would have ventured in, and I am afraid that the loss would be more than that.


"Tianji King! The gluttonous fleet was evaporated by eight hundred and thirty fleets, and countless gluttonous soldiers died ... But because it takes too much energy to drive the stellar space movement, we also lose eight angel warriors. "

Hexi slowly got up: "The enemy has Ruoning, she used to be Queen Kesha's guard, and one of the earliest warriors of the City of Angels, she is older than my seniority, the advantage is that she is tricky, and he knows the various defense systems of the City of Angels very well, so our defense system does not hinder them much, and they can basically drive straight into the City of Angels." "

Angel Chao's face turned slightly pale: "Tianji King, I apply to assassinate Ruoning again!" As long as we kill Ruoning, without internal traitors, they will not be able to break through our defense system. "

"No, Ruoning's strength is not bad, she is the strongest among the three generations of angels, besides, you can't kill her if she is not in the Tiangong fleet, and she is now in the Tiangong fleet." Hexi stared at her for a few seconds and shook his head.

Chase hurriedly said: "King Tianji, with the experience of fighting with Ruoning, I have already figured out her details, and I already have the confidence to be able to kill her." "

Chase is the wing guard who died at the hands of Ruoning not long ago, but her genes are special and can be resurrected, and even if she dies, she can be resurrected in the City of Angels.

Hexi decisively vetoed her proposal: "Ruoning is tricky, how do you know that she is not hiding hole cards?" Your assassination of him now is just an additional sacrifice. "

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