"Brother, you're in too much of a hurry." Yaxi frowned slightly.

Lu Peng's eyes narrowed slightly: "Of course, I know that Xitian is using me, and I also know that Haotian wants to lure them out, but I also want to know how much of it is towards us." "

Yaxi shook his head slightly: "Brother, we have all waited for so many years, there is no need to rush for a while, this person has cut off the Dharma body, the strength is afraid..."

Lu Peng looked at her lightly: "Do you think he is stronger than me?" "

"I didn't mean that, I meant that there was no need to walk a tightrope..."

Yaxi was interrupted by Lu Peng without finishing his sentence: "Little sister, how many years has my father fallen, and how many years have I been waiting?" The more you wait, the less hope you have, and there is no need to keep waiting. "

"Brother, are you thinking..."

Lu Peng's face was grim, and his tone was domineering: "What if you cut off the Rulai Dharma body?" I beheaded the Ziwei Emperor he had just established in front of Hao Tian, I want to see if Hao Tian can bear it! "

Yaxi was silent, and sighed secretly in his heart: "Brother, you are too anxious, really too urgent, there will be chaos in a hurry..."

As the only remaining princes and princesses of the Demon Race's Heavenly Court, they have a lot of hope for the Demon Clan.

She knew that since the fall of her father's emperor, although Lu Peng had been a courtier in today's court, he only wanted to restore the Demon Race Heavenly Court.

Hao Tian was clear about Lu Peng's thoughts, why didn't he kill Lu Peng, wasn't he afraid of the old immortals of the demon clan?

However, did the old immortal of the demon race really support Lu Peng wholeheartedly?

What people!

Suddenly, the two of them felt creepy, and a boiling terrifying killing intent swept from above the firmament, like a huge wave every day, shrouding the entire sun star in it.

A powerful pressure swept in from all directions, as if the space of the sun star was violently compressed and squeezed.

The sun star burned with flames, tongues of fire for millions of miles, thousands of miles, licking the void, at this moment these tongues of fire were all shattered, revealing the sun palace under the flames.

Immediately afterwards, the shattered blazing sun quickly converged, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge foot composed of the blazing sun that was thousands of miles large.

"It's Xiang Yu!"

Lu Peng and Yaxi's faces changed slightly, and they hurriedly left the Sun Palace, only to see that the sky dome suddenly darkened, and the thousands of miles of flame soles covered the sky dome, blocking the sight of the two, and burst out extremely violent and domineering power.

Show the domineering 'I'm going to stomp you to death'!

"Lu Peng, Yaxi, since you don't come to see the main seat, there is no need to live."

A voice that resounded through the galaxy boomed.

Boom rumble!

Thousands of acres of smoke and dust were directly trampled by the huge giant foot, and stepped on the magnificent Sun Palace.

Xiang Yu looked down at the two condescendingly, with an indifferent expression.


"How daring! Find death! "

Lu Peng was furious, suddenly clenched his fists, and his fists were like a glorious sun.

A punch blasted out, like tens of thousands of golden crows hissing horizontally, and the posture was as fierce as the ten days of the sky in ancient times.




A fierce golden crow hissing sound sounded in Yaxi's ears, and in a trance, she seemed to see the scene of her father's invincibility in ancient times.

The majestic golden crow, the powerful golden crow.

All this is gone, and the demon race is gone.

Yaxi came back to his senses and sighed slightly: "If the father and the emperor are still there, the elder brother will be a good prince..."

The giant foot fell violently, the void was directly shattered, and the two collided together.


At the moment of collision, the aftermath of thousands of miles tore everything apart, blowing out all the blazing sun on the huge sun star for more than a dozen breaths.

Lu Peng snorted, his face turned white at first, then turned red, and the figure that soared into the air fell faster than it flew up, and fell violently into the ground.

Boom rumble!

The sun star vibrated violently, and the huge, dense cracks on the sun star spread in all directions.

And the land pressure has fallen into the ground I don't know how deep.


Yaxi's face changed wildly, Xiang Yu's strength was obviously beyond their expectations, and he actually trampled Lu Crush like the ground in the first collision.

The giant foot shook, but it did not dissipate, and it stepped on it directly, destroying the Sun Palace fiercely, and even the ruins could not be found.

It hurts!

A sharp pain spread in Lu Ping's heart, and blood was spraying from every pore all over his body.

"Who the hell is this person? Since ancient times, there has never been news of this person, even Sun Monkey jumped out of the crack in the stone like this, there are heels, this person's heels are too mysterious. "

One thought after another, Lu Peng had to admit that the strength of this so-called Ziwei Emperor, although it was a sneak attack, could make him feel such severe pain, and his strength was only afraid that it was not inferior to him or even stronger.

You know, he is an old golden immortal, although the outside world believes that the Zhenwu Emperor is equal to him, but his strength is stronger than the Zhenwu Emperor.

If the World Golden Immortal has several sequence levels, such as Lai and the Jade Emperor must be the first sequence level, he is definitely the second sequence level.

But the hole card sequence he had, even the Jade Emperor did not dare to move him easily, because the Jade Emperor might not suffer the consequences.

At this moment, all the immortal gods felt the sun star, and from a distance, they could see that the sun star was shaking violently, and it seemed to be about to disintegrate, and the burning sun on the sun star had dissipated.

The Sun Palace, which has stood on the sun star for countless years, has disappeared, and in its place is a huge footprint, with a huge crater in the center of the footprint, I don't know how deep.

Emperor Zhenwu looked at Xiang Yu, who was standing above the heavenly dome, and couldn't help but feel a trace of awe in his heart.

He knew very well that Lu Ping's strength was stronger than him.

"Such a powerful but mysterious existence, can Your Majesty really control it?" Emperor Zhenwu secretly said.


After a few breaths, a figure jumped out of the pit, and billions of tons of boulders exploded with him.

Lu Peng's body burned with the true fire of the sun, and in the flames, a golden crow bathed and roared loudly.

The monstrous aura bloomed, and the golden crow body showed many visions, magnificent and vast.

In the true fire of the sun, the breath of land pressure is getting stronger and stronger.

Yaxi nodded slightly: "Brother only underestimated the enemy before, and he will fall into the downside..."

"Xiang Yu, destroy my Sun Palace, you are looking for death!"

Lu Peng's expression was angry and tyrannical, and Xiang Yu's ruthless contempt for trampling on made the anger in his heart accumulate to the extreme, thus bursting out his strongest strength.

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