"How is it possible, how can this person be so strong! In the siege of my brother and me, such an existence cannot pop out of nowhere! "

Yaxi could hardly suppress the shock in her heart, and under Xiang Yu's attack, she felt my unprecedented force, which was transforming into a life and death crisis.

She is the youngest daughter of Di Jun, both in terms of practice time and inheritance is the top of the four realms, and the time to promote the Golden Immortal has been more than a million years, plus the brother who is stronger than him, all kinds of magical powers, killing moves, but she is still steadily suppressed.

"Do you really want to use that hole card? That's for Haotian. "

Worry appeared in Yaxi's heart.

Standing in the starry river, Xiang Yu wielded a martial arts body arbitrarily, and the furious power rushed and stirred in his hands.

Fists, palms, feet, legs, fingers, rushed towards Yaxi and Lu Pressure like a storm, and the direct starry river shattered, and Qiankun shook.

Although this pair of brothers and sisters united and were stabilized by him, the two were by no means weak, and they were one of the most cheerful fights in Xiang Yu's life.

"I'm Lu Press!"

"I am Prince Jinwu!"

"I am the son of Dijun!"

"I will not lose!"

At this moment, the bones of Lu Peng's whole body shook, emitting a grand thunder sound that made the galaxy vibrate, and a pair of eyes had two rounds of scorching sun, burning indescribably.

In the Nine Heavens, after seeing that the decree was handed over to the Zhenwu Emperor, the Taibai Xingjun returned to the Jade Emperor, and the Jade Emperor watched the battle through the Heavenly Mirror, and said with an expressionless face: "If Lu Peng does not expose the hole card, both of them will die in the hands of this Ziwei Emperor of Xuan." "

Taibai Xingjun bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the strength of the Ziwei Emperor is too strong, I'm afraid it is not much weaker than you, such a powerful and mysterious existence, will obediently be your sword?" "

The Jade Emperor nodded gently: "Taibai, you are right, summon the Zhenwu Emperor, if the Ziwei Emperor dies in the hole card of the land pressure, he does not need to move, if the Ziwei Emperor does not die in the hole card of the land pressure, he will move the decree of the law... Give him a ride. "

Taibai hesitated for a moment and wondered, "Your Majesty, what exactly is Lu Press's hole card?" Don't you dare to move him easily? "

"Slashing Immortal Flying Knife."

"Immortal Flying Dao!"

Taibai's face changed slightly: "It's actually an immortal flying knife, no wonder Emperor Jun can still survive after falling to the land pressure." "

The Immortal Flying Knife is famous, it is not blown out, but it is laid by killing countless powerful immortal gods.

As long as you call "please baby turn around", you can cut off the enemy's six yang leader, and the spirit will be destroyed.

Under the immortal flying knife never beheading the nameless, the lowest strength who dies under the immortal flying knife is also the heavenly immortal, and the heavenly immortal has no resistance in the face of the immortal flying knife, and dies when he sees it.

But there are not a few golden immortals who died under the Immortal Cutting Sword, and it is no wonder that the Jade Emperor has not touched him.

On the one hand, those hidden demon clans are old and immortal, and on the other hand, it is this immortal flying knife.

Taibai Jinxing does not think that this immortal flying knife can be chopped, the existence of the Jade Emperor, otherwise the land pressure cannot be shrunk all the time, and the reputation of the emperor is not obvious after the fall.

But looking at the attitude of the Jade Emperor, he did not dare to let this immortal flying knife chop, I am afraid that if he slashes, even if he is not dead, he will be injured.

Rulai was injured, it gave the Jade Emperor a chance, and the Jade Emperor was injured, and he gave Rulai a chance.

Fortunately, after the Immortal Cutting Knife cuts out a knife, it must be cultivated for ten thousand years, otherwise Lu Peng can dominate the Four Realms with the Immortal Cutting Knife.


At this moment, somewhere in the human road, in a cave mansion, a faint voice sounded: "Bai Ze, Nine Babies, you go and save Lu Peng's life." "

This cave mansion is a heaven and earth, and there are hundreds of millions of demon races living in it, and this voice is like a cloud in the sky, vast, making countless demon races in this heaven and earth tremble, and their hearts bow down to the ground.

The owner of this voice was obviously very high in both status and strength, and the demon race had the clearest perception of his majesty.

A handsome white-haired boy came to the center of this world, where stood a majestic palace, guarded by heavenly immortals and true immortals, saw the handsome white-haired boy, did not dare to block, obediently let go.

After entering the majestic palace, I came to a large hall, which was supported by three hundred and sixty-five pillars, and each pillar could not be changed into a mysterious pattern.

The handsome young man walked through the hall with a familiar car, and was greeted by a majestic old man.

"Kunpeng, you are no longer a demon master, don't order me with a shelf." The handsome young man is Bai Ze, who is the Ancient Heavenly Court, one of the eight demon handsomes.

"Presumptuous! Could it be that you Bai Ze want to be a traitor to the Heavenly Court! "

A loud shout sounded behind Bai Ze, but it was a man with a deep breath and a slender body, but it was the Nine Babies, one of the eight demon handsomes.


Bai Ze shrugged indifferently and said lazily: "Nine babies, don't button my hat, the Heavenly Court of the demon race is no longer there, what traitors, you two are still immersed in the glory of antiquity, in my opinion, this is enough to eat and have nothing to do." "

"In my opinion, let's still disperse, first of all, Lu Press, on him, I can't see a little bit of the weather of the Heavenly Emperor, at most only one-tenth, and then Haotian and Rulai, these two are not simple, they are all old Yin ratios, don't say us, even if the Heavenly Emperor is reborn, it may not be able to be restored under their suppression, let alone us?"

The corners of Jiu Ying's eyes jumped, his expression was furious, and his anger was almost turned into substance.

"It's man-made."

Kunpeng's words made the anger of the Nine Babies suddenly lower, replaced by a respectful look.

Kunpeng said slowly: "This sentence of the Terran is very reasonable, if you don't do it, how do you know if you can succeed?" "

Bai Ze glanced at Kunpeng: "Your success or Lu Ping's success?" "

"Bai Ze! You're getting more and more presumptuous..."

The anger of the nine babies was suddenly aroused again, he was obviously a fan of Kunpeng, and he could not allow outsiders to disrespect Kunpeng in the slightest.

Kunpeng waved his hand and sighed slightly: "Bai Ze, you doubt me?" "

"Why can't I doubt you?" Bai Ze sneered.

"You may not be loyal when the Heavenly Emperor is there, not to mention that the Heavenly Emperor has fallen? Pretended to be saved, do you really think that your mask is your true face? The Heavenly Emperor is no longer there, Lu Peng is not your opponent, I am not your opponent, the Nine Babies are your doglegs, what are you still pretending? Isn't it okay for everyone to be honest? "

Kunpeng said in a faint tone: "Bai Ze, you misunderstood me too much. "

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