Kunpeng's flesh disappeared in front of the Jade Emperor inch by inch like starlight, but it did not dissipate out of thin air, but retreated into the void, and even the Jade Emperor could not cut it off at a fast speed.

The Jade Emperor could feel that this 'starlight' contained Kunpeng's extremely majestic cultivation.

The Jade Emperor stood in place blankly, and the chill spread throughout his body, such a change made this supreme of the Four Realms, who thought that he had everything under control, feel terrified.

"Yes, no wonder he said I didn't win..."

"He is Kunpeng, and he is not Kunpeng..."

"He is a puppet, no, not a puppet, the puppet does not have his own consciousness, and I am talking to Kunpeng, it is Kunpeng who fights, definitely not another existence, Kunpeng has been refined into a doppelganger, a Kunpeng with its own consciousness..."

"Then, who can refine the Demon Master Kunpeng into a body?"

One thought after another flashed in his mind, and a clear vein appeared in the Jade Emperor's mind.

He now knows why Kunpeng would say that he died twice, when the Demon Heavenly Court was torn apart, Kunpeng escaped by fraud, this is the first death.

The second time he died, someone really killed him, trapped his consciousness in his body, refined him into a doppelganger, and then put on the exorcism of the demon master Kunpeng to condense the old ministers of the Demon Heavenly Court.

"Who is it?"

A creepy feeling rose in the heart of the Jade Emperor, and in a trance, he saw a black hand coming towards him, this black hand manipulated Kunpeng against him, he chased and killed Kunpeng for so many years, and the black hand behind the scenes was probably watching a joke.

"Dijun, is that you?"

Before the decree, everyone thought that he had given Xiang Yu, but only the Jade Emperor knew that he did not give Xiang Yu.

However, the aura emanating from that decree can only be possessed by the emperor who rules the four seas and wastes.

Among the four realms, although there are more than one or two who challenge the status of the Jade Emperor, there is only one Heavenly Emperor who rules the four seas.

But before the Jade Emperor, there was also a Heavenly Emperor.

The trigger for the sudden fragmentation of the Demon Race Heavenly Court was the fall of Emperor Jun.

The huge Heavenly Court, there are too many unruly existences, and only Di Jun can subdue them, and once Di Jun dies, these unruly existences will not obey anyone, causing the Heavenly Court to fall apart, and then collapse.

But the fall of Dijun has become a suspicious case, and as the years go by, this suspicious case has been buried by time, and no one will pursue the truth.

The Jade Emperor knew the ins and outs of Dijun's fall, because he was one of the murderers who caused Dijun's fall.

The other murderer is Kunpeng.

Kunpeng was Di Jun's henchman, and it was his sneak attack, coupled with the siege of the Jade Emperor, that led to the fall of Di Jun.

As Kunpeng said, his character will not be subordinate to others, he is in a high position, but he wants to be the number one person in the Heavenly Court, and if he wants to be the Heavenly Emperor, he must move away from the mountain of Dijun.

So the two people with ghosts in their hearts hit it off, both of them knew each other's purpose, they were exactly the same, but both had self-confidence, and it was themselves who triumphed.

In the end, the Jade Emperor was even better, won the fruits of victory, and became the new Heavenly Emperor.

And Kunpeng is 'dead'.

"Dijun, is it really you? But I saw you die with my own eyes, Kunpeng is your doppelganger, and Xiang Yu is a pawn you pushed out? "

The Jade Emperor was a little puzzled, if Xiang Yu was a pawn pushed out by Emperor Jun, why would he be exposed so rashly?

But if it wasn't Dijun, who would it be?


The Jade Emperor's figure moved, and he had already returned to the Nine Heavens, and the queen mother saw him and frowned slightly: "Are you injured?" What about Kunpeng? "

The Jade Emperor shook his head slightly: "He is dead, and it is not a big deal." "

"Getting rid of this henchman rhubarb is gratifying."

"Kunpeng was refined into a doppelganger."

When the queen mother heard this, her pupils were fierce, and an irrepressible shock appeared on her graceful and luxurious face, and she couldn't believe this result: "Who is it!" "

The Jade Emperor said: "I don't know, but I guess it's Di Jun, if it's Di Jun, Xiang Yu may be a chess piece he pushed out, but there are some unreasonable things in it." "

The queen mother thought thoughtfully: "What do you want to do now?" "

The Jade Emperor said in a calm tone: "Clear all the remnants of the demon forces in the Heavenly Court, even if the black hand behind it is really Emperor Jun, let's see how he can turn back when he is alone." "

"The remnants of the demon clan are not small, and the Heavenly Court is only afraid that there will be turmoil." The queen mother said.

"That's better than stabbing Xu in the back when the time comes."


Guanjiangou Jiro Jinjun Temple.

"Second brother!"

Nezha suddenly appeared in the Erlang Zhenjun Temple, hurriedly calling Yang Jian.

"What's the matter?"

The Temple of the True Monarch opened, revealing Yang Jian sitting on a futon in the middle, with his three-pointed and two-edged knife placed beside him.

"The Heavenly Court wants to liquidate the forces of the demon race!" Nezha looked at Yang Jian.

"Liquidate the demon forces? Didn't he want to keep the demon clan to show that he had a big heart? Why did you suddenly want to liquidate? Yang Jian sneered slightly.

"Your Majesty ordered, I don't know, second brother, you let the six brothers avoid it, at this time, there is no need to touch Your Majesty's brows." Nezha said.

Yang Jian and the Jade Emperor had a bad relationship, not only because of the matter of his mother and sister Three Virgins, but also because of the Six Saints of Meishan.

The six saints of Meishan were originally the seven monsters of Meishan, the boss was Mei Hong, the remnant of the Heavenly Court of the demon clan, Yang Jian was ordered to hunt down and kill the seven monsters of Meishan back then, but in fact, Yang Jian and the seven monsters of Meishan were already like brothers, how to get their hands on it.

Mei Hong didn't want Yang Jian to be embarrassed, so he cut his head to let Yang Jian make a difference, and Yang Jian took the head to hand over and saved the remaining six monsters.

Mei Hong died, for the sake of his nephew Yang Jian's face, the Jade Emperor turned a blind eye, and the six monsters of Meishan followed Yang Jian and evolved into the six saints of Meishan.

"Nezha, I don't want to embarrass you."

Yang Jian flicked the three-pointed and two-edged blade blade with his fingers, only to hear the ringing, and his tone was extremely firm: "When I promised Mei Hong, I would never eat salt." He wanted to liquidate and step over my corpse first. "

"Let's shoot. Nezha. "

Yang Jian's blade pointed straight at Nezha.

"Second brother, I won't make a move on you." Nezha took a few steps back and shook his head.

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