"I finally know who is behind the changes in the Angel Civilization and the Flaming Sun Civilization, and what do you call it?"

"Win Zheng."

"I need the same thing." Carl looked at Yingzheng seriously.

Huan Zheng flicked his fingers: "It seems that you have stolen what I gave to the Flaming Sun Civilization and the Angel Civilization, and what are you still looking for me for?" "

"No, it's different."

Karl shook his head slightly, his eyes showed a feverish color, and a blush appeared on his pale face:

"The Angel Civilization and the Flaming Sun Civilization you gave are both exercises that combine their characteristics, and I also need an exercise that combines my characteristics..."

Karl is one of the most intelligent people in the supergod world, and the ultimate void is the result of his research.

He believes that no matter how the main biological civilization develops, it will always encounter more powerful force majeure, which cannot be overcome under the main biotechnology.

Simply put, the universe cannot tolerate the highest wisdom, and if wisdom cannot break through the universe, it cannot be understood, and it is defined as the ultimate fear, that is, the obstacle that wisdom cannot overcome.

In the ultimate state of fear, all cognition may be completely wrong, for example, the development of science and technology has explored the edge of the universe, and when the wisdom of civilization explores to the edge, it will be found that no matter what kind of scientific and technological theory, and the knowledge accumulated over the past hundreds of thousands of years, can not define the edge of the universe, but it exists.

Therefore, there must still be a knowledge that civilization has not been able to understand to crack all this, to crack everything that even the highest wisdom cannot penetrate.

And Carl defines it as the ultimate void.

There is also the super genetic code.

At the beginning of Kesha's reign, she learned the super genetic code and applied it to the few angelic warriors and herself.

This is the ultimate eternity, where the code can be scattered anywhere in the universe and regenerated as long as there is equivalent energy and matter.

At that time, Carl developed the supergene code almost simultaneously.

Until now, some people thought that Karl's super genetic code was even more mature and perfect than Kesha and Hexi.

And Huaye's Void Black Hole Engine is a creation of Karl's new research direction.

Karl uses tens of thousands of large stars to cool the edge of the black hole, then brings the god body close to the black hole, chemically reacts with the black hole material at the black hole, and extracts a considerable amount of black hole material.

In a short period of time, all the stars almost burned out, after which a huge explosion occurred that shattered the black hole. The black hole matter is again cast at super high temperatures, so a lot of super matter is produced.

This is the raw material for making the Void Black Hole engine.

"As long as Your Excellency Ying Zheng agrees, I can hand over Hua Ye to you, and even, I can hand over the entire gluttonous civilization to you."

From the "Radiant Great Sun Rulai True Sutra" and "The Great Light Shining True Sutra", Karl saw a completely different direction, and for a research madman like him, it was almost the same as an addict seeing something powdery.

Ying Zheng said slowly: "Karl, negotiate conditions with me, do you have this qualification?" "


The cold meaning in Karl's eyes seemed to freeze the starry sky of the universe.

Who is he?

It's the Grim Reaper!

The essence of life has been extraordinary, after 100,000 years of vicissitudes, unfathomable strength, standing at the peak of the universe, although there is no powerful civilization under his command, but no one has ever dared to provoke him.

In order to do an experiment, he can make the life of several planets, or even dozens of planets, all die, and how many creatures have perished in his hands for 100,000 years?

The name of the God of Death is worthy of the name, it is an existence worshipped by countless civilizations in the universe, when was it so despised by people?

"How many years, I have forgotten, I don't know that no one has spoken to this god like this for many years."

In the starry sky, Karl's robe stirred, and his will was surging.

"I don't know if the dog thing is dead or alive, make a deal with you, and you still take yourself seriously? Today, Hua Ye, I will keep it..."

Ying Zheng was light, not caring about Karl's attitude at all, under everyone's gaze, slowly raised a hand, like plucking invisible strings, gently plucked.


A thread of cause and effect that no one could see tense and broke.

No one heard the sound of the thread of cause and effect breaking, but inexplicably there was a cold all over the body, but in Hua Ye's ears, it was deafening, clearly imprinted in his soul, and a feeling of severe pain in soul tearing rose up.

"This is ... Aaaaa I don't want to die..."

Hua Ye only felt that death enveloped him, and let out a desperate and miserable roar, and then there was no sound.

Not only Hua Ye, but all the angels who attacked the City of Angels, gluttony, all felt the fear of death, and all died violently.

Under one finger, all the gluttony in the millions of battleships that were still intact died, and the four generations of divine body Hua Ye also died violently.

How terrifying is it to refer to the silent and violent death of hundreds of millions of living beings, not even knowing how they died?

Suddenly, the angels were all creepy, and their eyes were full of horror when they looked at Ying Zheng.

Karl's pupils constricted, he was closest to Hua Ye, and he could clearly feel that Hua Ye's soul, cells, at that moment, were silently extinguished.

What is this means?

A trace of remorse rose in Karl's heart, in his opinion, even if Ying Zheng was strong, he was not as strong as Keisha and himself, and he blocked Hua Ye's attack just now to confirm this.

But what he didn't know was just a random blow from Ying Zheng.

A fourth-generation divine body died silently and violently.

Even he and Keisha couldn't have easily wiped out a fourth-generation divine body powerhouse.

This is the top powerhouse in the universe, but he died so easily.

The palm fell, and Ying Zheng looked at Karl lightly: "You saved it?" "

"Can you protect yourself?"

Karl's pores stood upright, and a huge void vortex suddenly formed behind him, and a strange eye in the vortex opened, bursting out a dark light, and all the angels suddenly felt that their souls were being devoured, and they retreated one by one.

"Can you protect yourself?"

The faint voice of Karl's voice, this time, he heard clearly, it seemed to be the sound of a thread being plucked, and with that thread being plucked, an inexplicable force surged like a tsunami, wanting to cover his will.

"I finally know how Hua Ye died..."

Immediately, his will was driven straight into and destroyed by the inexplicable power of the torrent of annihilation...

"What's wrong with Carl?"

"yes, why did he suddenly stand still?"

Hexi said strangely, and Yan shook his head slightly, also full of doubts.

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