
The white light was about to slash down at Xiang Yu's long head, and a terrifying fluctuation emanated from Xiang Yu's body, like a vast ocean, sweeping the four realms.

But it was a piece of paper rising from Xiang Yu's body, and there were only four words on the paper.

"Ruxin in person!"

The four words on the paper were bright, and then they broke away from the paper and were embedded into the void, brilliant and shining.

At the same time, a mighty and majestic voice poured down from the Nine Heavenly Paper and swept through everything, no matter who it was, heard this domineering, noble, and majestic voice:

"On your knees!"

The mighty energy of the vast suppression of the heavens erupted, making all the immortal gods frightened.

"Could it be the decree given by His Majesty to the Ziwei Emperor?"

The immortal gods who followed thought so.

"Yes, this is given by His Majesty to the Director, so it seems that there is no worry." Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile.

Of course, these two groups of people think that His Majesty is not alone.

One is the Jade Emperor, and the other is Ying Zheng.


In the western sky, the golden light of the Great Leiyin Temple bloomed, and the bodhisattvas, Buddhas, and arhats below all opened their eyes and looked at the Buddha light blooming on their bodies, and Guanyin was puzzled: "Shizun, why is the Buddha's heart unstable?" "

Rulai withdrew his gaze and said softly, "Jade Emperor, it's stronger." "


The Jade Emperor was stunned and looked at the decree: "There is another Heavenly Emperor in this heaven and earth?" "

Taibai Xingjun looked at the opinion, and then looked at the Jade Emperor, his mouth moved, he wanted to say.

Your Majesty, you won't be fighting with yourself, will you?


There are only four words on the decree, but it is extremely shocking, overwhelming all the immortal gods, the more powerful, the more terrifying.

"Is this His Majesty's decree?" Canopy trembled, the blazing light of those four words was too brilliant, sacred and vast, making him have a strong urge to worship.

With just one decree, it spanned the nine heavens, exuding immortal divinity, and seemed to be able to live forever with heaven and earth, and shine with the sun and the moon.

At this moment, the four realms were silent, and the people who were originally dissatisfied with the Jade Emperor were all frightened at this moment.


The Chopping Immortal Gourd trembled slightly, as if it was afraid, and the two white rays of light flew into the gourd at night.

Xiang Yu let out a long breath: "If it weren't for His Majesty's decree, I'm afraid I would have to take off at least a layer of skin today, it seems that I underestimated the treasures of this world, and I actually have this kind of artifact that cuts people's souls." "

"Please baby turn around!"

Lu Peng almost couldn't believe his eyes, bowed slightly, but the gourd was still trembling.

"Please baby turn around!"

Lu Peng bowed again, and the gourd trembled more and more, and simply flew back into Lu Peng's body.

Feeling the gourd's extremely frightened thoughts, Lu Peng was like being struck by lightning, and his eyes widened:

"Impossible! How could a decree of Haotian have such an effect! "

If Hao Tian's Dharma had such an effect, how could he possibly live safely until now?

The next moment, a creepy feeling hit her heart, and Yaxi's heart was beating wildly, and she saw that Xiang Yu rushing over again.


Where do the two dare to stay any longer, it has been proved before that the two are not Xiang Yu's opponents, and now even the Immortal Slashing Knife has been cracked, stay and wait for death?

The two turned into two shocks, and a million miles passed in an instant.

If it is wheel speed, the golden crow is not weaker than the golden-winged giant peng.

"Keep your hands."

A voice sounded, and a sword light suddenly appeared in front of Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu's eyes rippled, although this sword light gave him a sense of danger that was not as good as the white light cut out by the Immortal Flying Saber, it was not much worse, but it was fierce, but it was especially better, so that he did not dare to despise it now.

"It's a pity that these two escaped."

Xiang Yu took a deep look at the direction where Lu Peng and Yaxi fled, and retreated decisively.

Although Ying Zheng's decree saved him, his previous injuries were really bearable, and although he was not visible on the outside, he was already seriously injured.


"Kunpeng, long time no see."

The Jade Emperor appeared in front of Kunpeng and walked slowly,

Kunpeng smiled slightly: "Haotian, have you been waiting for me for a long time?" However, I have already died twice, so what's the harm in dying again? "

"Died twice?"

The Jade Emperor was stunned, his thoughts flashed, but he didn't understand what he meant.

"Actually, I envy Dijun, there is an assistant like you."

The Jade Emperor's voice was soft: "How good it would be if you followed me, in the Heavenly Court back then, you were under one person, an existence under ten thousand people, in my Heavenly Court, you are still like this, but unfortunately, you chose a path against me." "

Kunpeng smiled gently: "Haotian, who wants to have someone on top forever?" A big mountain is overhead, I can't even breathe, what I want is to be free, but if I want to be free, the only way to move the mountain above my head is to remove it, it was Dijun, now you are this mountain, I want to eradicate it. "

The Jade Emperor's face showed a look of pity: "It's a pity, if you assist me, no one can resist me, and nothing will be possible." "

"It's a pity, but my personality is such that it is impossible to live below you, and you are also a glance, how can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed?" I will assist you in peace, will you be at ease? "

The Jade Emperor was very decisive and said very seriously: "No!" "


After a moment of silence, the two of them made a bang, and the sky fell apart.

In the depths of this void, no one knew that the two supreme beings of the Four Realms were inextricably separated.

The Jade Emperor is worthy of the supreme of the four realms, and his mana is as powerful as a river of stars, and he wields arbitrarily, endlessly, suppressing Kunpeng to death.

Although Kunpeng is a demon master, he is blocked by the Jade Emperor in round after round of attacks, like a trapped beast that is gradually driven into a cage.

This station seems to have been doomed from the beginning.

Kunpeng sat down with a miserable smile, his head drooping, and his voice was high and faint: "Haotian, you think you won?" "

The Jade Emperor smiled dumbly: "You are dead, didn't I win..."

The Jade Emperor's voice stopped abruptly, and the whole person froze, looking at the Kunpeng that slowly dissipated, and a boundless chill rose from his heart.

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