After a few seconds of silence, the Greedy Wolf Star Jun spoke: "Big brother, I also think don't rush into it, of course, I don't think that the second brother's hatred is not important, if it has been confirmed that the second brother died because of Haotian, I will never back down." "

"All down. "

Emperor Gou Chen said lightly.

All the fairies got up and bowed and slowly retreated.

"First of all, Xitian, those bald donkeys are not the same as us, you all agree with this. "

No one spoke up.

"Besides, everyone knows that he is the dark side of Rulai, but Rulai's cultivation, as long as the dark side is born, he can detect that it is not difficult to cut off the dark side, but why can the dark side grow smoothly without being cut off by Rulai?"

Greedy Wolf Star Jun said slowly, "Does the eldest brother know?"

Emperor Gou Chen nodded: "Haotian has repeatedly sought Rulai to fight, and was suppressed by him, and then lost in his hands. "

"How is it possible..."

The broken army Xingjun stopped abruptly without saying a word, and his face showed a clear expression: "Yes, I understand, Haotian is nourishing the dark side of Rulai." "

The other Star Monarchs shivered coldly.

"Even if Kinnara can kill Rulai, the final result is likely to be defeated by Haotian, and with Haotian's heart, this is very likely. "

"So working with Kinaro is not destined to end well. "

"As for the demon race, there is no need to think about it. "

Emperor Gou Chen slowly analyzed the situation, and the nine brothers killed the demon clan the most ruthlessly, almost eliminating this path.

"As for Haotian, the side of the couch allows others to sleep soundly, as long as our brother is alive, it is the greatest threat to him, and this is a contradiction that cannot be resolved, unless we are willing to die. "

Emperor Gou Chen looked at everyone and sighed softly: "Now do you understand, we can't stand idly by, standing by is to sit still, the demon race wins, we have no way to live, if Hao Tian wins, he will definitely sweep away all existences that may be threatening him, and he will not allow the birth of the next Rulai." "

"Even if Kinaro wins for a while, he can't win a lifetime. "

"Therefore, after several times in the Four Realms, except for this Xiang Yu, who is unknown and mysterious, and hostile to Xitian and the demon race, Haotian is not tolerated, there is no better partner to work with. "

"It's not just because Haotian has the biggest suspicion, our choice is only this one. "

The greedy wolf sighed and said, "The eldest brother is right, but I still feel that the risk is too great, and unclear heels are the biggest risk." "

Emperor Gou Chen said silently: "Where there are perfect things in the world, extraordinary things must be done in extraordinary times, and this is what we did when the court collapsed on the first day of that year." "

"In this case, I can only follow my eldest brother, do I need to tell my mother about this?" said the Greedy Wolf King.

Emperor Gou Chen hesitated for a moment: "You go back to visit your mother and inform her of our decision." "

The first fairy of the four realms must be the queen mother, then the second fairy is Doumu Yuanjun, but Doumu Yuanjun has never interfered in the affairs of the four realms, the first day of the court collapsed, Doumu Yuanjun did not appear, it seems that her nine sons do not care about what they do outside.

All along, the nine sons were not clear about their mothers.

"Big brother, is there really a road after the Golden Immortal?" said the broken army.

Emperor Gou Chen smiled and said, "Ninth brother, you haven't even entered the Golden Immortal, knowing this is not good for you." "

Wen Qu Xingjun blinked: "Big brother, I want to know." "

Emperor Gou Chen was stunned: "You guys, forget it, since you want to know, it doesn't hurt to tell you." "

The Golden Immortal is considered powerful, and the Nine Brothers have seven Golden Immortals, and only the Broken Army Star Sovereign and the Wuqu Star Sovereign have not entered the Golden Immortal.

A Seven Golden Immortals and Two Immortals, this is the reason why they are feared.

"There is a road behind the Golden Immortal, but it is theoretical, it has not been confirmed, and Rulai and Haotian want to confirm it. "

"How to confirm?"

Emperor Gou Chen looked up at the sky: "Conquer him!"

"Conquer him?" the Greedy Wolf Star Jun's face changed, and then he gasped: "He has existed since Chaos opened up, how to conquer such an existence!"

Emperor Gou Chen's face was calm: "So you are just a greedy wolf star jun, just a small golden immortal, and Haotian is a great Tianzun and has come to the end of the golden immortal." "

"As long as there is no opposition in the four realms, only Haotian's voice, there is the confidence to conquer him, and in this process, we, Xitian, Chennaluo, and the demon race, are all his stumbling blocks, kicking off the stumbling blocks cannot satisfy him, he has to step on the stumbling blocks to be satisfied." "

The greedy wolf's heart tightened: "Big brother, do you have hope?"

"Hard! Hard! Hard!"

Emperor Gou Chen sighed three "difficulties" in a row: "Not to mention that this road is only theoretical, even if it is true, it is almost impossible for me to take this step." In fact, the first to walk out of this road was Di Jun, and I suspect that the fall of Di Jun had a lot to do with walking out of this road. "

"Back then, Di Jun's authority was ten times greater than today's Hao Tian, and he almost died on this road. "

The giant gate star jun thought thoughtfully: "It seems that there was a big battle with him before the fall of Di Jun, which led to the fall, if Di Jun does not embark on this road, I am afraid that no existence can overthrow the First Court." "

The seven brothers all nodded slightly, remembering the demeanor of the emperor back then, they were all leisurely and fascinating, and they were very admiring.


Emperor Gou Chen suddenly moved in his heart, looked outside the Gou Chen Palace, and saw Taibai Xingjun floating, bowed down and bowed: "Taibai asks to see Emperor Gou Chen." "

"What is this old lackey Haotian doing?" Wen Qu Xingjun frowned slightly.

"Come in. "

Emperor Gou Chen's flat voice sounded in Taibai Xingjun's ears.

Taibai Xingjun waved his sleeve robe, and bowed again, and he couldn't fault anything in etiquette, so he slowly walked into the Gou Chen Palace, saw the Great Emperor Gou Chen, and said loudly: "The Great Heavenly Venerable edict, the Great Emperor receives the order." "

Emperor Gou Chen slowly got up and stood with his hands in his hands.

Taibai Xingjun spoke: "Gou Chen Taiji Heavenly Emperor suppressed the Pingtian Great Saint Bull Demon King, the Covering Sea Great Saint Jiao Demon King, the Chaotian's Great Saint Peng Demon King, the Moving Mountain Great Saint Lion Camel King, the Ventilation Great Saint Macaque King, and the Exorcism Great Saint Yu Tamarin King, regardless of life or death!"

"Got it, you go back. "

"Taibai retreated. "

After Taibai left, Emperor Gou Chen said, "Haotian has already begun to clean up the forces of the demon clan, seven brothers, transfer troops and generals, come with me." "

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