Chen Xuanzang fixed his eyes, but the person who came was Miss Duan.

"How daring! Dare to be presumptuous in my Gao Laozhuang! "

At the same moment, more than twenty attendants of Gao Laozhuang turned their heads in unison, their faces strangely showing the same anger, and they opened their mouths and roared in unison.

Miss Duan pouted: "A group of puppets, see that I broke you up, see if you demon still shows up!" "


This young lady has a beautiful face and fair skin, but this move is extremely domineering, just stepping on the foot, the friction of the air is told to emit a harsh sonic boom, and the earth and rocks under the feet rise in the air, and the howling and fierce wind sweeps in all directions.

The nearest attendant was also thirty meters away, and Miss Duan rushed in one step, extremely fierce.


The sound like a thunderstorm exploded, and a waiter was blasted into flying ash.

I saw this young lady crisscrossing among this group of waiters, only to hear the sound boom endlessly, punching one by one, making Chen Xuanzang stunned.

He didn't expect that this Miss Duan, who had a relationship with each other, was so fierce, the force of this punch and kick, even if he didn't know martial arts, he could feel that if he was rubbed a little, he would be crushed to pieces.

Breaking up the last sand and stone puppet, Miss Duan closed her fists and stood up, scanning the surroundings with a cold snort: "Demon! You still don't come out? "

"Miss Duan..."

Chen Xuanzang swallowed his saliva.

"Shut up! Wait until I kill the demon before talking to you. "

Miss Duan's eyes narrowed slightly and interrupted him.

Chen Xuanzang also had to remind: "Miss Duan..."

"I said it! Shut up! Now there is no leisure to talk to you nerd. Miss Duan said impatiently.

Chen Xuanzang said weakly, "I want to say that there is someone behind you..."

Miss Duan suddenly turned around, and was surprised to see a handsome young man dressed as a child sitting not far behind her, his face was already a lot of oil, and there was a faint oil shine under the light of the fire.

Beside him, a huge nine-toothed nail rake stoothed.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Miss Duan looked at the pig gang vigilantly, gritted her teeth and said, "Nerd, you will die if you say a few more words?" "

Chen Xuanzang was stunned and honest: "You don't let me say..."

"If I don't let you say it, you won't say it? How can a manly husband casually listen to others? "

Chen Xuanzang: "........."

How can I say it's all my fault?

A smile was outlined at the corner of Pig Gang's mouth, and his voice was soft as if he was talking to his sweetheart: "Miss, are you looking for me?" "

Miss Duan shivered: "Why are you so disgusting?" Can you speak normally? Are you a pig mane? "

Pig Gang's smile remained unchanged: "I am Pig Gang Mane, what is the young lady looking for me?" Do you want to spend the night with me? "

Miss Duan pulled out a picture scroll from behind, and it was a huge pig demon that was depicted on it, she looked at the pig gang and then at the picture scroll, frowning: "Can you show the original form for me to see?" "

The corners of Nie Feng's mouth twitched slightly, no wonder this young lady could be happy with Chen Xuanzang, and the brain circuits of the two were all unusual.

Pig Gang took a picture of his five fingers, and the scroll arrived in his hand, he looked at the main thing on the scroll, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared: "I was born so handsome, actually painted me so ugly... Damn..."

In an instant, the pig turned into a pig demon more than a foot tall, with a hideous face and fangs more than a foot long standing upright.

The pig's head was the size of a millstone, but its body swelled a few times, cracking the handsome young man's skin, revealing the bloated body inside.

"Damn it!"

He drank violently, the sound wave was mighty and vibrant, booming, and the Gao Laozhuang in the belly of the mountain shook violently, as if he was about to collapse under his roar.

Pedal on!

It was like being smashed with an iron hammer in the back of his head, Chen Xuanzang only felt that his ears were buzzing, and there seemed to be an awl in his brain stirring fiercely, and wisps of blood flowed out of all seven tips, like a blood snake winding.


Before the words fell, the pig gang rose up into the sky, his figure was domineering and fast, and he flashed away, and the next moment, the huge nine-toothed nail rake had already arrived in front of Miss Duan.

"Xuanzang! Back off! "

Nie Feng grabbed Chen Xuanzang and retreated, and then killed the demon with Xiongba and the others.

As a result, Chen Xuanzang, who was standing at the door a hundred meters away, felt his heart sink, and just a face, several friends were sent flying, vomiting blood and seriously injured. Only that young lady is still entangled with the pig gang.

After a big battle, the entire Gao Laozhuang was beaten by a demon and a person, and the belly of the mountain was crumbling, and it seemed that it would collapse in the next moment.

The pig gang was finally temporarily suppressed by Miss Duan, but the huge body kept struggling, making Miss Duan dare not move, she was afraid that the pig gang mane would break free when she moved.

"Come and help!"

Miss Duan's afterlight strafed, and the five people lay down, seemingly unable to get up again, only although Chen Xuanzang was a little injured, there was no problem with his actions, and he quickly asked him to go over to help.

Chen Xuanzang hurriedly walked over: "How to help?" "

"His divine soul has been struck by me, the display is suppressed, you swallow this into your mouth and suck his divine soul out!"


Chen Xuanzang took the things handed by Miss Duan, put them in his mouth without looking at them, and squatted in front of the pig demon, but this look, but he froze, and he felt sick to his stomach and almost vomited.

The pig's head is already extremely hideous, a blood basin with dense fangs, and it is also stained with blood and flesh, and the breath that spits out is like the smell of being covered in a quilt for three days on a hot day, almost making Chen Xuanzang vomit out everything he ate three days ago.

"Can you do it any other way?" Chen Xuanzang looked at Miss Duan expectantly.

"It's best with your mouth!"

Chen Xuanzang closed his eyes and slowly walked over, and after a foot away, he couldn't bear it anymore, and he spat out with a 'wow'.

"Miss Duan, I... gaging..."

Chen Xuanzang waved his hand: "I really can't get my mouth down... gaging..."

Miss Duan said angrily, "Hurry up!" I can't stand it, and I won't be able to save everyone's lives later! "

Chen Xuanzang vomited weakly, wiped the filth at the corner of his mouth, tried it but couldn't get out of his mouth: "Join, I mean if, I come to lock him, you come to suck, is there such a possibility?" "

Miss Duan said angrily, "Your father's!" Big man mother-in-law's, you a little monk with no chicken power, lock a hammer? "

Even Xiongba and the others who were pretending to be dead on the side couldn't wait to tie Chen Xuanzang to suck it at this moment.

Fortunately, Chen Xuanzang still leaned over and sucked this pig demon spirit into his throat, and Miss Duan sucked the spirit into his mouth mouth-to-mouth.

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