It's like a falling sun returning to the sky dome, Lu Peng flew up to the sky dome, looking down at Xiang Yu condescendingly, a fiery red long sword appeared in his hand, and a plane tree appeared behind him, Ruixia thousands of thousands, strips down, sneering:

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to really come to send you to death, I would like to know what the one who appointed you would think if you, the newly appointed Ziwei Emperor, died..."

Xiang Yu just looked at him lightly.

Lu Peng was still saying to himself: "This golden crow sword is refined by my nine brothers' tail ling, smelted with the true fire of the sun every day, refining for nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years, this plane tree is a direct plane tree of my golden crow..."


Four big flags soared into the sky, covering the sky and completely blocking the sky dome, and a tragic aura that seemed to be ambushed on ten sides, millions of banners, and hundreds of millions of troops rushed to kill swept over, as if the sun star had become an ancient battlefield again.

"I have the Sky Shielding Banner that my father passed down to me, and I have practiced for hundreds of millions of years! How do you fight me! "

Lu Ping's voice echoed between heaven and earth, arrogant and domineering.

"How to fight you?"

A mocking smile appeared at the corner of Xiang Yu's mouth, and he stepped out, although it was just a simple action, but it seemed to open some seal, and the indescribable aura fluctuated, dispersing the miserable aura like an ambush on all sides.

At the same time, the space around Xiang Yu's body swelled violently because of the explosion of his power, causing his figure to expand without limit, elevated, thousands of li, thousands of li, 100,000 li, million li...

Until, fill the world!

One punch blasted.


The powerful and unmatched strength and qi and blood exploded, and the majestic will swept out.

Xiang Yu's punch didn't have any fancy, just a punch with his unimaginable physique and qi and blood, coupled with his powerful and incomparable punching intent.

My punch is enough to crush everything.

With a punch, the Sun True Fire that had already burned again of the Sun Star was extinguished, and the endless void turned into chaos and vibrated violently.

Lu Peng only felt that his eyes were dark, only felt that the blue sky seemed to collapse, his face changed drastically, and he quickly swung the golden crow sword to kill away, and the four large banners also swept towards Xiang Yu, and the falling branches of the plane tree protected Lu Peng in it.

The Qingtian sword light flickered, piercing Xiang Yu's fist, but Xiang Yu's face did not fluctuate in the slightest, and with one punch, he broke through the blockade of the four heavenly flags that fell into the sky, and smashed the tens of millions of branches.

The void behind Lu Peng could not withstand Xiang Yu's power, and deeply exploded a black hole with a diameter of at least tens of millions of miles.

"Retreat, retreat!"

Golden immortals are all big guys in the four realms, there are too few fights between golden immortals and golden immortals, nearly a thousand years, the largest scene in the four worlds is hundreds of years ago when Sun Wukong made a big fuss in the sky, but he didn't expect that the fight between two old golden immortals would be so terrifying, although he was mentally prepared and far enough, but it was still affected.

When the immortal gods who followed saw this doomsday scene like the collapse of the sky, their hearts trembled, and they retreated one after another, but they still did not avoid the aftermath of the fight between the two, and they were blown into the depths of the galaxy and disappeared.

Lu Peng only heard the sound of bones breaking in the upper and lower parts of his body, crackling and exploding, most of the bones of his whole body were shattered, and some fragments of his internal organs were ejected into his mouth.


Seeing Lu Ping's tragic situation, Yaxi's face changed wildly, and two flaming big hands rose up from her, thinking that Xiang Yu pressed over, trying to stop Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu snorted coldly, and Wu Daoyi also turned into two thugs, containing surging power, and met Yaxi's big hand.

The four big hands collided silently.

Xiang Yu silently watched Yaxi standing in front of Lu Press, step by step, and the whole person seemed to become the center of the galaxy.

He was originally the Ziwei Emperor, at this time, ten thousand stars worshiped, and the Dao starlight flow belt surrounded him, which was the real lord of ten thousand stars,

Xiang Yu said slowly: "Fortunately, the strength of one person is too weak, and the two of them strike together, and they also avoid being killed by me at once..."

"Little sister, join forces to kill him!"

Lu Peng roared fiercely, and the branches of the plane tree behind him danced wildly, and swept towards Xiang Yu with a bang.


Yaxi let out a long sound, her figure shook, and she turned into a golden crow that covered the sky, and the sun star was like a ball under her claws compared to the golden crow she turned into.

The wings were spread, the golden light was brilliant, and the three legs poked out, grabbing Xiang Yu.

On her, a laurel tree also rose, like a full moon soaring into the sky, Rui Tiao was gorgeous and dangerous, although it was not as good as the five-color divine light, but it was second only to the five-color divine light.

The golden immortal of the second echelon of Lu pressure, although Yaxi's strength is not as good as him, but it is not much worse than Lu pressure, this brother and sister duo joined forces, the power and ferocity were a mess, and only a few people in the four realms could suppress them.

An incomparably oppressive aura suddenly gushed out from heaven and earth, and the devastating fluctuations completely shattered the sun star, and this sun star that I don't know how many years it had existed was split into three points.

"The strength is not good, but the treasure is good."

Xiang Yu sneered, his fist print was in the air, and the mighty fist intent showed the will to crush everything.


The loud noise collided unconsciously, and in an instant, the three of them didn't know how many times they collided, and the sun star that was originally split into three parts shattered more completely.

Lu Peng held the golden crow sword, the sword qi crisscrossed, cutting everything, and the entire sun star was cut into starry dust by this billions of sword qi.

Xiang Yu's face remained unchanged, his five fingers bounced, and no sword light could get close, all of them were shattered, and the huge golden crow that Yaxi turned into flew and hissed.


In the dull gaze of the immortal gods, Yaxi and Lu Peng were obviously suppressed by Xiang Yu.

"Ziwei Emperor... The wife is too strong..."

"It can actually gain the upper hand in the siege of the Sun Emperor and the Taiyin Star Lord."

"The previous Ziwei Emperor was not so powerful..."

"The previous Ziwei Emperor was as powerful as the Sun Emperor at most, and it was absolutely impossible to deal with two."

Before Xiang Yu came, he was full of confidence, and his words were in control, but his absolute confidence was crushed by Xiang Yu at this moment, and the unprecedented heart of shame turned into a heart of anger burning, and the fierce anger in Lu Yu's eyes could simply burn the galaxy, but no matter how he wielded a thousand magical powers and ten thousand killing moves, it was dissolved by Xiang Yu.

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