The Jade Emperor is really an old sinister!

Zhang Sanfeng, Yue Mulong and others all came up with this idea, and for the birth of lawlessness, they actually lost in the hands of Rulai many times.

You must know that the Jade Emperor is an invincible Great Heavenly Venerable of the Four Realms for hundreds of millions of years, although no one has been invincible for hundreds of millions of years, he can actually ruthlessly defeat Rulai, just to get rid of Rulai, this kind of forbearance, it is chilling to hear.

Of course, Wutian knew that the Jade Emperor would not let him go after he was eliminated, but these heroes all knew that they could not do it.

Wutian and the Jade Emperor both knew that they were collaborators before they died, and they were enemies after Rulai died.

Wutian wanted to become the Supreme of the Four Realms, and the Jade Emperor did not want another 'Rulai' to appear.

Lawlessness is the dark side of Rulai, his strength can be infinitely close to Rulai, but it will never be comparable to Rulai, but because of the particularity of the two sides of Rulai, it is difficult for Rulai to kill him.

Because it is weak, for example, this gives the Jade Emperor the opportunity to operate, the Jade Emperor only has a seventy percent chance of killing Rulai, but killing Wutian has more than a seventy percent chance.

These are as clear as a mirror.

But he won't be a loser.

Wutian said: "The emperor should be very clear, Haotian is using you as a gun, Lu Peng, Yaxi and Xitian have a close relationship, and they are the prince and princess of the first court, using you, not only slapped Xitian, but also forced Kunpeng out, although no one saw the results of the battle between Kunpeng and Haotian, but it is obvious that Kunpeng died..."

Xiang Yu's tone was puzzled: "Why?"

"Haotian began to comprehensively clean up the demon forces in the second court, the emperor is unknown, there is absolutely no way to win Haotian's trust, plus the strength of the emperor is so strong, Haotian can't control it at all, so Haotian will definitely find ways to get rid of the emperor." "

Wutian paused and said categorically: "I don't want to be a doomed loser, and the Great Emperor can't let Haotian get rid of you, in this case, you and I cooperate is the best choice." "

"Yes. "

"The Great Emperor can listen to my conditions... The Great Emperor agreed?"

Lawless looked at Xiang Yu in disbelief, agreeing so cheerfully that Wutian couldn't believe his ears.

"The Great Emperor is cheerful. "

A smile appeared on Wutian's face: "Since that's the case, don't bother the emperor." "

When Xiang Yu and the others disappeared from their field of vision, Wutian's eyes became gloomy and cold, and they stared at the black robe indifferently: "You are so daring!"

The black-robed emperor knelt down and kowtowed heavily: "The black robe knows that it is wrong!

"Black robe, I asked you to invite Xiang Yu, but I didn't let you go to fight Xiang Yu!" Wutian's icy face became more and more ruthless.

"The black robe knows the mistake! Buddha spare his life!"

The black robe just kowtow, does not justify, as the first protector under the black heaven seat, he knows very well that if he does something wrong, it is good to admit his mistake, and it is useless to justify, if he provokes lawlessness, he will only die worse.

Wutian stared indifferently at the black robe who couldn't stop kowtowing, and waved his hand: "Thinking that you have sat down in this seat for so many years without merit and hard work, I will spare you this time, but you remember, the things that this seat explains, don't make your own claims!"

"The black robe understands, thank you Buddha!"

The black robe kowtowed three more times, and then slowly got up and disappeared beside Lawless,

Wutian's eyes looked deeply at the direction where Xiang Yu disappeared, the arm under the sleeve robe was trembling slightly, a drop of blood dripped, but a finger was completely broken, and the blood did not stop, but as soon as the blood left the body, it would turn into black fog and disappear.

"Is he seriously injured?"

Wutian's eyes showed doubt, and he muttered to himself.

"Such a domineering fist intent, such a domineering knife intent, what is his heel and foot?"



Looking for a secret place, Xiang Yu suddenly spit out a mouthful of reverse blood, Zhang Sanfeng and others' faces changed, Xiang Yu raised his hand, and his face turned much paler:

"Can't die, the strength of lawlessness is definitely more than seventy percent, for example, the Dharma body that comes is strong, at least ninety percent. "

"Don't act rashly until I'm healed. "


Gou Chen Palace.

Eight immortal gods are drinking, Emperor Gou Chen is lying obliquely in the arms of a fairy, the fairy holds a wine bottle and puts it to his mouth, living like a noble prince who drinks for pleasure, and the fairy gods such as Greedy Wolf Star Jun are also helpless when they see Emperor Gou Chen so lazy.

Drinking the wine bottle in the fairy's hand, Emperor Gou Chen spoke, "How is it, has this Ziwei Emperor been invited?"

This kind of wine made from peaches, a drop is enough to prolong the life of mortals for a thousand years, such a luxurious act, only a few people in the Heavenly Court can do.

Greedy Wolf Star Jun sighed: "Big brother, this Ziwei Emperor is not a fool, where do you dare to show up if you are injured?"

Emperor Gou Chen was stunned: "It's the same." "

Breaking Army Xingjun said: "Big brother, the new Ziwei Emperor is unknown, and it is very risky to contact him." "

Wuqu Xingjun's eyebrows all raised and said angrily: "Ninth brother, the second brother died in the hands of Haotian, you are actually afraid of Haotian?

The broken army Xingjun was very helpless: "Starling, I am not cowardly, but the cause of death of the second brother is unknown, not necessarily because of Haotian, we don't know who the murderer is, and it is very irrational to hate Haotian." "

Emperor Gou Chen said lightly: "Although I don't know the murderer, the biggest suspect in the death of the second brother is Haotian." "

Doumu Yuanjun had nine sons, namely Emperor Gou Chen, Emperor Ziwei, Greedy Wolf, Jumen, Lucun, Wenqu, Lianzhen, Wuqu, and Shaojun, that is, the Big Dipper Seven Star Jun.

Emperor Gou Chen was the eldest son.

The previous Ziwei Emperor was the second son.

The two sons are the five emperors of the supreme fruit position of the Heavenly Court, and the seven sons are the famous Big Dipper Seven Star Monarch, and others can only sigh that Doumu Yuanjun will really give birth.

These nine sons huddle together, which can make any force fearful.

"Big brother, I also agree with Ninth Brother's thoughts. Wen Qu Xingjun silently drank the wine and spoke: "The situation in the four realms is unprecedentedly complicated, Xitianrulai, Tianting Haotian, as well as Ji Naluo, the demon clan forces, and this Xiang Yu who has unknown feet, are entangled with each other, and they are all in chaos." "

Jumen Xingjun nodded: "Big brother, even when the second brother was still alive, we huddled under the strife of these forces to barely preserve ourselves, and now that the second brother is gone, we will participate in it rashly, and the fierceness will be few." "

Emperor Gou Chen straightened up, glanced at the seven brothers, and his voice was flat: "How many of you have the same ideas as the giant gate, the broken army, and the Wen Qu?"

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