Spit the pig demon spirit in her mouth into the demon sealing bag, she immediately threw the demon sealing bag, pulled Chen Xuanzang, and pulled the 'comatose' Xiongba and the others with five fingers and an invisible silk thread to escape from Gao Laozhuang.

In Gao Laozhuang, only the pig gang mane was left dancing in the magic bag, trying to break free, causing the already crumbling mountain belly to rumble and collapse, burying the pig gang mane, and life and death are unknown.

Jumping out hundreds of miles and escaping from late at night to early morning, Miss Duan put down Chen Xuanzang and the others, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Chen Xuanzang was grabbed by Miss Duan's waist along the way, and his bones were about to be scattered, and he collapsed to the ground after getting off the ground, wondering:

"Miss Duan, didn't you seal the pig demon? Why run away? "

Miss Duan covered her chest oozing blood, inhaled gently, and shook her head slightly: "That pig demon is very strong, I am not an opponent, I just hit him by surprise, wait for him to come to his senses, if he doesn't run, he will die." "

"Nima's, it feels really uncomfortable to play dead..."

Broken Wave cursed angrily in his heart, but he still had to pretend to have just woken up: "This... Where is this? "

Chen Xuanzang hurriedly stepped forward to explain, Xiongba, Broken Wave and others 'suddenly realized', and thanked Miss Duan one after another.

"Little monk, you help me apply the medicinal powder to the back."

At this time, the young lady had untied her clothes, revealing skin like coagulation and delicate shrinking bones, but there was a shocking wound above the chest, and there were nine wounds on the back, and the bones were visible deeply, and it was raked by nine-toothed nails at a glance.

Miss Duan treated the wound on her chest by herself, and asked Chen Xuanzang to help him apply medicinal powder behind her back.

While treating the wound, Chen Xuanzang said casually: "Miss Duan, why do you a girl become an exorcist?" "

Miss Duan gritted her teeth and the ninja was in pain, sweat droplets oozing from her forehead, and said coldly when she heard this: "I don't do it, you will do it?" With your strength, you probably only have to fill the stomachs of demons to make them stop plague the people. "

"Fill your demon belly?"

Chen Xuanzang was stunned, and then clasped his hands together: "Buddha cut meat and feed eagles, if I can fill the demon belly with this flesh and let them give up plague the people, it will not hurt." "

Miss Duan glanced at him: "Little monk, are you stupid to read the Buddhist scriptures?" Take that pig demon as an example, your body wants to fill his belly, and you don't think about it. "

Chen Xuanzang was silent, and Miss Duan continued: "There is an introduction to this pig demon in the Devil Treasure Book, but it is actually quite miserable, his real name is Pig Gang Mane, but he is ugly and fat. "

"There is a bit of family property in the family, and his parents have recruited a daughter-in-law for him, and he is extremely infatuated and loving to his daughter-in-law, but his daughter-in-law is extremely disgusted, and secretly committed adultery with a beautiful man, and after being discovered by the pig gang, this pair of dog men and women beat him to death with a nine-toothed nail rake."

"He turned into hatred because of love, accumulated grudges into demons, turned into pig demons, killed the pair of dog men and women, and was about to kill all the women who adored beautiful men in the world..."

Chen Xuanzang whispered the Buddha's trumpet: "Amitabha Buddha, it turns out that he is so pitiful..."

"Shut up, help me apply the medicine."

Chen Xuanzang was chattering, did not shut up for long, and sighed again: "Miss Duan, Yu Guo is so big, I didn't expect you and I to meet twice, as the saying goes, in the past life, five hundred times to look back in this life passed by, you met twice, this time and the tribulation is not shallow." "

This is a love sentence, more fleshy, Chen Xuanzang did not mean this, just sighed, Miss Duan is also unknown, frowned slightly when she heard this, and carefully pondered this sentence: "And this kind of statement?" What did you do when you looked back at me in your last life? Could it be that I was born so beautiful in my last life? Do you covet my beauty? "

“???? Why is your focus here? "

Chen Xuanzang was stunned and smashed his mouth: "Miss Duan is too absolute, maybe Miss Duan likes to look back at me in her previous life." "

Miss Duan shook her head slightly: "It's impossible, as an exorcist, I will never look at others under normal circumstances, because the big demon perception is extremely sensitive, and they can sense their gaze, if I want to assassinate the demons and stare at them tightly, won't I be discovered?" How could I make such a mistake? "

The story of a pure love little monk and a straight woman of steel is really playing the piano to a cow.

A thought popped up in the minds of Xiongba and the others on the side.

Chen Xuanzang was silent, gave up explaining to Miss Duan, and concentrated on treating her wounds.

After a while, Miss Duan suddenly said, "You just said that you looked back five hundred times in your previous life, could it be that you found someone to count the experience of your previous life?" Five hundred times to look back only to change the shoulder once, you and I look back a thousand times? No, you and I have not only passed by, barely fought side by side, I am afraid more than a thousand times. "


Chen Xuanzang was completely speechless, and decided to be silent after a few dry laughs, otherwise this matter would be unclear.


Heavenly humanity, above the nine heavens of the immortal world, the Jade Emperor sat on the throne, and sighed with his eyes slightly closed: "Waiting for Naluo and waiting is a little impatient." "

On the side, the queen mother said lightly: "There is no hurry, the prosperity of the Dharma is the destiny of heaven, and the Western Heavenly Scriptures is the time when the Dharma is at its most prosperous, and the prosperity is extreme, and the Dharma will not prosper for long..."

"What worries me now is that the Kinnara plot is not just a position of the Venerable."

The Jade Emperor snorted coldly: "After one hundred and eighty calamities, he has practiced for hundreds of millions of years, what kind of existence has never been seen, if Chennaro is honestly trying to conspire for the position of World Venerable, Xu will secretly pull him, if he is too ambitious, he can't even sit on the position of World Venerable!" "


In the western sky, two Buddhas stand opposite each other, one is the past Buddha and the other is the future Buddha Maitreya.

For a long time, the Burning Lantern Buddha suddenly opened his Buddha's eyes and smiled slightly: "I'm going to die." "

"Good, good, dead."

Maitreya Buddha smiled.

The Burning Lantern Buddha nodded slightly, and the lotus platform under the seat took off and went out of the western sky.

Not long after, a wisp of black qi oozed out from the void, turning into a man with long hair and a shawl and a black robe behind the burning lamp.

The man stood on the lotus platform with an indifferent expression like an iron stone, and standing there made all the light lose its color, and his strength was not good, and he could only see a darkness.

"Kinaro, you're here."

The Burning Lamp Buddha seemed to have known for a long time.

The Demon Ancestor Wutian stepped out in one step and came to the opposite of the Burning Lantern Buddha.

One Buddha and one demon are opposites, and life and death should be opposed, but there is no saber rattling.

"It's time for me to come."

Wutian said lightly.

"Five hundred years from now, you will be the world." Lantern Road.

"The destiny of heaven has changed, and it will not wait for five hundred years." Wutian said lightly.

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