(Tomorrow surgery, I have to take anesthetics, and I don't know that the pain of anesthetics in the past I can't resist, I can't resist tomorrow, I can't write words, all parents forgive me)

Kunpeng came out of the darkness, his face became young at a speed visible to the naked eye, and after just a few breaths, he turned into a middle-aged man, standing in front of a mural with his hands in his hands, his black hair fluttering slightly.

Bai Ze couldn't help but feel a trace of fear in his heart, couldn't help but take a few steps back, the closer he got to Bai Ze, he could feel the horror of Kunpeng, and what made him feel oppressive the most was that it seemed that the black hair floating behind Kunpeng could cut him in two.

You know, the demon master Kunpeng, in ancient times, was not much weaker than the Heavenly Emperor Emperor, after so many years, he has never seen Kunpeng make a move, but he knows that Kunpeng's strength is very terrifying, and he is far from being an opponent.

"Bai Ze, come here."

Kunpeng said lightly.

Bai Ze hesitated for a moment and stood behind Kunpeng.

Kunpeng's eyes were far away, and he said softly: "The first division of heaven and earth, that is the world of innate gods and demons, whether it is dragons, phoenixes or demons, it is the food of congenital gods and demons, and later the innate gods and demons killed each other, dead and wounded, the dragon and phoenix races rose up and slaughtered the remaining innate gods and demons, but the demon race is still slaves." "

"The birth of the Heavenly Emperor, dissatisfied with the oppression of the Demon Race by the Dragon and Phoenix races, brazenly resisted, I and many Daoist friends followed the Heavenly Emperor to participate in that big war, countless deaths and injuries, it can be said that every land in the Four Realms is infected with the blood of the Demon Clan, the Dragon, and the Phoenix Clan, you were born at the end of the war, when the Demon Race had the absolute upper hand, and I definitely don't know much about this history."

Bai Ze looked at the man on the mural who was soaring, majestic, and imposing, and said in a deep voice: "I admire the Heavenly Emperor very much." "

Kunpeng said leisurely: "The Heavenly Emperor set off a doomsday frenzy of the dragon and phoenix races ruling heaven and earth, and after the war, the Heavenly Emperor established the Heavenly Court and ruled the four seas and eight wastes with the body of the Heavenly Emperor, at that time, the demon race was the protagonist of heaven and earth, what a majesty." "

Bai Ze looked at the emperor jun on the mural, which coincided with the image of the emperor jun in his memory, and unexpectedly showed the real emperor jun style nine-tenths, which was heartbreaking.

Kunpeng's eyes were confused, and he looked back at the past scene by scene, and said faintly: "At that time, a group of our Daoist friends did not worry about their own death, what was the fear of death?" We were born in the demon race, how can we see the demon race being bullied so miserably? "

Saying that, Kunpeng suddenly smiled: "It's been too long ago, a group of young us, qi and blood, not afraid of the sky, now think about it, some strategies are too reckless, once it goes wrong, the demon race will be doomed, fortunately, we succeeded." "

Bai Ze was silent, he was not extremely impressed with those ancestors of the demon race, and later the eight demon marshals and the ten demon generals of the demon clan, most of them rose in the late war, and those who resisted at the beginning, except for Dijun and Kunpeng, dijun and Kunpeng, all died.

"Did I really misunderstand Kunpeng..."

Bai Ze was confused in his heart, no matter how he thought Kunpeng had bad intentions in his heart, but what Kunpeng did indeed contributed greatly to the rise of the demon race, second only to the Heavenly Emperor Dijun, otherwise he would not have been named a demon master and become an existence under ten thousand people in the Heavenly Court.

No matter what Kunpeng did later, his behavior at that time was worthy of his own admiration.

"The Heavenly Court has ruled the heavens and the earth for a long time, and for a long time I thought that the Heavenly Court would rule forever, but there are no flowers and no people, no one expected that the Heavenly Emperor would suddenly fall, and the huge Heavenly Court would be torn apart..."

Bai Ze said in a deep voice, "How did the Heavenly Emperor fall?" "

Kunpeng shook his head slightly: "You have asked me this question many times, I don't know." "

"In fact, the skepticism is not unreasonable."

Kunpeng suddenly let out a long sigh, and his voice was low: "After all, after so many years, it's normal for you to suspect that I have become decayed..."

Bai Ze shivered, creepy, and Kunpeng's sudden conversation made him have the feeling that Kunpeng would kill people at any time.

"Bai Ze, are you afraid that I will kill people and kill people?"

Kunpeng seemed to see through Bai Ze's thoughts, shook his head and smiled.

"He's going to kill me!"

Bai Ze's heart will burst out at any time.

"Bai Ze, don't worry, you are loyal to the Heavenly Emperor, how can I kill you?"

Kunpeng's voice became higher and higher, more indifferent, giving Bai Ze the feeling of sitting on the nine heavens, and his voice came leisurely.

Bai Ze's heart burst out: "Kunpeng, where are you going!" "

"Since you refuse to make a move, then only I will personally make a move!" Kunpeng said with a smile.

"Are you crazy? For land pressure? Haotian is waiting for you to go out! Aren't you throwing yourself into the net when you go to save Lu Peng? Bai Ze frowned.

Kunpeng stepped out of the palace step by step, his appearance changed step by step, and in a short time, he had turned into a teenager, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, delicate skin like a baby, hair turned into silver threads, and his hair was white.

"Don't worry, Haotian really wants to kill me, but he can't kill me."

Bai Ze said, "I will go with Jiu Ying with you." "

"No, if you two show up with me, you will definitely make a move."

Kunpeng stepped out, his figure disappeared into Bai Ze's career, and his voice shook: "Haotian has been chasing and killing me for so long, and I also want to know what Haotian's strength has become." "


"I want you to die!"

Lu Peng's eyes flickered more and more fiercely, and when his palm turned over, a palm-sized, red-fiery, crystal clear gourd appeared in his hand.

As soon as this gourd appeared, a fierce unimaginable force seemed to be the murderous killing intent that only slaughtered the heavens.

The fierce star in the galaxy shines generously, and the fierce qi and the fierce qi emanating from the gourd are connected.

For a time, there was no room for anything other than pure domineering murderous intent.

I don't know how many powerful beings in the four realms were shocked by this fierce aura.

"Chopping Immortal Gourd?"

"Immortal Flying Dao!"

"The Immortal Flying Knife has appeared!"

Lu stared at Xiang Yu desperately, and bowed slightly: "Please baby turn around!" "


The gourd shook slightly, and two soft, like white lights without the slightest lethality, burst out, directly hitting Xiang Yu's eyebrows.

"What is this thing!"

Xiang Yu's heart trembled, and the two extremely rich qi of his intuition wanted to pierce his eyebrows, and this was not all, this qi even pierced the divine soul.


Xiang Yu's body shook, and his head was cut off without resistance, and the next moment, his head grew again.


The white light crossed again, and the head that Xiang Yu had just grown was cut off again.

Lu Peng sneered slightly: "This sword of mine has been cultivated for millions of years, even if it is Rulai, Hao Tianlai will not be able to withstand it." "

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