Hexi did not speak, but slowly closed his eyes, and silently said in his heart: "Kesha, if you still exist in the universe, help me!" "


The smile on Hua Ye's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a familiar aura.

It came from the Flaming Sword in Hexi's hand!

Kesha's breath!

"Kesha! You hunted and killed me for tens of thousands of years! Even if you die, you won't let me go! "

Hua Ye's eyes suddenly turned red, and he roared fiercely, and the sound wave shattered countless meteorite stars.

"You're dead! Just die safely! I have opened four generations of divine bodies! I'm not afraid of you! "

Hua Ye's five fingers suddenly closed, and a dark sword appeared in his hand, slashing down violently, and a black hole line quickly spread away.


In an instant, black hole line marks spread from one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and even four-dimensional planes, crisscrossing and criss-crossing.

Zheng Zheng!

The Flame Sword in Hexi's hand became more and more brilliant, bursting out with a suffocating aura, tearing the endless galaxy and severing the universe.

Endless sword qi tore the heavens and the earth, Hexi was motionless, the sword qi all over the starry river swept across the gluttonous battleships, and in an instant it shattered millions of gluttonous battleships, and the sword light illuminated the starry river, jumping between the beats, slashing towards Hua Ye.

The black hole line marks have been spread over millions of miles like a fishing net, and the moment the sword light splits, the edges and black hole line marks collide together, like leaves falling into the water, except for ripples, no movement is caused.

The sword light was cut by the black hole line marks tens of millions, absorbed, and eliminated.


The black hole line marks disappeared, one by one angels were torn apart in the scream, their limbs were separated, and at this moment, hundreds of angels were cut into countless pieces by the black hole sword, and the blood stained the starry sky of the universe, which was extremely tragic!

"Keisha is on top! What an attack is this! "

One after another, unbelievable, terrified and inexplicable will shock, the angels wanted to escape, but how could it compare to the speed of the black hole line spread.

When Hexi, who was spared by relying on the God Killing Arsenal, saw this scene, his hands and feet suddenly became cold, and a piercing chill hit his whole body, and he laughed miserably:

"Kesha, I'm not as good as you after all..."

Hua Ye laughed condescendingly, his face was extremely distorted, as if he was releasing the resentment that had been hunted down for tens of thousands of years: "Kesha! Hahahahaha! You're dead! You're dead! You won't survive! Angel I am king! "

Hua Ye's wild laughter shook violently, and even the scorching sun in the center of the City of Angels dimmed a little, as if he was afraid of his ferocity.

In Hua Ye's maniacal laughter, Hexi's face turned pale, barely able to maintain his mind, his towering chest was extremely heaving, but his gaze gradually became firmer.

All the angels heard Hexi's firm and calm voice in their ears: "I will blow up the God Killing Arsenal, you guys find an opportunity to escape..."

The laughter stopped, Hua Ye looked down at Hexi, seemed to feel that the situation was completely in his hands, like a cat and mouse as relaxed as a cat and mouse, shook his head slightly, as if sighing with pity:

"Hexi, toast and don't eat and punish wine, back then you chased and killed me all the way, tens of thousands of years, I was like a dog, running around, how embarrassed, how miserable, I can only secretly watch Kesha, this, establish a righteous order, and watch her almost become the king of the universe!" Become the honorable Holy Kesha. "

"I regret it so much, countless times, I feel that insects and ants are eating my heart, why didn't I kill Keisha when she was weak!"

"There is much help for the righteous, but little help for the unrighteous! Keisha is too domineering and demands that everyone follow her righteous order, and I don't know how many people are dissatisfied with her. "

"Hahahaha, it's me who wins in the end..."


A flat voice suddenly sounded, Hua Ye's voice stopped abruptly, and then he felt a boiling and monstrous murderous machine sweeping over, like a monstrous wave, covering the entire universe.

"What man!"

Hua Ye's heart shook wildly, looking for prestige, but he saw a wormhole exit, and a man was holding a woman appearing.

The woman he knew was Angel Yan, the new king of angels.

The man's figure is long, but he has never seen it, step by step, the whole person seems to have become the heavy weight of the universe, even the magnificent black hole line marks have disappeared silently, and the chaotic void he walked through has also been quickly repaired.

"He, finally arrived."

Hexi let out a long sigh of relief, and the whole person relaxed in vain.

Huan Zheng's gaze fell on Hexi, and Senran looked at Hua Ye: "My woman, you dare to be hurt, how do you want to die?" "

The person who came was not good, Hua Ye naturally would not be polite, sneered and sneered at each other: "Where is the dog thing, barking wildly here..."

Ying Zheng stepped into the air, his expression was indifferent, and he bloomed with a murderous intent, as if he said something according to his words: "Today, no one can save you." "

Step out, the breath rushed up, shook the stars, five fingers spread, palm prints fell, Xuan He was domineering, and directly slapped towards Hua Ye.

It's like shooting an ant.

"Want to kill me? Delusion! "

Hua Ye turned on the Void Black Hole Engine at full power, and his momentum skyrocketed, evolving into thousands of black holes, wanting to devour the attack of Ying Zheng and tearing the huge palm that was pressing down.


Thousands of evolved black holes were destroyed in an instant.

Hua Ye's eyes were torn, full of disbelief, he never dreamed that the strength of this man who suddenly appeared was so strong.

You know, he has opened four generations of divine bodies and is one of the most powerful beings in the universe.

How could it be that his strongest attack against Shangyuzheng was like a castle made of sand, shattering when touched?

"My subordinates show mercy..."

A faint voice rose.


In the next instant, the earth-shattering collision broke out, and terrifying ripples swept through the starry sky like gamma rays that destroyed all living beings.

A robed man appeared behind Hua Ye, his face under his hood was dark, his face could not be seen, and the void where he was also a darkness, as if the void was all consumed by his darkness.

However, Ying Zheng could see that the face shrouded in darkness under his hood was a pale, unremarkable face, and he was looking at Ying Zheng at this moment.

"Carl! It's you! You actually dare to come to the City of Angels? "

Hexi gritted his teeth and almost crushed a mouthful of teeth.

"Death, Carl?"

Ying Zheng said softly.

For this person, he is still quite curious, this person's strength is probably not inferior to Kesha, but he has been hiding in the shadows, but he does not know what his purpose is.

"I'm Carl."

Karl nodded slightly, and in the eyes of others, he could only see a black hood shaking.

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