
The next moment, more than 100,000 pillars of destruction with a diameter of more than a hundred li and thousands of miles tore through the darkness of the universe and bombarded towards the gluttonous battleship and the male angel battleship.

Star Destroyer!

One shot can pierce a star and destroy a star.

The energy intensity of the trajectory through which the Star Destroyer Cannon ran through has caused the passage of space to appear strangely distorted.

"Shoot back!"

The wise officer of the gluttonous fleet and the commander of the male angel battleship immediately gave the order, and the ship's gun muzzles lit up with brilliant light, bursting out dazzling beams, cutting through the starry sky curtain, and retaliating.

The rain of light staggered, collided, splashed huge sparks in the universe, splashed sparks on their respective quantum shields, and rippled.

A firefight eliminates the temptation process, and directly the heavenly thunder hooks the earth fire.

The gluttonous fleet and male angels have more than 10 million warships, the second generation of angels in the city of angels, and the first generation of angels driving 100,000 warships within a hundredth of a light year above the city of angels to fight extremely fiercely.

The melee of tens of millions of warships, the array of canine teeth intertwined, at a glance, only feel that the endless ships run out of the impermeable light woven net, such a large-scale war, it is extremely difficult to dispatch.

At this time, it is the grassroots command that responds to itself, divided into war zones, various weapons, and takes turns, and in just a few minutes, more than 100,000 warships explode into cosmic sparks.

The three-body divine bodies on both sides were slightly frightened when they saw this scene, such a grand war, even if the three generations of divine bodies fell into it, they were in danger of falling.

Suddenly, hundreds of third-generation divine bodies rushed towards the City of Angels.

"The enemy has dispatched high-level combat power!"

Hexi's eyes froze, she knew that the foreplay between the two sides had ended, and now the main drama had begun, and it was the high-level combat power that decided the victory or defeat of the two sides.

Hexi's gaze swept over, his gaze locked on Hua Ye.

If she can block Hua Ye, this battlefield, they will win, if they can't stop it, then the City of Angels will lose.

Following Keisha for so many years, she is well aware of the strength of a fourth-generation divine body.

It can be said that the reason why the angelic civilization has become a known universe with hundreds of thousands of angels, the most powerful civilization of the known civilization, and the vassal civilization is hundreds of millions, half of which is thanks to Kesha.

Even if Hua Ye had just equipped the Void Black Hole Engine, the development rate of the fourth generation of divine bodies was not high, but it was also a crushing advantage over the previous three generations of divine bodies.

Even if her three-generation divine body has been turned on one hundred percent.

Three generations and four generations are the difference between heaven.

This is the development characteristics of the supergod world, individual advanced combat power and space war weapons develop in parallel, to some extent, individual advanced combat power is also above space war weapons.

"If that wronged family can come in time, then everything will not be a problem, Keisha saw the darkness shrouded in the City of Angels back then..."

A thrilling smile appeared at the corner of Hexi's mouth, and he seemed to think of something happy.

"The Treasury of Divine Knowledge, the Silver Wing, the Silver Blade, the King's Life, the Angel of Judgment, the Sword of Flame, the Armor of Time and Space... Turn it all on for me! "

Hexi let out a long roar, and a cold light flashed in his eyes:

"Hua Ye, Su Marie, let you escape for tens of thousands of years, this time, I will not let you escape, tens of thousands of years of grudges, let's settle it today!"

Hexi opened the treasure house of divine knowledge and the god-killing arsenal belonging to Kesha, and one by one, the god-killing weapons armed her.

In the boundless fleet fire, the high-level combat power of the two sides collided fiercely like meteors.

The last fierce war has completely begun!


The aftermath of various colors is centered on the collision point, spreading in all directions for 10,000 li, 100,000 li or even a million li away, looking like a supernova explosion scene dozens of light years away.

The energy fluctuations set off by hundreds of high-level combat forces on both sides affected the surrounding warships in an instant, and the explosive energy fluctuations caused most of the battleships' quantum radars to sound non-stop.

The shields of level eight and level nine battleships made the aftermath shake their shields at most, unable to break through the shields and damage the main body of the battleship, and those level seven and six battleships were miserable, exploding one by one instantly.

"Hexi, I am a fourth-generation divine body! What are you holding in my way! "

Hua Ye punched out and blasted Hexi out, and the next moment, Hexi had stabilized his figure, his figure flashed, and appeared behind Hua Ye, and the sword of the blazing sun slashed down fiercely.


Hua Ye's body was covered with dense miniature black holes, swallowing all of Hua Ye's huge attack.

The blades between the flames stirred the blazing sun, one sword was faster than a sword, and there were tens of thousands of collisions with Hua Ye in a second, the two figures flickered, the battlefield area was spread over a million li, or even tens of millions of li, and the collision fluctuations of various abilities caused a huge distortion in the space.

"Okay, let you see my real skills."

Hua Ye smiled lightly, inhaled sharply, and the space within a radius of millions suddenly collapsed violently, and his body seemed to become a black hole devouring everything.

He opened his mouth wide, like a demon god swallowing heaven and earth.

Buzz Buzz!

Huge but crisscrossing gravitational waves acted on some three generations of angels who did not have time to escape, violently tearing at their bodies that would not necessarily die if their stars exploded.

Click, click, click!

The space collapsed rapidly, the sound was booming, and it was no longer clear whether the space was broken and his body was shattering.

The dozen or so third-generation angels closest to Hua Ye seemed to have suffered a thousand cuts, their skin was separated from their bodies, and then their flesh and blood fell off, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into an angel skeleton, and then even their bones shattered in their heart-rending screams.

"Fragrant! Violin! Thunder! Xuan! Rain! "

Hexi's eyes were red, crying blood and roaring, he burst into blood flowers at this moment, blood snakes snaked around, all over his face, yes, she became miserable.

Around her, three generations of angels exploded, flesh, bones, and blood drifted away, and soon dissipated.

Many of these three generations of angels have been getting along for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, and there are also angels who overthrew Hua Ye's rule together, but now they are torn to death by the gravitational waves of Hua Ye's black hole.

Under the protection of the god-killing weapon, although the nearest Hexi did not die, he only resisted bitterly, gritted his teeth to support, and could only watch three generations of angels die.

In less than ten seconds, dozens of angels in three generations died under the gravitational tear of black holes.

Hua Ye smiled evilly, so that he could look at Hexi who was looking at him with sadness and indignation, and said leisurely: "How about it, Hexi, know the gap between us, the previous conditions are still valid, as long as you recognize me as the king, you will still be your Tianji king." "

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